*Among the new entries, in the rnen's singles are Jerry Westerfeld,, Dave Garwvood, Don Brown, Dr. George Eisenbrand, J. Lester Mee, E. A. Emmons, Jr., and Linnie Smith. Mec, and Emmons %and -Sniith and Ei sen- brand also have entered the'double's.. Don Brown will team with Dan Kreer to forrn another doubles team. Ail-four of.:the niew cernent courts at the high school are.now in use., The fourth court was completedl last week, and was lined and ready for week-end play. The ýcernent courts, red in color, are Iined with, the co n- ventional white. In the. winter imre they rnay be flooded and used for ice skating purposes. in addition to the four cernent courts, there are four Clay Courts at the high, school, ail, of thern in excellent Condition. Christian Science I ChurchesI "Sacrarnent" wasthe. subject -of the lesson-sermon .iii ail Churches of Christ, Scientïst, on Suiday, July 14. The golden text was, "Whiether therefore ye eat, or drink, or what- soever ye do, do ail to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31). Arong the citations' which com- pris ed the lesson-sermon was- the * folowing f rom the Bible: "Moreover, brethren,, I would not that ye should be ignorant; how that ail our fathers were under the cloud, and ail passed through the sea, and were ail bap- tized unto Moses in the cloud and * in the sea, 'and did al cat the sarne spiritual mneat, and did al . drink the sarne spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual rock ithat followed them: and that rock was Christ?' (I Cor. 10:1-4). The lesson-sermon also included, the following passages from the *Christian Science textbook,. "Science EXTRA KNU4KID MILEAE We bave plenty of proof taken 4y "foot-printig" G-3 tires after long,* hard service on the cars, of our custorners. Corne see, th-le greatPUBLIC- PROVED tire!1 I.ER Ee W TUAI RATS CLAINS "G-3" users say the tire is even botter thain we claim!. Let us show you theflatter, wider, thicker tread, closer-nested non-skid blocks, wider rib., extra buy a&I for New Goodyears EA S Y RIDE As You PAY 0 u LSEEWAY C ALLU ne low as week Mrs. William Whittier, 51 Kenil- worth avenue, recently returned froni ber summer camp, Idlewild, at Sawyer, Wis. She was called home ythe death of ber cousin, Kossuth Maks ho tmade bis home with htr. STATION NO. 10 WiIsu.ff. Ave. end Ridge Rd". WIImette STATION NO. 17 PriieAve. and Central St.. Evamsto.