Litte Girl" e.Arlisini The Wilnette theater is 'dedicating this Thursday, Friday and Saturday to Shirley Temple fans. They ill like the amazi 1ng tot in ."Our Little Girl," a touching social, draina in- which. a devoted littie girl attempts to restore happiness to her father and mother who, tlirough thoughtlessness and mis-. understanding,ý are about t secure a diore Others i the cast, including Joel McCrea,,Rosemary Amýes, Lyle Talbot and J. Farrell. MacDonald, do splen- did work. Joan ýRobertson directed. At :the Wilmette, matinee this Sat- urday, a new serial will unfold its first chapter 'of thrills. No youngster will want to -miss. any chapter ýof "The Miracle.Rider," with T in Mix i the- saddle. Here's Winaing Coniedy Suniday and' MoInday, the Wilmette presents "1?eople-Will Talk" one. of the most charming of the Charlie Ruggles-Mary Boland comedies. Leila Hyams, their daughter, been miarried a year to Dean Jaggers, and the first fight has been waged but ,not won. I4eila runs home to'mana ', m-ho decides to bicker with papa, thuts diverting fromn their own per- plexities. It's deft, humnan comnedv. George Arlis Now at Teafro An attraction that mierits the pat- ronage of every north shore'é ve Richard Pix scares big bad vil- lains specchless ini "The Arizon- iani," a. peri cctlivsuell Western (Et the Varsity thrater Wcdnesday a,;d Thuriisdavý of next week. Margot Grahaine, Preston F osier, Louis Caihern, and James Bush also nioke this one ju(st thc thing for a good stirrilig sessi on of en ter-taeliment. desert acting. Mis Pickford heads a company which will, reela se six pic-. tures a. year through United Artlsts, in whichý she is a s'hareholder. i1t's the'first time in her career that sâhe, has been in charge of production. M4cLAGLEN, SI1NS CONTRACTr Louella 0. Parsons, mnotion'picture editor, Universal Service, sends word that Victor McLaglen has just signed with Darryl Zanuck, one of the very first. contracts to be put on paper since the 2th Century crowd nmved to,Fox His. It's a long-term con- tract, and - McLaglen's- first vehicle, as a 20 Century-Fox. starL.iS to be "Professional Soldier." He recently gave one of the screen's greatest.per- formances in "The, Informer!.. STARTS KNITTING FAD When Mary Boland, screen com- edienne, broght her knitting on the set of "Two for Tonight'," she started something; every other feminine member of the cast has begun wield- ing the needles. Miss Anne Louise Koenig of Elm- wood avenue has gone to Det roit for an extended visit with her uncle and aunit, Mr, and Mrs. Edward H. Toepel lliursday anid Frl4ay, July (Matince Dafly> 25-26 George Ariles -Frankie Mastlrerein -Wonld Yrou Be Wllllng?'" Mickey Mouses N'ews. Sat., Sun. and, Mon., July 27-28-29 (Matinee Dailyr) 66 MEtES JeanlHallow ý- WillIam Powell Francbot.Tone m May Robson Ted Healy Shorty the Chlmp Dumnbell Letters - News Tuesday& Wednesday, July 30-31 (Maimne Daily) "Hooa7For Love" Mui S.therai Gene Raymond Bill Robinson Edgar Kennedy Comedy Easy Aces in "Six Day Grind" News Thurs., Fr1. and'Sat., August 1-2-3 (Matinee Dally) "11Le« M«eabIst" Fred4ric March - Chas. Laughton picture wîil show at the WVImtteý theater 'Tuesday, Wednesday and rhtirsday of next week. Georg-e Arliss has neyer heen more accornplishied ail actor, than as the. great cardinal'of France. Arliss de- picts his trick.ery, schemes and plans, anddelivers biting remarks. in. dclight- ing style. Mfauirine O'Stillivai por- trays the lovely Leenore, his adopted daughter who, hy mierest chance, change.d France's hiistory. pany's empioyee in China. and Josephiiie Hutchinson., his wife. -L<et 'Em Have It" packs Nvallop for niext Monday and TuesdaY. Machine guns rattle as the G-mei close il] on the underwvorld. Action. and grand characterizations destine this to be big box-office. Richard ArIen, Eric Linden anld Harvey Stephens are on the side of justice, with Alice Brady and Vir- ginia Bruce lending coniedy and s'tnti- ment. wîhrelatfives a M.\rs. Johni Carpenter of Evanston, formerly of.Keniilworth,, host- ess to ber luncheon and bridge club today. Doors Open Weýek Days at 6.30 p.m., Show at: 7 p.nà. Sajý gt. Doors. Open a.t 12 :0 Show Starta at 1. AIR CONDUTIONIED -Èsp. Fri.. Julv ,25- to top the ta lent in a Harlem song and dance. Ann Sotherri and Gene Ray- mond carry the love story and Iend their ivoices to the neat and haunting tune.s. Pert Kelton, Thurston Hall and Etienne Girardot also do, fine work. This is to 'remind inovie patrons to Plue R. C. A. Rt. M. S. Factory Servlce Servie 1122 Central iI.mtte 3" J UTHEARIZONIAN' FridaY and Saturday, Mu "6staw 02 Mliii Williamn Powell - Ginger mot 2-3 Wý Ir,