iernincoaiio uir iext iaii s cairi- paigni. The Wildcat players have scattered far and wide in search of jobs for the summer. Samn Papich, senior tackle. returned. to lis home'in Butte, Mont.,- where hie is working with a road buiilding gang. Three members of the squad, co- captaiiî AI Lind, center, Don* Heap, sophomore halfba)ck, and Les Schrei*- ber. tackle,: are counselors, in the summer, camp of. Assistant Coach Jack Vance ini the wilds of northerîi Mfinnesota. Don Gevet fullback, is working ini a meat packing comnaniii his home town, Waterloo, lowa.- Irving Weg- ner, sophioniore center, has returiied« to bhis home in South Bend, where lie is emploved in a ga'soline fi.1ing station. Co-captain \Val1l- Cruice' is vtorkîng as a, salesman with a rubher coînpanv in Milwaukee. Mike Calvano sophomore guard. is driving a truck at WNaukesha, \ýVis.. Teon Fuller, cenlter, is 'wtorkinig as a life guiard in a pool in plg'in Ill., Mwhere hie resides. A number of players have remnainéd in Fi vaniston where they are working at o(ld jobs., A niumber, are beach. gnards., Among those patrolling the * he.aclies are Paul Tangora. guard. M11,'-enderson, end, Fred, Vanzo, soplomore fullback, and John Ko- v at-ch, sophomore quarterback. Hi'Bt nlder, end, is an attendant. at. the ýu11iersity tennis courts. arl De- \'1:rv. guard is a painter. Steve Toth, quarterback, is a nliglit Nvatchrnan, while Frank Rilev guard Bol) Swish- * er. hialfback, and Park WVray, tackle. h ave. 3jobsas laborers. VISITS IN MICHIGAN Miss Sara jean Cosnier of Sali Antonio, Texas, formnerlv of Kenil- w%-orthi, w~ho bas. been visitinlg fher granciparents. the Richard W. Muri- sons ýof 339. Kenilworth. avenue. *Kenikvorth,; bas. been spending two Nveeks visiting MýissDorothy SmNthic at Portage Point, Onekama, Mich. James Vaughan of Chicago was a re- cent guest of Miss 'Marjorie Smnythe adt te Smythe suminer home. the family încreased to such large Jandý numbers ail reunions. were held at Exn the I(almnes home. l is a Pat ronize Our- Advertisers "The Fiis arelifingFinte Toda gV' touch with the *Miss Helen Rathbone of Los Angeles, forrnerly of Kenilworth, hias been a guest aboard the Janidore'in Avonlon Harbor, Calif., for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Isaac, 701 Park, drive,'Kenilworth, returned Tüesday, July 9,,from a week'svisit at -the Four Sea sons Club at Pemh- bine, WiS. I LU N S DEL T.NL EP M 0 E > l