tnemej. 1dults, July l2-13-"Daring Young Man." For aduits and youth. July l4-15-1G6-"Weddijig N i,g ht.» For aduits. Excellently produced. Not to be understood by children and too much for youtb. July 17-l 8-"Little Miss Marker." Sentimental social comedy. Ver well acte.d and amusing for the faniily. Teatro dèl Lago July ll-l2---"Wedding N;ight." Ex- cellently produced. For aduits. July l3-"Air Hawks." Ralp.h Bel- lamy and Wiley Post. For aduits and youth. July' l4-I6--"-'Our Little Girl.?' A typicalShirley Temple film. Family. July I 7-19--"Tbe Informer." A dults and youth. To aure for childr-en. -Vivyen ne M. Morin, secretary.l .Pôultry, husbandmen, various spe- cialties, $2,600 to $4,600 a year, De- partinent, of Agriculture. 1Associate agronomist, cyptologist, liber tecbnologist,. geneticist;' path- ologist, and physiologist (cotton), $3,200 a year, Department. of Agricul- ture. Senior metallurgisî, $4,600 a year. M edical . officer, and assistant, and associate medical offilcers, varlous spe- cialties, .$2,600 to $3,800 a.year,. Statisticians, $2,600 to $5,600 a ye ar, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Newcomers to Wilmette-Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0. Main-living at 1404 Forest avenue. I l -Whit. ow .4 El25C CocamUL 2h19c Grap J.llu . 17Ç RlhVine" i2 5< sandwich . ?tI 10< Ec.,. Olive 011 . C3%39 Reich Salad 011 *. Mu125c 'Mit CRUW? AMI Coconog. . ¶i2ýf99 SwadI..11 ,. 33&if25< Baki.,g Powds,. AI I7c MaCUTE. SPAMWMUem umgRSg Yukon Club. 3 =- 25c Nutar Tm. . St1 2 o0oz. 17c PKGS. Imm làha " mi rmmd wkuoieey. mim s food vdalue oProv, eD ou, mad@imi fria nd cass - w. d 5 Tm.ocm s $hop mmd" mv as A & P. RAJAH SALAD. DRESSIIIGil JAR 29c 9-MZ.JAR ils..PINT JAA le GINGER ALE JAND ASORTED 1BEVEiRAGES (PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT) ICE CRIEAM POWDER,. CHOÇOLATEt PUDDING OR_ SPARKLMEIGEAiN6 a-25 -ô TRIJE FRUIT PLAVORSP #&OUR OWN" BRAND BLCKTU AZ17c ANPAGE PRESERVES JAR* 15C BULTANA BRAND 2-LB. JAR Me PEANUBR R ,1 7c UJWD AND MELLOW 00" &T OCK CFFEE 1ALs 17e RE C RL COFFEE LB. Ille BOKAR COPES .L. specials for, SWIFTS SELECTED AGED RiB. ROMS >T2 Ib21c 1 st 5 ribs. lb. 27'Iac FULL STANDARD QUALITV-NEW 1936 PACK FINE STANDARD QUALITY 29C mu..v. ~ e I .U TC- * Qw T. f E955toi *~STALK 5C j TED Apean Dry Cleoner e 4GRATATLNTC OP C I eALLCo Fresh Ground Seef 7 - I RAI. ?rAx - l', () 1 oc PLUS lie mwb .1 1'l ý