Becomes Bride of C. C. WiIIiamson Miss Beatrice Catherine ,Hill-. inger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. . Hillinger, became the bride ofChenowçth Charles. Williamù- son, son of Mr., and Mrs. Ches- ter Wiliamnson of Fair mont- W. Va., Saturday, July 6, at 10 o'clock in the morning, at St. Joseph's 'church.. The,.Rev. ýRaymond P. Hillinger, brother of th e bride, performed the niar- niage ceremony, assisted by the Rev. Leonard Haiabuirt, the Rev. Arthur Sauer, and the 'Rev. Don-_ aid Kelly. A solo was rendered during the cerenony by Miss- Marie Kunz of Chicago. The bride's gown was fashioned of rare ivory lace, with a long train, and a girdle of braidedI satin. Her veil of lace and tulle, extended beyond her train and was caught at the backW of her head to a tiara, fashioned of the same lace as ber gown. . She car- ried a shower bouquet of orchids, valley liles, and white sweet peas. Marcella Kummer, ber maid of honor, wore peacb mousseline-de-soie, over peach satin, with a hair braid bat of Eleanor bit-e, and carried talis- year-ôld Anne Leach, daugbter of Mr, and1 Mrs. Frank Leach of Rogers j Park, was a lovely flower girl, dressed in blue mousseline-de- soie, witb b-at to match trinuned in peacb,. and carried a colonial bouquet. Kenneth Hess, -of-Chicago, formerly'i of Fairmont, W. .Va., servied as best man., The',ushers were Joh n Schma *of Glencoe, and Pbillip L. Hiillinger,, Jr. o! Wilmefte. Tbe bridegroom and tbe attendants wore white linen suits. 14rs. Hillinger. wore~ black lace, pre-nuptial parties were giv- g the past month; Mrs. John of Glencoe was hostess at a tower ini honor o! Miss Hill- Marcella- Kumme.r,-,gave L. shower for ber, and. Mrs.. N.' Chiçagoý Girl Marry At St. Augustine's Episcopal churcb, *Wilmette, last Saturday afternoon the marriage of Miss Harriet Rae, Barter, daughter of Mr. and 'MrÉ.: Franklin D. Barter of, Rogers Park, a nd Thomas Marteli Brown, Son of Mr. and. Mrs., Clyde T. Brown of 1710 Walnut avenue, Wilmétte, was solemnized at 5 oclock by the Rv Francis J. Tromp. he: bridegroom's brother,, Kim- ball Brown, best man, and the bride's youngest sister, Ruth Anne, was bridesmaid. A wedding* supper for eighteen guests, iffmmdi-. ate of.the two famnilies, fol- lowed the ceremony at Vera Me- gowen's. After a short wedding trip Mr. Brown an-d bis bride will reside with the former's parents until autumn wherLtb ey will take an>,apartment on 'the north shore. Mr. Brown is a graduat.e of New Trier J:Jgh scbool and attended the Uiniversity of Illinois where he was a member of Theta Xi. fraternity. He *is now in the advertising 'department -of the Chicago Daily News, where, also, bis father. is chief of 'staff ofý photographers. Gives Bridge Luncheon Mrs. NewelI Knigbt, 525 Brier street, Kenilwortb, who recently re- turned f rom a three weeks' motor .trip ast to attend lier class reunion at Wellesley, visited f riends at Providence, R. I., and Montclair, N. J. Mrs. Knigbt was hostess at a bridge luncbeon Wednesday of hast week in honor of Miss Mary Owen o! Montclaïr wbo was ber bouse guest and also a guesto! Mrs. Ricb-, ard Lake in Evanston. Bride-to-Be ent of a former Wil- zabeth Ct are Barry, ni Wicttrak, son of Leon J. Wiatrak of ità*unced Sundav b'y M Aiss- Gunborg Peterson of 309 Seventeenth street is the fiancée of Apidree Willard, also of Wilimette, a.nd.son of Mai-vini Willard of Chi.e cago, hep, sister, Mrs. John Frank- lin Grimes of Evaîîston, an,,ouicc'd at a, recent evening bridge part.y. Former Wilmette Girl, Engaged to Be Married Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomas Barry of Seat-tle announce the 'engagement of their daughter, 1Flizabeth Clare, to joseph John Wiatrak, son- of Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Wiatrak of Cbicago. The betrothal was revealed at a tea Mrs. Barry and her daugbter gave at their home Sunday afternoon, July 7, in bonor of a friend of the latter>. .Miss Barry was graduated from. Mallinckrodt High school in Wilmette and attendèd the University of Wash- ington. Mr. Wiatnak is a graduate o! $t. liznatius Hi2h school in Chicago The et Adler, aunt of the bride, 'entertained mette gi at a shower.- -A luncheon was given to Joie j by Miss Majorie Post of Wilmette Mr.. an in honor of Miss H'Ilinger. Chicaq.o, The young couple have left for a her pare 0-ef* ,té Ô61.-Thtomnas Second Party of Summer, JuIy 17 The seco.n.d of the, parties plan- med by the ways a nd meanis coi-, mittee of the Wo-man's Club of Wilirhette to.fil the summer gap inclub activities xviii take place onQ Wednesday, july 17. 'This ente.rtainiment xvii l)e. a luncheori b)ridge; the tinie, 1 o'clock; the place-, the cl) house, Greenleaf avenue> andTenth street. Mrs. George D. Conlee, chairman. of ways and means, bas choseti Mrs. Wi- liam H. Scott and Mrs. Albert G. Ac k- erman to arrange the affair. The as: sisting.chairmen are Mrs. Herbert Mul- ford, Mrs. Charles R. Mahan, Mrs. Charles- F. Kremner, Mrs*. N orman C. Denio, Mrs. Han-y E. Smhoot, Mrs. George D. .Coonley, Mrs: Julian F. Stark, Mirs. E. L. McDow, and Mrs. Ludwig -Skog. Mrs. Walter Gougb bas charge of the prizes .and Mrs. Lincoln Torrey and Mrs, ..Arthur G. Bloomn are planning the luncheon. Reservations may bc made with any o ne of the cot 1 hnttee. Thestparties afford a pleasant means o! entertaining house guests or of re- newing one's club affiliations. In .îhe past they bave been niost enj oyablé ad the personnel of the present comrnittee insures the saine result.-E. G. W. Announce Marriage of Elizabeth L. Barroil Mn., and' Mrs. Henryý Edward. Bar,- rol of 331, Linden' streçt,, Win netka, announce tbe marriage o!itei daughter, Elizabeth Laird, to Aibentus Edward Wright, Jr., also o! :Winnet- ka. Mr. Wright is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. A. 'E.' Wright- of Los- Angeles, former1y of Wilmet-te. Reading Circle Hots Mrs. Louis Bruch of Evauistonm will have the meeting of her Reading *circle, of which there - ar 'e mostly *Wilmette. members, on wednesday, july M1. jLuncheon will jp 'eeh I