Gay Garden Party To Aïd-- Orphans, Numerous' are the*-diversions planniedto entertain those at- tending thé g.ay garden party for the Lake Bluff orphanage Sat- urday, July 13, f rom 10 o'elock in the morning until 7 in the eve- ning. The fete will beheld in Belormne (Beautiful Oaks)., the estate of Mrs. I-arry M. *Mc- Intosh in Lake Forest. Sue Hastings' delightful Marion- ettes will perform . for children at I o'clock. I)ancers. fromn the Kendal Schooi of. Physical Education will' tend color and brightiyes s and grace as they dance on the grass at 4. A fashion show staged at 2 -o'clock by BIum':s will he', one. of- the highi- liglits of the afterrroon. TVhe newest modes wilI be displayed by north shore girls, miost of whomi are debutantes. Among themn are to be Narcissa Thorne,. Betty Brooks, Mar- gotReid, 'Louise Fôrgan,Frce Glore, Bettv Jane and 1,ois Rosen,, Durrie M aic o lýi, and Josçphine Templeton. A fortune teller, aptly called ".Kis- met," and a liand-writi ng expert hiav 'e heen engaged to satisfy those wlho like to attempt to solve the future .and review thîe past. Johinny Lee's pony. wili, be there for children to ride, and a Sic ilian donkey and cart is to tend a bit of attnosp1bere, of that suinny land across the sea as well as opportunity for rides. Lunch- eon and tea will be served for those seeking refres.hment; its sponsors an- nounce, as thèy reveal the entirepro- .gran. A grab)-bag, I)alloonis; flowers and cakes,,will lie on hand to tempt the puùrchaser. and if it rains, the gar- den party will bc deferred until. the following day. A. wrought-iron .(is- play and sale, and anatique, ,ilver booth are featured, too. *'A donation of $200l- already, bas .1issicrelIice flIsjcoll. 246 .ia/lfilroad, Gccc iIbe'o ("~iOl oiuiilccfora bepie fit bidedinc abe qk'cn ai thic 14'li» ni'oiSatiî,rday e. uni y .v20. WIr. .Martin DLriscoll is qencral of file '«flair, spolisored by file Vorth Siiorc groupi of Tech;iv ciui Farewell Parties Club Visits North Shore Beauty Spots The first in the series 0f tours )f outstandinrg gardens which theEvening Wil- mette, is makinig this summer, wvas. made last Sunday after-. noon, July 7. A representative. group) of local- garden enthusi- asts l)articil>ated and wvas de- lighited with > the 1beauty of the gar(lCfs visited., -WVhat a revelation it is," said a club member, Ito find tucked, away i our very midst such charming spots; un- lieraled to the worldukof cth speeding motorist. rushing by ýtheir gates, but a constant 4(y to their owners and, creatr-s a nd a happy surprise to those few privileged to glimpse their loveli- >ness" The first stop ~vs at the. Chûrch cf the. Holy Conitorter in Keniilworth, to, study the 'ýRectors Garden," aàfloral map of Palestine, amazingly correct i proportion and historical detail1 More of us should see andaprctehs cléverly conceived.piece of ,Work. Theni to the estate of Mrs. John XVW. Gary in Glencoe, twelve acres Of flowers and vegetable gardens, expanses of open lawns Nwth vistas oif Lake Michigan, enchanted wooded areas and perfect formai gardens. An evergreen-bordlered patb .leads down to the beach., býidging a rilt and losing itself in its windings aniidstnative and natu ral ized plant ings. In the. Gary tulip beds there were 10,000 tulips in blooim this spring. The groutnd3 and gardens are under:the care of -Mr. Rheinhold, wbo piloted the visitors about. The Gary estate adjoins the mi flei- re- James Simpson estate. Octir Golf The last stop of :the 'afternoon was chliMia at the homeof James K. wunsch, in *Evanston, to view bis 'marvelous del- phinium, Here was a complete con- trast, in that. everythir'g has been- ac- complisbed by intensive gardening in a ffty-foot wide back yard. Here is a ,.M, man, professionally a. plarniacist, pur- Boptist Get-together The Wilmette, Baptist Womnen's society will hold its second summer get-together at the home of Mrs. E. A. :Claar, 1301 Chestnut avenue, Fni- day, July 12. Each. member is to take her own basket. lunch and sewing. Oliver, Janie Twist, Mollie Mercer, and Frances Bluthard. Miss Helen Van Dane of Sarasota, Fia., a bouse guest of Miss Oleson,, was amohig them. Cocktail Party Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webster, 1601 Tenth street, entertained at a cock- tail party Saturday preceding the dînner dance at Skokie Countr* club. est preserve, Green Bay road and Birae>- side, Saturday afternoon and eveninlg, August 3. The inembers wili bring basket lunches and build wood ires and table gardening. Harry Pifer and HIarold Willott will have charge of the arrangenint.-.C