Mrs. Schaedler after a European tour when she saw what splendid work the German women were doing along civie and educational lines. .During Mrs. Schaedler's presidency, which was over a period of six years, t he. club- had over 500 members. Attend. Golden Wedding Celebralion in. CiIy A large event in. Chicagço Monday niglit of this week was, the golden -wedding anniversary. cele-bration of the Turkish consul and his Wife, Dr. and Mrs. Brethold Singer. Among the three hundred guests attending the event at the Belden-Stratford where the Singers havýe lived for rnany years, were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wieboldt of Kenilworth and Mr. and .Mrs. Emil J. Dirks and Mr. and Mrs. Franik Schaedler of,\Wilmette. NeWcomers to the village are r.and Mrs. Wladimir Polydorof and, their thirteen-months' old son Theodo6re, who are residing at 301 Eighteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Polydoroif have been traveling for the~ n)at two vears through Europe, Pooby Stanton Wflhite Mrs. Harold Chester Crunipacker is the former Miss Mari, Marjaret Meivin of Winnetka. lier marriage ta Mr. Crnmpacker took place lune lire homne of lier parents, Mr. Ild rs. George Herbert Melviii, 654 Ash street. The bride and bride- groom will be at home. in Southt Bevd after Auglust 1. Move Her. From Rockford Refurn From Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Orville Warwick and their three children, 322 Sheridan road. Kenilworth, returnied Monday afterý vacationifig for two weeks at Green Lake, Wis. Seba Payne Announçes for MYCOUNTRY: COUSINO Suttow Road, arrigton Beginnin g Saturday, Jùly 2tIi, hrncheons wili be served by reser- vation; rom 12:ý0 until '2 o'clock. Tables for bridge as usual. Telephone Barrington 611 SAKS Hazel & Greenwood Aves., Glencoe NoRTH SHoIoe DRAMAIFESTIn>VAL, NOW PLAYING JESSIE ROYCE LANDIS and' ERNEST .GLENDINNING in a new mystery comedY "THE CRIMEý AT BLOSSOMS"1 by Mordaun Shairp Box office phones: University 4777 - Glencoe 1022 Admission prices: 82.20 - $1.65 - 81.10 - 83c 55SC Paertonze Our Adtertisers FLFTIJ AVENUE Electrical London, cLuate of the Institute of' KiIfe Tourney JuIy 25 Kiltie Day, annual invitation tour- niament, will be observed at, Skokie -Country club Thursday, July 25. The. tournamnent is openi to members and their guests. SBill trom iRock-tord to Zou KenWilIwUA Li avenue. The Blands ived i Glencoe for six vears before moving to Rock- ford a year ago. Miss Doris was a student at Rockford college last year; Chester m-ill begin bisstudies at New Trier I-îli school ini the autumn, and Barbara' will bc ini the second grade., Mrs. Edward W. Thomnas and son, Edward, Jr., 1136 Chiestnut avenue, miotored to Denver where they are spending thie sumner.. MID -SUMMERý BATHR-SOAP SALE ver- Expert New Day6nport or Chair made fo order Custom Builf Consolidai« your purchases to,$50.00 or more and pay mo nthly.. urdecorafors ore ai your service fe help you. no extra charge. WINNETKA SHOI The Chimneys--Center St.'