POTTOCHIPS.- Oven-crisp end fre.h. None. hbfeto be 6ad and fthe pricQ l isoft iuin- I 5-OL p&gs. 35c Colonial Cluib Aisé. Root . Be.- Lime Riekey. Spa rkling Water.: Orange Soda. 4large 4--25c, Plu" Deposit FRtEE DELIVERY University SoIad Dressimg I D4eiiusIy cramy andi freuI-Fin.e for a tu"ne 1m salid-Trunoa ah. onm»l6- Qw37,c l19c Crisp and rufueSýBi-No Quart jar Cre mettes ,ne eibow macarei-Ceoks quickIy end make. aàfine poteto substitut. amy fine. Famous for over 30 vearns- Double is- Case 'of 24-1.10 Plus Doffle Deposif - 5ic c I 3 for 23C DILL. PICKLES 19c 1.port.d :Odile Sop D 0. BEETS Frosh and fonder vegef .61. or i sal.ds, e nd so colorful as 2 bunches.5 c NEW CASSAGE For a r.freshing cold slmw or a tasty bofvgetoble. lb 3c Crisp and- stuffing. freish. Fine for bundie 9 c Just the. thing for the pie-nle lunch k or coidplaie. lb . "Jc' FRESH BIEF TONGUES Delicious sither hot or coId. IL 25c CALVESO SWEETBREADS A delicious lunch».o ntre.. 0%h rem:d. lb. 49c Fl»Riààâi £ UD %àm rIMuKe i ULARE I KUDV Brol and serve with à ring. of hot, buft.red b»is. lb.4 e SALMON STEAK A meal fish freat, epcay0 wh.n broled. l1b. -&-. 'r No Corryiaag t. Do We Deliver t. T@u WILM E 402 Linden Ave. wluaette 151 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway ROGERS PARK lm Jamvlm ]Rouera ]Pan $116 Orders Ir.saohi f. T.ur Deor AIIA>o.uth.tor t$beS à IULY 11, 1935