As Lowi as anid Moro *Plus Labor 4 Wh.eUl Sho. Fi arest One Aquapruf Brake l:agi. fc tive in wet, or dry wc atlàe r. Gaves positive, stmooth stops. Charges Cordon' Hose, $.39 25 Feet F ir*s t onse alil rubber home with- stands a pressure of 250 pounds and wiII mot kmin k. Complote w i th bras. fittings. Replace OId SPARK PWGCS wil'h Firestone For more efficient motor performance. Also saves gasoline. and gives new e n g i n e performance.. Highest quali ty .materiass insures long life. AvaidteDne et>DIwRtet Firestone removes the otbl-owouts by 'preventing their -m ain caus-internail fric- tion and heat.. This jà accomplisehed by Gum- ipping. THERE ARE THKRE QUESTIONS. AND ANSWERS, THAT WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLIM$, OP WI4AT TIRES . TO lilY. L. * WiIl the tread give mue the greatest trac- tibon and protection against shiddingP" . . . recent tests by a leading university show tht Eiretone High Sped Non- Skid Tires stop a car 15%/ quicker than any other of the leading makes!1 2. "Are they blowo ut-prooft" *. .Firostone guo-dipp.d tireshave the Most anmaziig record, for being blow- out-proof of any tires ever buit. In the. grueling 500-Mile Race at Indianapolis every one of the 33 cars was equipped with Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. Not one of the 33 drivers had tire trouble, of any kind.- N.w! A Triple Guarmntee. --for UnsqualIId Perfrme co erds -4or Lifé ugoInst SAil Oefects m--for 12 Months agffinst Alil Road Hozards 'for six rnths whon >of s top and adds Jet black glossy Wilard Ilaiteries Wilmette and le Aves. sebuC JIN Y25, 1935 each,