EXP. AND WELIL RECOMMENI>î.1j) Gofod Wages j Lindgren Enipi. Agency Established 25 years 799 Elin St. Wlnn.1.4 ________ _______71LTN2-tfc GIRL FOU GENERAL HOUSEWORK, part tie daily. Block fromi trans- portation. 475 Greenfleaf (Corner of South Avenue), Phone Gleneoe 1244. _________________________ 7ILIO1-lj GIRIL, %VH1ITE FOR GENERAt. HOUtS.: 1work. Light -laundiry. Knowledge iot mokiflg. SIUtInall fmiii'. F<.r immiedjhî t, eiffiloviifeflt. $8.: Phone Wilmette 777. 71LTN1,O-1t1) COMI-ETENT ~HT HELP WANTED) with good references. APPlY in persun. -ALIJ EMPLOYMýEI,,T SERVICE 663 Vernon:Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTN13-tfe WIIEGIRLS FOR GEN.HO E. work. JOHNSON'S MMPL. AGCY. 428 Wilmette Ave. Wilimiette 414;1 71LTNLO-îtp WANTED BOOKKEEPER,' CONTROL account syÈtemn. Part Urne. Able' to, typewrite. Phone Wilniette 561. 71LTNIO-Il WAN TED- EXPER. OPERATOR. 5'must be expert manicurist. Henry j& Martha's fleauty Salon, 547 Chestnut St.,ý Winnetka, Illinois. 7lL10-Itp WHITE GIRL FOR G'EN.%ER-AL HOUJSE- work. No washing. 701-Linden Ave- nue., Vilniette 4069.1 7lLTN1O-ltp WANTED-COLORED EXPERT SHIRT ironer. Phone Northbrook 132. 71LIO-1 tp WATED RELIABLE WHiTE GIRL for general houseWorl<. Phone Kenil- worth 2532, 71LTNlfU-ltp HEL.P WANTED-MALE __ RESPONSIB LE'MAN API>LICANTS MUST BE OVERI 26 y'ears of age, of neat appearanc2e, and hatve good charactei' reference. .oui, immllediate 'proposition is lunusural as to pay and the future possibilities excep- tional to the mari h is willing to wvork to prove his ability *to hold a responsible piosition. onIy nien seeking immediat'e, permianent eînploymnent need apply. Privat ae in- tervlew,.Friday nioirninig, Jùly12,' 1.)toe 1 only, at-905 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 11DU SeeMr Goble. 72LTNIO-ltc SAELES-MINlDED 1 IZSON, WELLI AC- quainted on the North Shiorecan earnl substantial commînssi'ons selling high grade Iteal Estate through this office. If inteýrested s-ee Mr. Jenks. HPokanson & Jeniks,Iic, 513 Davis Street Evanston, 111. 29 F a aWl! '2 ord Coupe............. 25 down '29 Nash 4 ,dr. Sedan......... 35. down '30 Bu iuk 4 dr. Sedan......... 75 down 34 PlyînOuth 2 dr. Sed.....125 down '31 Studebaker Dictator.... ....... $2501 131 ilse obile Sedan .............. 275 .iS,7Pa's.$75 Star 4, dr.. .50 '28 'Marinon Cabriolet........50 Cadlllac Phaeton ............150 '29 Willys Knight Sedan...........90o '29 Stude. Sed.. ..1$90. '26 Buick ,....- ý7& Many Other Dependable Guaranteed Car:, OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS Shore Lîie Motors, me'., PI)D(E-11,YUOUTFI DEALERS J. Y. Stins6n-W. E. I-iusting 666 Center St. Winnetka. 1"77: 77A-LTN!qî-lt(., THEY ARE MvUCH LOWER, Ail Must'Go! '33 Nash Sed., perf. Guar......... $395 '31 Pontiac~ sed. Excellent ..........1295 ':31 Hudson s5pt. rds. 6 w. w........195 '3 Buick sed. New finish, tires.....195j '30 Essex sed. New finish ... ....... 165 '30 Studebaker sed., perfect......19 '31 Auburn co)nv. Phaeton.........165 '31 Reo. sedan, .Mke flQw,..........-350 e '28 Packard cust. sed., 6 w. w. 150 '29 Ford sed., newv finish, exc......15y '28 Nash sed.,1l)w ilegke, sin.all ..125, 10 CAR S-$25.00 EACH 30 Others to Secè Beside.s NASH-LAFAYETTE Co. EVA NSTO N 1735 Benson Ave. 1%.blks. N. Davis "L" REZD O. K., TAG. 1fh17Lat ccuntp '34 Chev.. Coupe, low rmile ...... .... $475 '34 Ford Coupe, Radio....... .... 475 '33 Ford D x ean ....375 '32 Ford DeLuxe Vlctori-t......... 255 '31 Olds., Sport Coupe........265' '31 Hup. DeLuxe Sdn......3 '31 Ford DeLuxe Sedan......215 '31 Ford DeLuxe Coupe...........17 '29 Ford Coach ......... . 95 OTHERS $25 AND UJP NORTH SHOREý CHEVROLET SALES' 611 MAIN ST. WIMETTE 4414 OPPOùSITE NORTH 7WESTERN DEPOT 77A-LTN10-1tc HANSON MO1TOR Co. 555 Chestnlut St. Wlnnetka 330 BES'P BITYS Meets Your Demand With These Prices, DOWN PAY'rîîm '34 Cadillac 5,sed. .... $850 ,'33 Cadillac 5 Fit.. sed. 695' '32 Cadillac V-1 2 t. sed. 495 '32, Cadillac VT-.12, t. sed. 595; '32 Cadiflac V-9815 seci.. 485 '32 Cadillac V-8 del. pha. 495 '31 Cadillac V-12 ...... .345 '31 Cadillac V -8 t. sed. . 2401i .'30 Cadillac V-8 del. sed. 135 '29 Cadillac V-8 t. sed.. .75 '29 Cadillac'V-8 del. t.L sed. 75 '31 LaSalle 5 sedan.. 175 1'1 LaSalle c onv 1. cpe.... 165 '30 LaSalle cpe.', 2-4... 135 '35 Buick twvn. cpe.. ..335 - '29-Buýick 5 sedan...... 65,1 '34 Pontiacc., c. c,,... 210- .3,0 St utz 5 sedan..... 85 '31 Packard club se... 165- LOW FINANCE COST THROUGH, GMfAC PLANS WVHEN YOU BUY FROM CADILLAC VOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING. CADILLAC EVANSTON 1810 RIDG.E AVENUE WILMETTE 956 WINNETKA 1673 77A-LTNIO..îtc LOOK COIIPARE ýTFIESEI '35 Ford DeLuxe.Tudor .. . $545 '34 Pontiac. 8, 4 Dr. Sedan ..........5 '3,Pontiac 8, 4 Dr. Sedan.....465 '32 Plyniouth P. B. Con Cpe.....295 '31 Packard 5 Pass. Vie.......... 295- '31 Nash Con. Sedan . ........195 '30 Packard 5 Pass. Sedan....... 235 '3» Pierce Arrow Con. Cpe ........ 245 '3.0 Bulck 30-47 5 Sedan.:........... 245 '29 Packard 2-4 Rdstr ........... ... 19 '28 Packard 4-43 ?haeton........... 115 '28 Cadillac Town Sed .... ......165 '28 Buick 5 Pass. Cpe .,.......... 135 '28 Pontiac 5 Pass. Sedan ï;-11 1200 Chicago Ave., Evan. Wilrette 4474 77A-aTN10-ltc. 1934 CHEVROLET, 6 WHEEL SEIDAN, $545. Evanston Chevrolet 1111 Chicago Avenue Greenleaf 8000, 77A-LTN1O0,-lic FOR OTST.ANDiNG. VALUjES IN ;ùsed cars see Our full-Page disPlay ad in this Week's, isçsue. ACE ýMOTOR SALES,. INC;.* 77A-LTIo-ltce FOR RENT-R00MIO TWO, NICELY >pURNISHED IGT ary roons suitable for couple. Kt- chen ,priviieges and garage If deslred. Near transp. Reasonable. Wtnn. 1699. A «TTRACTIVE CORNER FRONT RMl., screened POrch, yard. Private -famlly,ý ,kitchen privileges, convenlent,,to ail transp., Phone Wilmette 1954. LARGE, NEWLY DE .CORATED ROOM, suitable for 1 Or 2. Private bath and large closet. Near transportation. Rea- son able. Phone Wlnnetka 45 FOR RENT --- ATTRACTIVE ROOM, conveniexit .40w». twn location. R..- sofiable. Phone WIlmette 2399 or Wil- mettei 2427., -82LJ1NS-4tp FOR RENT - NICELY FURNISHED rooru with lavatory. East side, near lake. Good transportation, Breakfast. Phone Wilniette 5,5. 82LTN1O-ltp NEWiLY DECORATED ROOM FOR couple, Kitchen privileges. N4esr Ffubbard Woods station. Garage avail- able. Wnnetka 1167. 82L10-ltp DESIRABLE ROOM WITH SLE-EPING porch, $5. Light, airy and well located. 815 Forest Ave., Wllmette. Phone WiI- nette 858. 82L10-ltp A.TTRACTIVE SINGLE ROOM FOR gentleman. Mahog. fun. Exclusive neghborhood, near lake and transport, Wiinnetka 2144.* 82L104tp NICELY FTJRNISHED ROOMS, .L10HT housekeeping. if preferred. Near trans- portation. Reasonable. Phone Wllmette 186. 82LTN10..Itp IARGE, PLEASANT ROOM, SUIT- able for 1: or 2. Reasonable. Near 'ransportation. Winnetka 1898. 82LTN1IO-itp ARGE, PLEASANT ROOM SIT able for I or 2. Private home, kitchen. rivileges. 1Nice location, near *"L." ?hone Wilmette 3986. '82LTN1O-ltp rSINE only boul- '33 Chrysler 4 Door Sedan, ......... $550 Cheap for '32 Chrysler Coupe ................ 385 ILTNIO,-ltp '35 Plymiouth, deluxe T., Sed ....... 25 m- *- '29 Chrysler hoadster . ......150 is. hylr&Py ot ESOSSRVCIO E 535 MChRyS ER & Plym uth AY AD,. 721 Main Street Wllmette 2600 .LTN1O-ltC 77AeLTN1-ltc w E1 coach. Exceptionai dlean car. Only $360. e t t - a-p a Evanston ChevroletAml i111 Chicago, Avenue Greenleaf 8000 rentai.1 77A-LTN1-lte Over 40 Bargains3AN 4 ACE MOTOR, SALES, fINC, bath wl 435-437 Main Street, Wllmette tric refrig Telephone Wllmette 535 - Griffis lei -1 ln exc. CC evard, cash. Cal Ti- ;, IJUU mnùt