hobb>y 01 Dbsie Il. '.rafll Ol 1421 stoes, and lus Wite is dressed in Forest avenue Wiltnette, but she is lavender brocade lined with turquoise. interested also ini stamps and 'old Neighbors to tbemn in the Grant furniture and crocheting and the cabinet are a man and bis wife from .mouniting of insects. Indeed, she is southern France. Their wizened,. a bubbling over sort of person with tootbless faces aretrmade of tinted aen enthusiasm for if e which takes sIlk of the look and texture of stock- in- ber son, William, just, attaining ings. Eaçh has a neat black cordon the ratik of junior at Ripon, colege. the back, for hanging on the wall. fer mother, ber sister Kate- ail in Theý lady doîl is dressed in .a coarse lier bousehold-and the bosts of crash linefi black apron, and red f rienlds she b as "Made in béer 15,years kercbief. The bhead of the bouse is -witb the Winnetka. State batik, her gaily attired in red, wbite,. and, blue M '4 j 'încnes high, stanlds gracetully on. russet webbed feet bas a green corn cob for 'body, a dapper green felt coat. green chenille legs'anld arms,1 red flannel vest, and banjo. Crowning- this sartorial.effect is a black-. derby bat. His face is Made from' an Eng- lisb walnut and bis. eyes arebig and black, bis cbeeks bright red. Collaborate With Stamups Only a really excellent stamp, col- lection could distract attention froru this :arrayof dolls,, but tbe album of "First Flight" envelopes and stamps is fascinating. William Grant, 19, is the owner and,'1collector'of tbese, but bis motber kno,." as mucb about theru a-s be does. He bas 'been acquiring tbe fir St flight souvenirs, since 1930 and bas practically ail tbe issues.: whicb are numerous, about as, many. as there are important cities i ' nthe United States it would seem. TJhe Grants are proudest; lbowever>, of tbe Zeppelin and Balbo envelopes. For years young Bill bas been col- lecting stamps froru ail parts of, the wvorld, and bis mother uses ber lho- tariai fees at the bank to buv more for bim. The latest -include the Juhilee' stamps èf the. Briti sb empire, some exqisite pastel classic stamips issuied by Greece recentlv, Cliniese stamps of ail denominations-and buti- dreds of American. Germian, Cana- dial,. an'd other. stamps. Bill, with the enýthusiasm typical' of tbe true collec-; JO BESSIE .BN 17 years of residence and bier mneml)ership ini jusic, club. iii Wilmnetite,> striped lineni trousers. black felt jack- tbe WNinnetka et. and jatunti'ly sinokes a pipe. Many Iindian DolI8 heba the filse o at lbas beenl called "Farlev's Follies," blocks of commemnorative stamps tbat he biad originalv issued for bis friends. so the story goes. wbicb are unperforated anid noni-mucilaged. ýWhat with. dol's ând stamnpsad sucb, there.isý neyer a dultmoment ii, tbe Grant houiisebiold.- And more thian that, the Grants .know aIl sorts of hobbvists, proving that a hobby begets more 'hobbies. friends. fini. the- elite, or- the - character type of costume:' the Parisian beauty with ' -.u in doil. black 'ribbons ai d furbelows; a Span- Ms arc .Sudrfrel Couple from China isb senorita with black mantilla. a ofrs. Paterk H. Saunder' ormerin These are the most interesting, of demure ittie cornhusk doll from ofTWrretate, rtndato berbomaferi course. A Chinese couple 'from Asheville. Pekin have aristocratic. faces and Lady of MyÏtery a week's visit witb ber son and daugh- benevolent expressions. . Theý old Like a real community the Grattri-lw r nd Ms P. . mnan> is clad in a black brocaded dolis have a mysterious lady in their Saunders, 1015 Forest avenue. S*te. nd Monroe FPalmer Mous.Core 21 -AIN