created fo r you . . . wuth indivdual per- manentF waves. Gordon Bull ýDies. of Gunshot Wounds Gordon W. Bull, 62 years old, 524 Maple avenue, Wilmette, diéd early Thursday morning, July 18, at the 9i:30 a.m.-Sunday school and ible01 class. il1:00 a.m.-Second service. This Sunday the 'last of the series of' sermons on "FSalures Who Succeeded- wIll be preached. This sermon will deal with Paul, its text belng 1 Corinthians 15 :9-10. We see how the grace of God wroug'ht a remarkable change In a life, that was. belng spenit in misplaced zeal. That s, ame grace of God is power fui, t& transform the lives of, men, today, turn-, Ing failure Into sucècess. Are you inter- ested? You have our invitationr tocorne and hear., This afternoon (Thursday> the Miirtha Guild meets at 4 o'cIock,, wlth Bible study at 4:.15, social hour. at 5,,supper at 6 o' dock. Sinice the pastor and the 11ev. Paul C., Meyer'of Glenview wiIl exchanige pulpits, a wveek frorn Sunda,.y because of the mis- sion rally in Glenview, the Conirmu nion Service, usUally held on the first Sunday of the rnonth, ivill be postponed one week.. Fiorst Presbyterian Ninth street at -Greenleaf avenue Jae .Venekilasen, minkster At the pmorning vorship.service :ît il o'clock on Sunday, july 28, the mninister wili pireaeh on the theine, "The Patiriotie Frlend of jesuts,". anothel. in the series of sermons on "The Friencis of Jssand Their Co)utetrparits ja Modern Life." We invite you to ,voi-ship with us*ý. The muisic foi- the morning vorshipj :zerviewill be as follo-ws: învlude, *'In A Boat,"ý Zeckw%%et-; solo, 'iTf With AMil Y'r Ifeartits," Mendelssoin, RIxfust; p<st- ltide, "Postlude in A,- Fau1kes. Miss Erý- i'Rounds is djirectoî' of ms' Our .Sunday sho otne.isss sions throuigh the surnmiieî', meeting al 10 o'clock. Oui'. Bible class Continue.s this îî1~. with its 'Iessons on the lîfe and letteirs tif' Paul. We invite you to joli-Iu. St Augustine's Sunday, July 28, xiii be theý sixth Sun- daý- after Trinity. The, e will be Holy Communion at St. A ugustine's at .8 aj.. and Morning Prayver wNith sermon at Il ke, 831 Oakwood .aven ue, XMrs. .John W. Newey, Highland Park,' and Bar- bara Jane, at home, and two brothers, Charles R.. Bull, 612 Wairwick road, Kenilworth, and James' Bull," of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Bull was a broker, trading in I 61?l Davis S..Evanon@ This, together with a complete record of his business affairs, and the fact WEEK-END GUEST HERE that, he had been greatly depressed Miss Betty Hale of Chicago, who is for the past several days, establisbed attending, sumnier school at North- the cause for his mental condition., western university, wasthe week-end' Survivors, besides, the widow, are gpest of. Mrs. Harry R. Hargis, 1420 three daughters, Mis. Wallace Bebn- Washington avenue. The music at our services of worAhlp Sunday morning, July 28, wlll be as fol- lows: Organ prelude-Carillon........ Sowerby Quartette-Lo, it is. ...... Shelley OffertorY solo---Beside StilI :Waters... Joyý Wilson Dressler Postlude--Mgrche Pontificale ..Lemm ans During the churcli school'hour this Sunday we will continue ýour pictures, on Old Tjestament hlstory covering "The Cnquest of Canaan" and "'Deborah and There wlll be a special congregational meeting after the services of worship Sunday rnorning. The Woman's' society will,-hold Its regular devotional and business. meeting on Thursday afternoon, August 1, at 2 o'clock at the church. An hour spent in the House of the Lord on the Sabbath dav will make your week more, joyous. WVe invite yýou to woîship with us. Me*hodist Churdh Lake and Wilmtette av'enues The 11ev. Amios Thornbuirg, ministur The Ilinister's -sermîon theme for th-~ il oicloock ; vorship. service, this Sundaty, mormnng il be "htsYour Aei. The inusic foi' the service on Swiday mnorning will be as followi,: Organ prelude <10 :50>: "Imromtu....... Coleridge Taylor Mliss Ruith S. Brought<>n Offertor3- solo "Myv Redeenier and My Lord"..Buck Organ postlude: "Tocca ta- ..................Gigont Srnall.child.en will. be cared foi' during the woî'ship service throughout the surn- rneî' as tusual. *The church school has* discontinued its sessions for* the. summier. The nien's eiass, howeveî', is meeting each Sunday moî'ning at 9:45 'elock. Permanent Wei a Salon 54i CleiunuSt. Wins,.,119 ýPATRON.IZE-OUR ADVERTISRS Fetun&Cer me's T SENS.ATIlONAL ,WH.ITE SHOES.