Dunfordi of Chicago. The bride wore an ivory satin princess gown, and botb a long tulle veil and one of fingertip, lengtb attached tc a braided cap.. She carried calla lhues. Her only attendant, Mrs. J ames ]Kel- ley of Wilmette, wore1 a Pink* chiffon gow n and a wide leghorn bat trimimed *ith flowers. She carried, a large sh ower bouquet, of sweet peas. B13ridc's roses and white peoniýes dec- orated all the àltars of. the church t here the ceremony took place at 10 o'clock. The brdeégroom's brotber, Frank Dunford of Detroit, served as best man, and the ushers were Ed- 41ward jochim of Oak Park and Charles tPatterson, brother of the bride. Awedding breakfast iUt.he Geor-, gian hotel was held after the mnarriage cereinony, and was followed in the afternoon by a reception at the home of the bride'g mother, Mrs. Bernard Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Dunford are now on a month's motor trip to Quebec, the Gaspé peninsula, Nova Scotia, and the ::Saguenay, river, district. Ontheir re- turn they will take anl, apartmnent iii Chicago. Center Hears Head of jWaulcegan Garden Club Mrs. A. E. Enerson, president of the Waukegan Garden club, wbicb has charge of programns each Monday in July, at the North Shore Gardeni center headquàrters in Wînnetka Community House, gave the first of the prograns' Monday of this week, lecturing on "The History of the Japanese Flower Art." She tracedý the. art from its. origin in India,' and stated that arrangements were first made to preserve the flower. To sug- gest natural growth, buds, open, flowers, leaves, and old blooms are ted, conzt *j. iAo nesoan As the chapter metnbership is com- Posed of Inenbers from Winnetka, Wil- Mette, and Kenmlworth, the Woman's clubs in these three villages have kindly. Offered to cooperate in thiswork. Each organization plans to put on two pro- gram s during the, year. The chairman for the Winnetka, Woman's club isý Mrs. Frank Fulton, 884 Hili road, Winnetka. The Woman's Club of'Wlet ilb repesetedby rs. R. Mi Campbell, 631 Central avenue, Wilmette. Mrs., Dudley Taylor, 244 Cuminor road, Keniilworth,- will represent the Neigb- bors of Kenilwortb. The general chairnian of. the commit-. tee is. Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., 300 Ab- botsford road, Kenilworth, regent of the Skokie Valley chapter of ýthe D. A. PL The entertainments .vill be giveni once a month, beginning in September. For Brownson Circle .Mrs. Frederick M. Clar*ke will give a bridge party for the Brown son circle at her home, 931 Oakwoodý avenue, Wilrnette, at 1:30 o'clock, Wednesday, july 10. This is the fourth of a series of parties to benefit the Scholarship fund.. Members and friends of the Brownson circle are invited. for june Garden Club.Piei Tne Wilmette Garden, cl ub ,is hav-. ing -a picnic luncbeoip Friday of this w.eek with a flower jtdging çontest held in conjunction with the mneet- ing.. Mrs. B. F.. Davis will be bost- ess to the* members at;FafrWays, ber home in Deerfield.. Members of the clüuwiIljudge, the exhibit. Enifertains Mr.josephine M.Jaeger, Gregory ayenue,, entertained a ofber friends at a luncheon and party Saturday, june 22.,: few- ,card Mrs. Landon Hoyt, Jr., 515 Sheri. dan road, entertained Monday at tea in honor of Mrs. Merle Clancy of California, who is 'visiting ber daugh- ter and family, the Alfred Wiltberg- ers, in Evanston.ý<ises SUN-PRUF I. CREAMI FREE SCIIOOL '0F STEP NUMBER1IMRÉE The. cylindfical curve of a Ions corrects asligmaiBm, Aimer Coe precision in Ibis opera- lion mece afiaiyour. specta, des have girecder accuracy andyoureyesgrealercomfori. AlmerCiàe Coinp.,g OPTICIANS I Garden Parfy Bectty ]Bonnet, 157 -Robsart place, Kenilorthentertained thirty guests at a buffet supper and, Sunday of lagt week. Unden Ave. 138 Contrai Ave. Wilmmtte Drug, C LO Foutop qiaw'e