Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1935, p. 49

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TO EXCHANGEÈ CIlients wants North Shore h ouse. about $20,000. WiII excha nge elegant Chicago house'In fine North side location for hou '.e of this value. Cost'over $50,000. Stone, can -be made into 2 apartments. rail Mrs" Zeiss, Winnetka 3604i 128LTN11-ltc FOR UALt-HOUUEHOLDGOODS LARGE THOR WASHER AND IRONýER. A-i CONDITON. Wh.,L sacrifice for cash. Ph. Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN11i-ltp RECONDITIONED THOR EASY AND, WHIRL DRY WASHERS. H. W. NORD114 Co. 900 Linden Ave. Wlnnetka 2770 129L11-ltp FRIGIDAIRES, $50 MUST DISPOSE,0F SIX* 0F THESE Natlonally Jnown mnachines at on~ce. D-4 Model. Cost orlginally $155 each. 'rhis ls a genuine bargain. Cali Rogers Park 3154 or Sheldrake 7200. 129L1-ltp ZENITH- CABINFËT RADIO LIKE NEW'. auto. control, $35. New walnut. chif- ferobe, $15. 2 new desks, $20, and $15. Llb. table. $15. Conover elec. dlshwasher, $60. Elec. troner, $30. Ail new. V.ln- netka 705. 129LTNI-Ltp, 3-PIECE LIVING. ROOM SET, DAY bed and mattress. Miisic cabinet.. Many otherpleces. Phone Wilmette 64. ' ture., modern or antiques and othey household articles. Wil also accept your furniture on con signment basîs. CROST FURNITURE STORE EstablIslied 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston. Uni. 0189 WE>l BUY AND SELL FURNITURE, .RUGS, MEN'8 AND women's clothlng, sihoes, etc. Ph. Uni. 0103. 13OL11TN,1-4tp CALLS FOR SWORDS, RUGS, OCKS, .drapes. dressers, end tables, plated coffee sets, .desks 'and sofas. Buckley ReSale Shop, Willrette 1174. 13OLTNfIltp WANTED TO BUY CHAISE LONGUE. .Must be reasonable. Write A-64, Box 40, Wilmette, Illinois.. 130LTNq11-l RUMMAGE SALE Clothing, Furniture, Etc. JULY 19, 20, 22, 23 1387 Edgewood Lane Winnetka 131LTN11.ltp WTD. 'r0 MUY-MIUCELLANEiOUS $ $$ OLD CLOTHES $ $ SUITS-SROES OpRCO Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custe, Evanston Uni. 2220 182LTN83-ttc Junk Dele'-'Philý Schuman Highest'rnarket. price for paper, maga- zines, rage, old Wron, serap metal, bathtube and men's old clothing. Phone ýWJImetI:e 349. 132LTN9-3tp Junk Dealer-Goldman HIGHESr PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of junk and old clothes. Phone Wilmette 5426, Winnetka 3720. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKearnan and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Mc- Kearnan who are next door neighbors on Sunset Ridge Road, Winnietka, will entertain this Saturday at a splasb party, treasure hunt, and dinner on their grounds. NOTICE 0F AIJCTION SAILE 0F GOODS> To H. M. Bachmn-Lot No. 2380; Hazel.M. and Robert Baldwin-LTot No., 2933 zAlbert M. Page-Lot No.- 2400; Mrs.. E. Paff-Lot No. 25116;- E. A. Scrog- gin-Lot No,. 2359; Grace. E. and M., L. Stedman-Lot Nos. 1938 and 953; J.- E. Watson-Lot No. 2242; H. Ralph Wilson -Lot No. 2382. Yeu and each of you are hereby floti- lied that the t1mmé for the payment of. our lien. upon the property herelnafter descrtbed' havlng expired, ater. due notice thereof had, been given you, m~ wlll cause suchb property, to.wit: bureaus, chiffonlers, beds, chairs, rockers, dress- lng. tables, divans, dinlng room furniture, parlor and llbrary furniture, kitchen utunsils, refrigerators, trunks and con- tents, rugo, carpets, bedding, litien, banig- lugs, silverware, wearing apparel, pic- tures, paintings, boxes and baa'rels, con- taining books, china, glassware, bric-a- brac, contents of bureau drawers, per- sonal effeets, teleséopes, victrolas, Ilihg cabinets, pushmoblles,- upright pianos chests and grips, grand piano, radio gultar, vacuum cht-aners, golf bags and contents, grandfathées cock, porch fur-. niture, racks and shelves, tee box, steel cabinets, gas stove, desks, tire tools, and ail other goods known as household ef- fects, stored by you or ln your name or on your account (or ln whleh you claini an interest) in thi%ý>Rensch Firepronf ftnode also attencled the, graduation of ber son, Jack, from Dartmouth. Mr. Conrad and Neil Williams of Ken- ilworth were at Dartmnouth, too, for the reunion of their class. Mis. Eric Lambart, 1125 Gage street, -Winnetka, returned last'Sunday front a month's visit Ini the, east. She 'at- tended1 the graduation exercises> at Miss. Weaver's school in Tarryt:own, N. Y., where she was once. a student, and visited friends at Bell, Long Island, Scarsdale and Larchmonit, N. Y. Ormsby Annan, son of Mrs. Cyrus Mark of 248 Linden avenue, Winnetka, is at Camp* Knollslea. Sheilby, Mich. Wilmette's OnIy Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Securîty Efficiency Responsibility with its Moving, Packing and Storage ServiqeS Estimates Furnished; Without Obligation Teleplione WIL.MHflII32 Nisrry 7317 Balanc . uly 1,1 Distributionof 'T District' Taxatlon St,tement,,of Finances of New Trier Townshîp Schools, Township 42,* Rang-. 13 in:Co>k, County, Illinois Front Jully Ist, 1934 to June DOfth, 1ft5 DISTRICT FTJND. Reepts is.N. . Ds.N.Dist. No.Dist. No.DitNoDitN. 3536 37, 38 39 209 194..$.68,569.54 $ 57i559:98 $121704.96 $ 19,302.25 $ 38,507.00 $1232.9 rrustees . 13,04.90 .25,526.:66 857.53 6,179,02 2208 1881.91 n........................................218172.64 430,103.67 .10,797.23 106,847.58 28L87.5 it l R a Tuition fees paid by pupils, .. Saule or rent of school prop3erty. Sale of School Bonds Int. Ins. Reimburs;enents;, etc. Tax Anticipation Warrant,,; .... Non High School Pupils Total ....................... SCIhOOl Board and Busines.s Office Salary of Superintendents Salaàries of Teac'hers .... Tea(chers' Pension Puni 3,615.05 223'.00 212,785.00 30.00 $24,389.77 $ 144.28 $ liS75.00 126.78 .12,727.0 $146,557.63 $ 1,127.88 288.25 9,000.00 128.16 110,916.81 i469,088.91 s 5,1915e Botnd1s, etc., on hand. Juiy 1, 193.4 Total........... .......................169 ]Balance on hand June 30, 1935. Ex- -dlt.. ......$ 1.99 ]Bonds, etc., on hand June 30, 1935 .... ... ..800 T o ta .. ....... .... . . .... ... .... .. ý . $816.99 idunty Superintendent of Sehoole ................................85,24.45 Received trorn other sources ... ................. 1.................... 350.00 Dlsburseenns $2782 Incidentai expenses ot Trustees and Treasurer ........ ... 4,279.64 Treasurere* salal'y .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .1..1. . . . 2,700.00 1Paid for publlshlng annual statement ...........................*'--* 76.66 Distributed by trustees and put to credit of districts ln this county... 82,059.5 Balance.flot dIstrihuted nor wlthheld June 30, 1935............,63.43 Total.........................................$2782 IPRANK A. ANDREW, Township Scoo Treasurer i ai.. 'Pt,', ri, st.,' iètl-i,>

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