Sîiers, 16 to 15. At the end of the regulation seven innings the score was tied, 13 to 13. Hoffmann's won ini the extra inning. In other EFasy, Pitching, leagvue games last week the St. Francis team won . ýfrom Y.M.Cp , 16 to 13, and Beyrer's Electrics trampled on the Hoodjunis, 27 to 4. ýWozmesi .emgtm Starts The, recently organized wme' league got off to a flying* start ,Iast week. Tbe T. N. . T. team wvalloped the Utnknows, 27 to 5, and the Cli- quots beat the Blanks, 22 to 13. Tbe womnen's teams ' play, five-inning Fýollowiiig are the stan dings in the various leagues-: Hoffmann Florists Nelson Laundry East Siders Beyer Electrjcs, St. Francis Y. M.- C. Hoodiunis Unknowns Elmwood Avenue Neighbors wernen's . T. N. T. CIliquots, tnknows Blanks :Won 4 3 2 WVon Lnst O 1 3 3 3 3 3 .4 5 Lnst 1 i i i Pet. 1.000 .571 .500 .500 .400 .250 .200 .000 Pet. 1.000 .000 .000 FAREWELL TEA Mrs. George Quinlan, 715 Greeni- leaf. avenue, was bostess at a tea I'ast Monday in bonor of M.\rs. Theodore H~. Barrett, wbo is moving out of town. consuli:ng radio engineer to the Japanese goverfiment. One of the ~highlights of the 1Freeman visit *as a japanese Sukiyaki dinner party for fourteen at the Tucker home on Thursday evening. The table ýwas set with: appropriate. decorations, and Japanese customs and manners were in order. Followingé dinner Mr. Free- man - projected pictures and gave. a Most interesting account'of their re- cent trip*to the Orient. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman arýe-forméer resident of Wilmette. GUESTSI IN KENILWORTH4 Mrs. Paul, Sibley and da ugbter, Carolyn, of Minneapolis, who' are-on their way to NewYork, bave been guests of Dr. anidMrs. F. W. Fuer- manni of 206 Winnetka avenue,: Ken- ilworth, and left.Tuesday. 'Dr.. Fuer-. manni's niece,- Mrs. L. 9. Hart of Dayton, Ohio, and the Fuermann's -daughter, Mrs Glenn Hutt of Cleve- land, were guests. Mr, Hutt bad been in Mexico on business. Miss Elva M. Waters and Mrs. Paul L.- Robertson, Margie ,Lou, and Paul, Jr., all of Miami, lef t Wed- nesday after a visit witb their sister and famnily, the Arthur L. Rices of 518 Central avenue. Mes. Rice wil meet ber busband in St. Louis wbere they will make their 'home. son, 1026 Asbland avenue, will Mr' and Mrs. George Hutli, and Tuesday for a vacation at Big daughter, Barbara, 119 Abingdon lake, 'Minn. Tbey will also vis avenue, I eft Kenilworth Monday to St. Cloudi, Minneapolis, and St. motor to their sumimer bone at Land They expect to be gone two wë o'Lakes, Wis., whereý they will be until after Labor day., -Mrs. Huth's brother,. George LilI, IJeft on Wed- nesday to spend a week witb them. Mr. and Mrs. Jame s1 E. Hicks and HG RO baby, of New York, left Saturday HG RO after a visit with Mrs. J. A. Cuibers- Lag or Beer ton of 220 Meirose avenue. Kenil- worth, wbo is M'r. Hicks' aunt. mde wIII ithe messageés of Our Advetisers ADVÈRMIER Ae Noter Sales.....Cover Ill' Bamrtel's...................... s Biiiy Boy Nut Kitchen..... .31 Blaun Pha.rnary... .........5 Bun.................2 Boinein the Tailor........... 8 Book Nook................. 3*g Boulevard Ding Store ...4,,, Braun Bros. 011 Co . ...., 49, là' ChandI.v' . .. .. . .. .. .. ..3 )n- Cee, Aimer & Ce ............ 2S av olette Soeurs .............. 12 ,ish Coni'ninty Thaeatre.........8Si in CnuesC .....CvrI aul. CuuisC....CvrI :. Co-Op .....................u - Crystal Lake Country Club . BS1 DeNelda. Beanty Salols.....18'l Ericison, Ben ..............81I Evauston Aeadeniy or Fine Arts.... ....... ... 23 Everett's ............ ...... 29 Everifreen............. s PAGE ADVERTISER. PAGE MHeer Laber Co..... . Cover IV lestjiaul Bics............... 14 Milien Hardware Ce ......... 89 ,Morgan, H. T - .............. l& Mtotors Service........Cover IV New Ocean House ............ la New Trier Service Station,..40 Northi Shcre Draina Festival-. S6 Nufer's Cale................ si 011 Barnlng Engaceers ........ 46 Puglirulo, DIl................. 4 Pauling, E. G. Co ....... 1......S82 Peaeci Ale Co .............18s Peaeork. C. DB ..... ........... 4 Peacoci Ice Crean ....... Penusylvania 0& Co......18 pu blie . Srvîee Co. . . Quinlan Tyson .............S$à Reuneekar Drig Ce ........56, Si Reilseh Warelucuse ........... 88 Ridgfe Ave. Pbarmaey......... Riochdale lIn................. l lina Cle..r.......... No need to go a way, sacrîfièiing time and mnny. for full information. There is no obligation. today 1HMELBLAU, BYFIELO AND COMPANY' 36 South Throop.St., Ghiçago Phone Haymarket 8740 Kahler. Loek and Trunk Sbop. .1 La Carita Beauty Salon ........ 4 Lord's................ .19, 2& Lyman FbarmacY........4, 8, 26 v.imrt uonea.> S ..... Wllmette Mu'sic £&Iadie Slacp. .84 WiInette State Bank .... Cover il WllImette Theatre............Si Wilson & Co ............... 18 Winters, Gee.,B ...........i .4 .8*,