nteiesting Frogruin Plenty of .big entertainnient news makes the Teatro del Lago schedule ci vital interest this ýweek. One of theý most powerfül highlights, is the per- formuance. by Victor' McLaglen as Gype' Nolan in "The informer," which1 SHOW- FIGHT PICTURES An. idded attraction. at the Te- atro del Lago -next Wednesday and Thursday, july 17 and 18, will, be the'films of the Louis-Camera *fight. ýLouis tnay be the next world ' heàvyweightý champ, andi this is an excellent chance to get a vivid impression of his speed, power .and lit heness. theTeatro wilI preste next Wednes- day and Thursday, july 17- and 18. McLaglen gives a port 'rayal of Acad- emy calibée in. showing what happens to a man who .betrays bis pal to the English for a twenty-pound eward.* Margot Grahamne, new to the Amei-' can sceen, also wins honors, in this story which plunges ogie into the niidst of the Irish rebellion. New Shirley Te~mpe Filmn The Teatro has dedicated Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, july 14-16, to Shirley Temple fans. They will likei the amnazing tet in "Our Little Girl," a touching social dramna in which a devoted littie girl attemptsto restore1 at the Varsity theater Friday, - Sat- urday, Sunday and - Monday. Fredric March livp,.s the roie of the pesecuted Jean Vaijean, while'Chartes Luhon throws- al b'is. pWer ntanunforgettabte'portraya1 of the brutal Javert. Readers witl rejoice* Over the fact that W. P. Lipscom, *ho adapted the novel for the filmsi, and. Richard Boleslawski, director, were atmnost invariably 'faitbful to Hugo.ý One could ask for- no better charac- teizations than those by Florence Eldridge a 's the frail factory worker and by Sir Cedric -Hardwicke whom 'Darr.yl. Zannuck prevailed upon -to Play the Bishop of 'Bienvenu. Tuesday and Wednesday, the, Van- sity presents Bette Davis in the Tenth Avenue." Miss Davis-will be remembemed for hem excellent charac- ýerizatio11s in "0f Hurnai Bondage", and "Bordertown." Mae Clarke this Friday and Saturday. Comical dialog and plenty of reresh- ingly, different material make this picture a mest satisfying piece cf entertainment. Th e story concerns itself with the romance of Jimmy and Mae, a swell pair of kids, who are good reporters on rival papers and censtantly get ment horizon-as 'one of the-seasoôn's outstanding attractions. Patrons sip refresjhments ýat cool white-topped tablessrruinth marbie -dance floor and scattered among the,:trees and along .the ad- joining breakwater. The popular-it3y of Fioc-Ritc's troupe. cf thirty enitertainers, âû the1 fa -ce of the past inclernent weather, again focuses attention on the shcwmanship of William M. Dewey, mana'ging di- rector cf the Edgewater. Beach hotel. The' dynaýmie' hotet-impresarie is pay-. ing the higbest. price he ýever paid. fer ai band, and the composem-eader's orchestra is drawing the largest, pat- ronage, locatty and nationalty n h resort's history. ýth Along withbis captivating musical arrangements, Fie-Ritep r e s en ts Muzzy Marcellino, roman-tic ybfzng singer; the Three Debutantes and the Fiorettes, trio and duo cf lovely, te teck at and bear girl hammony singers; Frankie Papile, accordion virtuose, and Johnny ("Candy") Can- dide whose two-tones veice offers- the ýnewst in comedy singing. DIETRICH GOES MODERN Martene Dietrich will go cmrnte.v J.nursaay, jay il Hele H~ea - Bbt. Montgomery Mgy obso -0Oto Kruager Jo. Cook, mdy-Musical ]Fýry,. saturday, .Tly 18-18 James DuxPn -Mas Clark, NIl IHamilton Three Stooges Comedy No xt ews Saturday Matine' Only-1-The Phantom ]Empreejçptri Sunday, MOnday. Tuesday, Gary Cooper - Annma Btein SRa]ph Bellamyv Easy Aces in d'Lttle Old N~ew York" Molasses 'n January - News Wednesday, Thursday, July 17-18. "LITTLE miss AKR Shirley Temple - Adolphe Menipu Cornedy - Dumnbeli J.ettems - News M-icrea, Kosemary Aines,.jLyle Talbot and J. Farrel McDenald, do splen- did work. John Robertson directed. Raiph BeIlamy Stars This Saturday, Ralph Bellamy, formerty of Wilmette, and Tala Biril and Wiley Post, famous'aviator, haýve the leading roles in "Air Hawks." It's a thriller, Murder pierces the skies until one reckless pilot braves the clouds to challenge the death ryad its flendis.h inventnr y *Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 14-16, the Witmette présents "Theé Wedding Night." Gary Cooper, Anna Sten and Ralph Bellamy are outstand- ing in this beautifully unfolded story. H.ees Grand Opportunity If you missed "Little Miss Marker," one cf Shirley Temple's early star- ring pictures, don't fail te sec it at the Wilmette theater Wednesday and Thursday, july 17 and 18. In case you've seen the film, vou'll eni<oî itl Acres loPr.. ParGh1,no Sae. M"oJanla Land- Pê.aWilMOtte..Winnetka 39#0 11-12 Pi.ODpt Delive17 Ph one -#EN ERICKSON WIm.t.4092 Regutar 6kc quart ... qt. '1éJV, W. înke ourown c Cr.àam BILLY BOY S19 Devis Stioet Evanston ILas% Firet I et the "THE GIRL FROM l"ttiAVENUE» ]EXTRA LOUIS - CARMERA FIGHT PHCTURWS