.m. mmmii Tdp a~ s~ - S~in. NULLE CF 5OUTH DAICOTA A wildemeuof bume- uewumu fre uns. COL- Iag boud z day.. o M. uéas md aêmrbyld r~t;ar TikoeAgmui UII MUSMEGON " "M-e AND 1RETURlâN fnb.bn BOMESULES1CCiM. MOJIDATi TJu8.. W».. T"M".. utIs.ôaPrn LeW lUMPS vii Tis> AITORIES -OK: iAV rPIEF m.tlb Emirmu A "In the stone walks we found an ancient looklng date, MCMXXX. We speculated upon Its significance and what scenes. the ancient paveiment mnust have wltnessed. We found that it is the very unromnantic date of 1930, the year the. republle was estabiished. Tiring of. the excessive lieauty of the Generalife (pro- nouniced hen-na-lee-fay) we *walked 'back to the business part 0f.Graniada, teturn- ing by the 8:30 installment of the ha If-, hourly auto-bus up the hill. Visit 014 Cathédral AINext morning we vlsited the old cathedral. Besides a. few fine but poorly lighted paintlngs we 8aw the tombs of Ferdinand and isabella. You m*ay rcail that they were friends of 'Chris' Column- bus. There was also a'Piwel'room, but not being An a rnood to enrlch the treasury by two pesetas each, we did not find out -whether or not they.have the:karats that Besas sold to buy eail boats for Cris. ."We had comfpany for lunch. First a French couple_ with. a baby,. then two Young English t'llows came in. As they didn't 9peak a word of Spa.nish we bweledt1e1nurder lunch. We 1flflt have done a poor jpb, however, as their bill came to 17.50 peset.as. They nearly fell over, So dld we. Too bad tlyey dIdnt know that for 1%k pesetas, more they could get à bed -and two more mneals In the saine house. They had hired a car for thye day. The poor fellows have our syhipathy if they got kleked in the teeth as mucb for the car as they did for the meal. we were washing our shirts and socks, the Spanish children of neighboring hotels. were singing and playing. M.%uch to our surpt-ise-they were singing 'Lon- niled witn Calrorni- a. poppies, or Amna- polas, as they aiêcaileti. Ronda .hasý the oldest bull ring in Spain, but we were' unable to see it, as it is used aq an open air movie between fight. W viewed the famous new bridge of Ronda, which is 1,200 to 2,000 feet high, also the ruine of a very old churcb, only the front wall and parts of two side walls .eing lcft. Very unrýomantically, it is umedý as at depository Jiind fertilizer factol*y. "The way down to the old Roman and Arabian bridges is flot'exactly a fiowered path. but we got there. Aino saw the. old Arabian baths, a really phenomienal L ast Wednesday, ladies' day, the 1third and final round of tbe women 's 54-hole event was held. SKeno still is 'the popular Saturday night pastime, and the members are finding this particular evening a1 suit able one. to bring their friends. 0O1 each, Saturday night: an increasing number aire attending the. keno games. Saturday'and Sunday are big days at the club for the men golfers, and this- Saturday the, second round. of the Sports and, Pastimes tropby tournament will. be played. On Sun- day there will be low gross, prizes for classes A, B. C and - D golfers,. 18 holes to be 'played in.tbe* morningr round. Man Who Lost Life in Air Crash Is Honoredl A bas *ebail park recently con- structed, at Randolphiý fieldi, Texas, bas been designated as G'rater fieldi in honor of the late Lieut. Hârley R. Grater of the United States Army Air corps. Lieutenant Grater was a brother of Clyde Grater, member of the New Trier Higb' scbool faculty andi beach master at the Wilmette beach. The honor was conferreti at a spe- cial meeting of the Randolph Fieldi Welfare association helti last month andi the name was un-animously rec- ommendeti by that bodiy. Official ap- Droval was granted by the comimaml- xundus uonated entireiy by oticers aud enlisted men. of Randolph fieldi s tation. Lieutenant Grater was killeti in an airplane crashi at Randolph field, where he was stationed. RETURN FROM WISCONSIN Dr. Rufus Stolp, 336 Warwick roati,, andi Altien Sears, both of Kenilworth., returneti Tuesday from a two weeks' fishing trip at Spider Lake, Wis. GOLF CLUB leHNy AND SANDES ROADS reckleslieights, and we 'went ln." beautiful ride over the hlIls, with the After tiescribing their experiences great blue Mediterranean sea, in the dis- in buying souvenirs, and te Iling how tance, until we bit the. flat country,' much haggling it takes to get the whleh was dry 'and hot." at their real value, usually -half the-Th pnslaggeino big given close attention, and will be as- price asketi, the boys' letter cnius siduously studieti until the boys sail 1 Novel Way to Ca0'ry Nouey, "itis awful to feel thaï everyone you for home sometime, in Aîigust.