-5 TE? NUMBER SIX, To guaraniee accuracy and, precision, Aimer Coe ýg1asses are minutely inspected before and affer each operafion. This assures the exact' correction your. prescription deman<±. Alner Coe t&Comnpany OPTICIANS' 105 N. WûbSeà Ave. 78 L. Jackeon Blyd. 18 So. La Salle SL 1645 Orringion Ave., E'vanston New Low Prices oh Fuel 011 Contract with us nov et reduced, fuel oil pricos and save money. Our .xperienc.d combustion engineers viii determine the exact grade of 011 which gives you, the most hoat in your particular kind of borner. W. viii keep your 'tank supplieci the. y.ar round with this grade of SheiI Fuel 011 et distinct reductions Arthur SieDel of Winnetka. iEacn years'winner w~il have bis name en- graved on the trophy, with' permanent possession going to the first club member. to win it three times., John :Wagner captured low net ,aflong the guests with'a 70, while ofhkérs turning in low gross ini'-the bliîdbogey wr o Braun, Martin Brâtin, James Corns,ý Harry, Kerr, Hamry Peter,.'.'Ed. Robsoni and Bill Thalman. D)urinig the course of' the dinner which follqWed the golf tounament, Ervin :. ..-itzpeter, club president, was preiented writh a beautiful onyx e1.ct ric.: dock4 -as* a tokien of the clubs appreciatidil of his tireless efforts in its behaif and also in recognition of. his recent marriage. The day's festivities were arranged and directed -by co-chairmen. Adami Bauer and James Cornis, of Wilmette, who received - a pr4QInged clieer of thanks 'at the dinner for their highly successful efforts.' K.- OF C. DEGREES The First andl Second degrees will' be exemplified by thé Wilmette and Lake Forest councils, Knights of Columbus, at Lake Forest today (ThIursday). The Waukegan council is joining WVilmnette and 'Lake Forest Sunday ini exemplifying the third de- gree at St. Anastasia's hall at Wau- THROUGH EUROPE An unusual opportunity to visit the British Ilies and the Contin- ont is offered by a travel bureau. oficial who will tour ten countries by private car' during September and October. The. party is limited. tô a few congenial persons. Full .particularsof price and -itinerary msy be secured vithout obligation by addressing A.M.L., c/o WiI- mettes boea cnhasi1 the finest on 'the lake, but its super- ior advantages are Ybest known and mst. thoroughly ap preciated by Wil- mette residents'. *~Asteyar ~Qhave p as sed, the SWilmettë Park dism- trict, under whosce Clide Grater jurisdiction t h. e: Beachtnaster beach >is ioperated, has c on sta n t- 1y-striven to enhance its,.becautiesaid. add'to itsadvantages, providinjg for .bo(ith pleasure and safety as the needs'have becomeé manifest. This season, for iii- stance. bicycle racks have been installed. so that owners coming f rom the water wvil-1 find their wheels where they lcft Gurd Ho'ward is I ~1. ~'" rn k' - .-- 4- -w .L. 4,,. * .. .~" '~- '.~.',. 4. I~ ~ . 'r,. q them. Provision. of. similar character within the bath house has been made to insure safety of beach uimbrellas, so-that patrons may leave them during the svp - mer and not be forced to carry thenm gi ving swimming -lessons on'onay Wednesdayand, Friday at 1.1 d. n.'h class has.'been' increasing steadily. V ie, foilowing c'hildren have earved. *'\V. B." .(Wilmette. Beach) badges.the fÎinal test being a swim of 135 yards: Tony Cramn, Bob Canning, ,Jim Bur- batt, Tomi Kent, Bill O'Donnel, Charles MicCandlish, C. J. Murphy, Ed John- ston, George Canning, Stanley Blaker, Bill Butler, James Whitehead, Lois Whitehead, 'Jinmy Nolan, Paul von was 2,88 and the -peak was. reached on July 19 witb a total of 2,701. Up to Saturday, Jnly 20, a total of 1,392 of the $4 family tickets had been sold, with another 100 or more expect- cd. Lait sea soni (1934) the total, sale ,of. this class of ticket was.1,035. This N37 prise me io~PJ'Jiioing Pete Schaefer, John Kenney, flud 1Davis, Ed Murphy, Larry Murphy, Dave Murphy, Robert Starrs, Paul Quay, Caroline Hersch. I Boys.and girls are not permitted to venture out to the second raft unless they are,15 years oild or are holders of the W. B." badge. SAV«Neam , &TRUNK Guard.