18-bote finals wiIl be played for, the Illinois trophy. This latter event should provide aIl the thrills of keen competition. The, thirty-two players wbo survive the qualifying round. of, 18 holes in theSpots ndPastimes tropby play will start, into. the elimination rounds the following Saturday until'the.win.- ner of Ithis tropby is determnined. Sunday afternioon, July 14, features the Husband and wife. cbampionship,, with special, prizes for low gross couple and Io W net couple.. Ke continues to be:.the popular Saturday. evening social event, ex- cept this Saturday, July 13, when everything makes way for -the 'big- dinner dance. Earl Voyle's orchestra has been engaged and the -usual large turnout is expected. Make Dra stie Cut in Cost of Train MeaI&- Mleals for a full day abôard a crack~ transcontinental train for 90 cents. It's-.a fact. Breakfast, luncheon and dinner for less than a dollar!I Startinig juIy 6, the Chicago and North Western raiîway and Union Pacific system introduced what is togtto be the most radical de- parture ever made in service on a train. Fromi now on passengers in th( coaches and tourist sleeping cars on the Los Angeles Limited can get their *"This is another definite blow at the old idea that eating~ on trains was a îuxury only for the f-ew," R. Thom- son, passenger traffic manager of the -INorth Western raiîway stated in ex- plaining the move, "some time,,agô we i n t r o d u c e d 'seîect-your-price' meals on, oui dining cars, at ra dicaîly reduced prices. They were received enthusiastically by travelers. Simi- larly, with tthe introduction of the '400' nhr niilie-a-minute train between cash. Pfies- Othersizeslnpro- portion. Pricem uubject to change .without notlwe State @les tax, if amy, additional. 00 these LOW PRICES son: As. Goodyear oeil MILLIONS M( than the dealers foi mann spent the summer with Mrs. Ostermann six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Barton, 257 Renilworth avenue, saile d on Satur- day on the Britannic ,for a. twc ots' tour of Europe. STATION NO. 10 WiInmette Ave. end Ridge Rd,. WIUmtt STATION NO. 17 PriieAve. end Ceufral St., vo.st@. B GUARANTEE AAST IOAi UAZAIW* AT Y tire at rhe rea- All over America, Goodyear Deniers are celebrating SPEEIWAY.-,WEEýRp.. FEATURING