Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1935, p. 39

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The Coocerator, air. cônditioned refrigerator. distributed locally by the Wihinette Ice comipany,. 733 M.\ain street, 15 so arnazingly different, it is * pointed out, that it -chaniges ail your dasabout refrigeration." The. Coolerator uses ilexpensive ice and needs to be re-iced oîîly once every four to seveîî days, 'it is ex- plained. It imaintains a constant. cold Mwhether th.e ice chaýmber Is. full or nearly emipty. Ice cubes'. take only five minutes to mnake. The, air conditioning, chamiber washes and cleans the',air ini the food compartmneît-keepiîig it alwavs.fresh aind pure. It moistens and humnidifies the air-preveiitilng foods from drving ont. It circulates the air., picking up any. stra v food odors, absorhing them a nd carrying themi awav. Antd. of course... it mnaintain s steadv, constant cold. à%I8 SVJ. 8 "Guard against the danger of food spoilage with an automnatic refrigera- tor," is the advicè to its customers given out by the Public Service Coin- pany of Northerni Illinois. Automatic refrigeration, the coin- pa.ny v urther Points Put, safeguards familv hicalthi and is altogether the Mîost colivelniélit form of ýrefrigea t ion.rgea Midsumimer is the idéal, time to purc.hase auttomatic refri geration, it is, emphasized, silice outstan.ding valuies are availal)le at a ttractive ternis at this season. le"There dependable dealer near You ,"-the Company states fuirther," who lias .a, -display of nationally known refrigeratoes ini family1 sizes' and hie selis them at low, easy termis. Recause lie is a neighbor, he -il have a friendly interest in' your pu r- Chase anîd he'll do. everything hie Cap to give the utrnocst service and sa.tis- factio 1 ." CROSLEY-SHELVADOR KELINNATOR 'Eevtigin its flace and at Tule opportunity to hiave Kelvinator vNoiur finger tp, speils an outstand- clectrie refrigeration wîvth ail of its ':»ing advantage indicated for Croslev, econiomiies ,aîîdi conveniences \vithout rv frigerators distributed locallv by paying one penn\ down. is anflouniiced Adauws Electric Shop 52,5 Fourth >v. Ire(lale's. 500 Cnter street. WViIn- street. netka. whicIlî extends, the' intitation, Features 'of the: Croslev Shielvador *Conie in. todayv and select tuie Kel- ;ire numiierous and readily commiand viniator you -prefer." the attenitioni of prospective refrig- Ule .nited States. goverunient i rl, o sters. Thiese include cc.a-peratinig with Iredale's to inakc it 1the Shelvatrav slhelvabasket. storabin, posible for anvonie to have a Kel- teVIile(frtte ttmac vinator iiiiedatl, t sstte.In1iiiterior liglît, temperature control, order that the custorner vili . neyeriaml ,Upvo c cuerty missthe nony, le ha thee yarscompressor, flat bar shelves, and geix- erous spaci,îg between shelves. to pay. 'l'le first payinent is flot due ITeColvSevdrcmsi for 30 davs. TeCr.evSe- ao cresi varietv of streamlinied models, ini- Tlire re îo nilarrssig (etalscluding the célebrated tri-slielvaor ini this finance plan, 'Iredale'$ reinds..____________ ___-- .FRIGIDAIRE-CROSLEY REFRIGERATION Weodt'-Eanston store is givîing *The majoritv of - us in- tlîis cotin- its, north shore patrons an opportu- trv have somewliere near the averagei nitv to, purcliase - on a no-money- of nineteen das out of the y-,ear -dur-. down sinîall daiv paymient plan either ing7 which we can safelv .kee-p food a Frigidaire or a Crosley refriger- outdloors on the porcli or in i me ator, Installation of the refrigerators spot safe froin our owîi or the nieigli - 1 fee The Frigidaire costs less l)or's cat. This leaves an average of t tt hna riayeeti 346 days ;duriîig which iv e caniiot thna oriayectc ~STOP!1 Investi gate BeforeYou Buy Wh.n the Mechanical Refrigeralor Cornes to Se. You . ASK HIM-- Whether, when tihe uses the termn .elie ctr ic refrigeration" he means that electricity direetl-y produces ice or cold air? If he honestly confesses, he wilI say bis machine is, dependent upon a gas-forming chemicai, sul- phur, .dioxide, methyl '-.en thol), chioride, or ethyl chin- ride., ASK HIM-- WVhat happens .when) the so- called -automatie. control" fails to work and the pressure in the ,coils becomes too g r eatl? ASK HlM-- If his device is certain to pro- vide pl'enty of iee cubes for al enlergencies ? ASI HlM- ASK HIM- 1i,ý '-'w<' y ounmay reasonably expect bis machin'e to last with- o U t expensive repairs or leplacemexit of parts' ASIC HlM--. Where is the ec'ononY of using electricity,~ chemicals, etc., to keep foods much longer- than ordinarily required? ASK HUM-- How often and why his machine rnust be defrosted? ASK HIM-- Why saIesmen ai£, wvarnied to avoid discussions about the first cost and the after expense of "these machines"? 1 con- fi thec ELECTRIC SHOP Crosley "Icyb)all" for aulnmer homes. Ne gas or edec. tricity needed. 525 Fourtb Street Phone Wilmette 1040 S Parts Prompt Service Reasonable Prices 733'Mai. Street r SILENT! IN ICE CO. Itop. Phon. Wilmette 53 I I

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