Highlights from every section-on every floor-make Field's Evans- ton Store one of July's briglit spots. These highlights, chosen because they were the best values we could find, can save yQu many dollars and many hours of hot weather shopping. TELPHNE: 'Rogers Park. 8560 .. reemqf .6600 *0*Wîlmette ý4300 * ~ in% * IIMk 600-- Special Higjhigbts for Wome. COTTON ROBES.....15 Checks, stripes and floral patterns suitable for beach.or lounging. Other sheer cottons at $Z.93 and $3.95. MISS, SIMPLICITY ...........S5 The light. weight voi4e foundation that's perfect for summier. White. or tearose-lace contour bust. CHIFFON HOSE . .2 pairs. S1.45 -thread riigless'chiffon in the most ouarSumnier shades. SPORT HATS .. .. S1iAs Attractive stylesand shapes ii cool white linen. WHITE- SHOES....... S2.95 rhere .are seven styles in this group 7-pumps. straps, ties, in leather, fab- tic -or shubuck. WHITE ELK SHOES. Attractive sports style's ini gillies, T-straps.anid.ties." $2.95 slacks, SUIT CASES...$S2.75 Well constructed cases in black or brown. fabrikoid. 15, 18 or 21-inch siues, Thlmgs for lime Beach SLIPPERS............... SO Rubber bathing slippers for wearn the water or on the beach. BEACH BAÇ . 12 Rubber ined canvas in bright colors -made with, hookless, fastener. 12 and 14-incl sizes. j? Warm Weother Fashions go in for Comfort: 8 9 ad$10 Dotted swiss dii- ity dres 'wit d ai n ty organdy vesýýt a n d ruif les on the sleeves. -In The four dresses sléetched. are typicat of the do.zxns of fresh, nezew fashions to be fouitd on' the fou rth floor. Here's A n, ex- tremely smnart en- semble - a plaid seersucker swag- ger coat with pique skirt. In Thbe smnartest of pl1aid seersucker suits is trimmed with white pique a apoerf ectly Er ight colors in- dividualize t h i s printed crepe afternoon dress. .1.During July and A uguast This Store 17111Close gf~4~ gay én JULY 11 1935 - Yul