ot the uve orner teams in the Wil- mette Playground and Recreation, board's fast pitching league are ask- ing each other. The'Cleaners went .merrily on their way lastweek, and now have won.ten straight gaines. 'Their two victories. last week were over Welters Plaster- ers and the Wilmette. Tailors. Th'e -Plasterers were takeni into camp with comparative ease, 9 to 5, but the Tail- or's provided stiff competition. The score: Village Cleaners 1, Wilmette, Tailors 0. Trim Ace Motors Although unable to topple the league leaders, Welters Plasterersdid hiand- the second place Ace Motors team'its second defeat of the season, 1 to .0. Ace Motors, however, w'al- loped the Locust Farmn products team, 14 to 1. Wilmette Service% split even in two gamnes, winning from the Wil- mette Tailors, 6. to 5, but losing to. Locnist Farmfi products, 11 to 4. Flornsts Coing Strong In th~e easy pitching league the Hoffmnan Florists continue to set a fast pace. They are leading the league with seven straighit victo.ries. Last, week the- Florists whipped the, Beyrer Electric teain, Il to 7. On the ýopposite end of the 'ladder from ýtlhe Florists are the Elmwood -Ave. 'Neighbors, who have lost seven straight., The East Siders and Y.M\.C.. defeated the Neighbors last week by scores of 12 to 9 and 13 to 10 respec- *tively. The East Siders also treated the Beyrer Electric team roughly,> with the final count reading, 24 ýto 10. Nelson&s SwzwP Unkuowis, *The worst beating of the .Neek, *however, was administered by the second place Nelson Lauindry teami. The laundry, boys trounced the Un- knio,%ns,- 30 to 6. 'The Hoodlums also %von f rom the Unknowns by a. score of '14 to 10. The* T.N.T. teamn is ,leading the. :women's league., with. two Victories.to its credit. Last week T.N.T. 'won f roui the Cliquots, 26 to .4, while the Unknowns nosed out the Blanks,.30 to 28. Following are the tearn standings i the three leagues: FAST PITCflISG LEAGUE L. E. Sleeper of Chadron, N' soni, J. Wal ter, Jr. (Petie) is the summer at the "Y" camp mont, Mich. f ree- Mrs. Laurence M. Priddy of Sweet- water, Texas, arrived in the village, yesterday t6o. make- a six weeks' visit with lier -mother, Mrs.ý Thomas E. Lan.nen of 1021 Greenleaf avenue. MNrs.. Priddy. is the former Ruth Lan- tien. Mr., and Mrfs. George E.Chronic and their three sons Jack, 15, Dale,, 12. and Bruce, 8, moved to Wilme.tte' last' mnonth fromf Sandusky, Ohio, They are reiltiig, the home at 521 Sixth street. Mrs. Alfred S. Wiltberger o f Ev- anston was, hostess, at luncheon Wednesday. to the Play Reading groupï Mrs.. Harold Tideman, of KeniilwNorth read "Laburnum Grove," by, 1. B. Priestley., * Reod the July N 5th issue 'W of Vogue. The article en* titled. "Boniumg Up on Corsets-" is the mosi intelligent and înformaotive story, on thé Most im portant item in -the. fashion-wise woman's wardrobe that we ýhave,,read. "your ,corsetclinic" EýDGAR A. ST.,VENStEVANSTONý PA TRONIZE a~,,3nvitation TO VISIT BLUM'S EVANSTON S.HOP 15 CORDIALLY EXTENDED TO YOU WHO ARE SUMMERINO, ON THE NORTH SHORE To. add fo the pleasure 'of, your Summer, sshop ,con-ý veniently at Blum's-Evanston, where, distinctive fashions, from Blum's-Vague, Chicago, are assembled. ncluded in aur collections is a captivating selection of dresses' for active sports, for the ra.ces, and 1innumerable day- time aff airs-as we.II as immênsely UNDERcGOES OPERATIQN Catherine Tidemnan, daugliter of the Harold Tidemalis of 138 Abingdon avenue, Keniiwlvorth, underwent a ton- - silotomyWednesday oi last week at the Evanston hospital. Uer sister ' Margaret, is, spending three weeks visiting at the Valley ranch ini Wyom-. îng. 709 CHURCH STREET OUR -.,ADVERTISERS ch ic evening gownis.