To Eni.oy Star in "Cardinal Richelieu" Wilnt.tte Patrons. Are Seeing Fine Productions Th 'is is to- noti fy north shore .movie patrons far enougb ahead to save Wed- n 1e sday,' Thursday and Fr-iday, juIy .24- 26. at the Teatro del Lago. T h e ~<Picture w il 1l)C "Cèardinal Riche- lieu," s t a r rig George Arli 'ss :in has neyer been more a c c o min ~.plished an actor Sthan as the great c a r dinal1 of F r a ni e. Arliss depicts bis trick- Gebrie.rli ery, schemes andi plans, and delivers -biting remarks in deligbting7 style. M aureeni O'Sullivan portrays the lovely Leenore, his adçopted claightc.r who, by merest chance, changed France's history. The most exacting historian could j w'ish for no better characterization than: that given by Edward Arnold wbo plàys, Louis., Other bighlights of this great pîcture are beauiiful .ýphotography and, religious -scenes go lovely tbey, are. a. privilege to witness. He'. Humai .Comedy Getting back to this week, the Teatro patrons are reminded that everyone will ,enjoy "People, Will Talk," the feature for Friday and Saturdav. julv 19 and- zmeaIcdUvin "Romeo and Juliet," * It w 1 iî reseassons te cording to Louella O0 Parsons, motion It ll.rere in etember.gth picture editor, Unive rsal Service. The fir Ieki epebr play will be filmned in September. - ------------------ Thalberg is having his troublés trying to find a Romeo. He'd like Leslie BONUS POR KRUGIR. Howard, but the 'latter is. booked up Trem Carr is paying Otto Kruge r with Warner Brothers-and bis stage a bonius and a. buge salary 'to play in engagements. Another'Romeo selec- "Two Black Sheep," which Republic tion, Robert Donat, is also under ýa Pictures will produce from Warwick Warner contract. IDeepingë's stpry, writes Louella 0.1I Parsons, motion picture editor, Uni- versai Service-. Mrh ieeCr skilfully directed picture for yourself. SeCllnMinna SGombel and Anyvay, it won't hurt to tell that Valerie Ferdinand .Gottsch alk wil appa n Hobson is Talbot's, inspiration. the cas.I - 1 uigir ,(anG ulicimersVF, lt.) wil be iný their glory at the Wilmette theater Sunday when Buck Jones, vet- eran star, goes into brisk action in the new thriller ,'"Border Brigands." MçLagleny Lowe Teamed, Monday and, Tuesday,, the Wilmette theater shows: "The Great Hotel Mur-' der,"ý a film with speedy tempo and with Victor- MeLaglen and, Edmundl Lowe at their most entertaining. Mc- Laglen is a dumb bouse-detective in a hotel where L.owe is writing mystery stories. A guest is poisoned, eveÎyone is su s-1 pected, anditfs up to the audience to' guesS how it al came about. Mary- Carlisle and William Janney furnishi romance., vhile C. Henry Gordon, Her- man Bing and others lend capable sup- port. PLAYS TWO VERSIONS The first role for Barry 'Norton since his appearance -in "Anna. Kar- enina" will be the ýEngliýsh and Span- ish versions of the character Dia z ini the new Universal production, "Storm Over the Andes," starring Jack HQIt. CARMINATI IN LONDON Tullio Carminati., after bis triumph- ant appearance in three, films, bas> turned to London for a vacation,' after wbich England will see him on the stage. He expects to resurne picture-making on bis return to America. NEW YOUNG MAN wuivivs.picture is "Our Littieé Gr. ore Wife," states Mollie Merrick, film Leila Hyams, tbeir daughter, has been winning than ever, refreshingly natural correspondent of the Chicago Daily inarried a year te, Dean Jaggers, and and talented enough to -make the story News. the first fight bas been wageci but not satisfying, Shirley Temple plays the won. Leila runs home to. marna, who daughter of a young doctor, Joel Mc-' . BACK IN PICTURES decides to bicker with paptu i Crea, and Rosemary Amnes. Then Lyle Following ber successful. Broadway the -kids from their own per- ~Talbot, the other mian, arrives. 'After stage seasoni Constance Cummings Plexities. It's deft, humnancomedy. that, it's up to'Shirley... and how wilî goý into: Reliance%.s "AmÙateur Ma. West in Own PF.Iay she does ber duty, results in a film Gil wtRoetoug Sunday, Monday ailnd Tuesday, the >grand enough for'anyone to"wtboerYon opposite. Teatro presents "Goin' to Town," in Erin O'Brien Moore, J. Farrell Mac- f.--.-.. , whicb Mae West gets married tbree Donald and a Scotty puppy aIl do their j Ii tirnes . Miss West wrote the orikrinal part in this, leaant fictIlre.11u à e î î 4.1 Lago. Aorea c-f ree Parking gaoe 'in "N1o Man'a Land" Msf lues DalIy Phones Wilmette-Winnetkoa, 390 AIR CON DITIONED men, ILR. . ý Servie 1122 Centrul Tues 1Wilmett. 3" usic -BREAK 0F EARTS 24-26. Il -Coming Next We-ek-~ "Whlli.the.Patient Slept" umpeoiple Win, TaIk" Georue Arlms NqoveitY - ickey' Mous'eCarto o News MISis M9K 9 .Shirley Temle - Adolphe I(enjoU Priday -and Saturday, ,Tuly 19-30ý Lyle Talbot - Valetie Hobson Hefnry Armetta. Comedy - Cartoon in Color - NeWs Saturday Matince Onlyý 'The Phantom Empir'W hp 12 Sunday. July 21 -0 nm"mIgugs Bluck Jones junior Coughlin Comedy Stranger Than* Fiction Terrytoon '- News Monday andTuesday, July 22-23 Edmund Lowe - Victor MeLaglen Wed., Thurs., Fr1. and Sat., Jltly 24-25-26-27 Shirley Temple - Joel mcrea. $tarts Saturday Matinee Onfy- A New Serial 0mM IX! i