Tolophent CzwrmML3 35 5 8vp»scm.RrTON: $2 ER YEAR . II4LE COPIES S CEN~TS Alil communicaiOSaonrbtions ant dd for publi- cation mut bear.the name and-address of. thc author, Aot neçessar.iy for Publication,- but for aur filecs. Such material muet rcach the editor by Tuesday noon to bc ini lime for ANOTH-ER STEP? For the past f ew years there bas been an évident disposition on the part of the 64county machine" to extenti ils powers to cover ail local government witbin thecounty tbrough tbe medium. of legisiation enacteti at Springfield. It was seen first in the bibi creating the office of county assessor, wbch was changedt 1 continue local assessors in certain township's. A recent law abolisbing the office of precinct coin- Mitteemen and providing for one committeernlet f rom each. township bas the, earmark f nter efr àt ce,ùtrializati(in. Wbile the precinct co mii tteeileil may nQt be of great value except to the party organ- ization, anid perfotm-; no important official function, nevertbeless he affords tbe closest contact b)etweeit the voter and goversnment.. Now Cornes the new state traffic law which, if inter- pretations. put upon soule of its provisions by attor- ney s specializiuig in such measureq' arc to be accepteti, will compel adjudication of miany traffic, law viola- tions by downtown courts. According to these auithor- hies, violations of tbe lbaud signal provision. of tbe law,. the penalty for whicb is fine or imprisoumielt, cannot be adjudicated by the local justice of the peace or police magistrale. The onlly action po ssible ini * these courts is to bjnd the accuseti over 10 the grand jury tinter bond. I f thé bond is not posted, the defendant can then be confined iinithe county jail to await action by the grand jury. Iu many instances Village boards enact ordînatices in con formity witbi state statutes ant inis acquire ju 'isdiction, but as villages cannol impose penalties miore:severe than flues,'sucb action is not possible ni comietion with the -traffic, law, it is. stateti. The intorist, say the attorneys,' wbo forgets to giethe proper signal on.making a turn, or slowing: dowA or coming to a stop, will Alnd that he bas taken on a lieap of trouble. A' preliminary hearing in i te local court, the posting of bond and atteudanco at cou~Irt downown is no fun. Perhaps that is the oh- affront to the sensibilities of residents, it was etr- ployed. That,' 100, bas changeti. It seems' that visiting grouips are composet largely of rowdies, or "rotigb necks," wboq, ini an effort to appear blasé, discard any modesty or decency.they migbt naturally possess and conduct tbemselves in a -manner, that. excites disgust wben admiration. is'evitentiy sought. They come early, appropriate.,the cboice parking spots. vnd "hog" tbem tbirougbout the day. Tbey -undress anti dress Tbese are sème of the reasons.wby it bas been founi necessary . to protect the beaches f rom" alien, invasion. Ariother is that, somebow or otbcr, we. bhave got :hiiea into our heatis tbat tbe bcacbes are our.s andi that we bave, a prior rigbit to tlîeir. ativantages. anti benefits. One way 1 or anotlher, by taxation or tbe purchase ýof tickets; our people pay for tbem. We maintain tbem for our own pleasure. We are beré year after year, andtihte beaches are our. respontsibility. We do not intend , that their * hauty'1 or tbeir benefits shall be destroyed by occa- sionai visitors wbo have tio stake in tbem. If that -ie discrimination, niake the most of it. DEPENDS ON THE BuLl. Oteday iast week a group of some 500* veterans ass.embleti at the foot of the steps 'leadinig ho the chamnber of the Hlouse of 1Peprese,îtatives at Wash - ington . Orderly andi carrying flag-s, they biat met to becar anl address by Congressmain Fish of New York. Just as the congressmian preparcd to start blis speech the sergeant-at-arms appeareti andl said that the Speaker of the House andi the Vice -Presi - dent did niot like the meeting, andi reat a law; passeti in 1882, prohibiting unauthorizeti gatherings on' the. capitol grouinds. Andi so 'Mr. Fisb lidi pot ýz;eak. Sonie montbs before a c rowti of approxim-ately 5.000 farmers asseiblleti on the capitol grounds anti were permitted to listeti to a speech. Depents on wbose bulli s being. goret, evidentiy. Anoîbethr, niytli bas'beeti explodeti. Ever silice re-, lief on a big scale startedti he cry lias gonie up. that Amiericans do not want charity. but work. In Iowa* and otlier midwestern stat-es farmers bave been un-. An airpiane for $700, sufficiently simple for any automobile driver to fly, is to be on the market soon, it is stated. 'Wbat terms, please? Indications at, this time are that Mr. Mussolini, having found, how unpopular bis African ventue is. mith'the,.rest of the world, bas. discovered that bhiswounded pride can be appeased ýwithout a war. Second tbougbts are usually best. Our apologies to those readers who .depend ex-. clusiveiy upon tbis colùmn for sport news. We simply- f orgot ail about the Arlington classic until it:was over. It is with deadly regularity tbat the courts are sock- ilnig the New Deal on tbe jaw. One can scarceiy pick up a. paper witbout glimpsing that some high court bas handeti down an epochal decision in which it is stated that the consti- tution of tbese United. States, says, that tbe New Deal can't do wbatrver it was it diti. Ifow- ever. bel jeve it or not, it titi get one favorable decision iast wNeek - whicb s0 surpriseti Newv Deal- ers -that they haven't recoverei irmit yet. They still expect a court: of review, to reversewb decision,, and proba bly wiil not he disappointeti. l'le heaut'e s aiways get the breaks. In lasI ek's Chicago trolley wreck a maie survivor, 20 years old, telling of bis rescue work, said: "I was on the rear piatform. I saw a pretty. girl up fronlt.p*lied under a seat. I bauled ber out, then went back and brought out severai others." But, you see, the pretty one got out first. A Kans as City man started on-a vacation Sunday, taking: 25 of bis wife's.'relatives along. That man is altogetber too good for .tbis worlà.. Uticle Sam is 110w going into tbe reaI estate busi- ncess to get rid of bomnes f oreciosed on H-OI.C' bans.. Remintis one of the underwear manufacturer who called up his creditor banker and sait: "You don't know it yet, but you are going to be ini the untier- wear business tômorrow." ven the, highest places listen to nough of thern speak. But those were days when our villages were less thicly populate4, and space .emed boundless. Times have chang&ýO now those who control the beaches are bard put,#n. find accomnmodations £or our ovn people. Thse situsation is siiar to that of Ark w ith cve beckoned to the oppressed a1lt own- Everyone to, bis taste, of course. But touring coun- try réatis when the thermometer is. registering 95' seems a futile wayý for 500,000 people t10 seek cofort. 'Tis being wbispered about the 'Country that the President is suffering from an af4$tiin known as megalomania. Those unable bo pronoünce the word use tbeplain language meaning, swelled head. Tint PHANTOUM IMPRTR the v<