CHARMING Nir »QTEREY-soUid brick, air conditoned, 7 ruiu., 2 TILEI) bath., outdoor BALCONY 35 ft. long, LIVING PQRCH Ail latest cequip- ment ........................... $15.000P 2BLOCKS to the LAKE., Red brick GEORGIÀN 7 large, rms., '2% TILEDl> baths, 2 LOVELY SCREENED porches. Attractive landscaping. SACRIFICE .......................... $19000 ATTRACTIVE BRICK horne on beauti- .fui: corner in ýS.. E. WINNETrKA, 7 LARGE rms., 4 BATHS, tiled floor sua- room, attached 2-car garage.. 011 heat. A private bath off of *EVERY BED- ROO0M. Wili SACRIFICE at original cost .......... ................... $22500 IUNDER. OLD O(AKS - NEAR THE LAKE. -Brick-plate glass windows. 8 spactous rms., 3 baths,..beautiful sun and tslpng.' porches on a very largel lot .......................... .... $22500 CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOT In S. E. S WINNETzA 54>k165 -feet, well wooded, NEAR 'THE LAKE~, schools and sta- tion ........................$3750 111LTN12-ltc, AJEWEL IN A PERFECT sETTINo. Attractive Amreian Colonial. Large open airyt roi>111. Iffea.l arr'anIgemen~t. Three famnily bedroopis, two tîle baths on sec-ond floor; miaid's roomn on third. Opern terrace off living room. Extra lavatory. Suni and sleeping porches are heated and faceover landscaped rear yard. 011 beat, of course. Large two"car garage. Con- venient, Souith East Winnetka location. 10600-. An elceptional, value. Key In, our office. SO0UTH EAST: WINNETKA Large six roomi home among towering trees $10,500. A homelike bungalow of six r-ooms with Aristiea and unusual features at $10 lriti ive room home on wide land- scap*d plot, large trees and shrubs, fine grounds, oU hbéat, $12,000. The above hornes are near Lake, Schools, and Staitions in the best E~ast section of Winnetka. HILL & STONE 543 Lincoîn Ave. Tel. Winnetka 1544 X1LTN12-tc MARVELOUS VALUES BuYs Winn, 7 room cottage, 50 ft of wooded grounids: ýClose to scbools. Terms to suit l)urchaser. 1 home. ge., sceee v!ery comfortable, well 6 bedmflxs., 3 baths, Il- ened porch.. acre of Sand wooded grounds. SherM Inc. Ave., VIFW 0F THE LAKE NEW NINE ROOM RESIDENCE WIT1i aIl the« latest Impro'vemfents known to- high class resldefltial cons;trucetion. Air condltioning heat, automatic humidity control. fleautiful recreation room with wood burnlng fireplace. Panelled library on -firat floor. Three tileý baths with s-eparate tile shower staîil, tie kîtchen. Excellent ývalue at MeGcCUIRt- & ORRhInc. Over 40 Years of Dependable Servie 530 Davis St. Evanston Wilmetté 228 IDErAl lFOR. CHILDREN, ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH>STUCCO AND timber. 6 room house,,large porch, H. WÏ. heat, perfect. condition, noar schools. S.mall down paymenî, pay like mrent. Mr. Voss.. BATIRD. & WARNER. 1hic. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH Kenllworth 4785 Rogers Park 6,151 llllTN12lte SOUTHEAST GLENCOE MUST BE SOLD NOW FINE OLD HOME AT LESS THAN vround value. Lot 1 60x200. Stucco house. 9 large rooms, 2% baths. Ex- ceptional closets. Sun roorn sleeping porch. Hot water heat. McGUIRE & ORR 9 mc. Over 4o Years ()f Dependable Service 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Glen. 13 111LTN12-ltc 975 FOREST AVE. A HOME 0F CHARMINO1 ATMOS- phere in North East Gleneoe. 'Cypress exterior, Eiglish Farrni House style. g rmis., a baths. Priced far below re- 'production.. Full particulars upon e- quest. SMART & GOLEE, Ime. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1.564 Shermian.Avenuie Universitv 0283 lllTN12-Ite .A,,REAL ,BARGAIN LOEY8 ROOM HOME IN BEAUTI- * fuI Deere Park. 5 bedrms.,4 baths, 2-cair garage, nil heat. Must bho sold. Ad 'quickly. Mr. Newhall. BMURD & WARNER, Imc. 346 PARK AVENUE. GLENCOE G1lncoe 1.554 IHigh. Pk. 1855 Briar. 1855 1IILTN12-ltc QUINLAN -& TYSON, Tnc. 1571 Shernian Ave., Evanston Univ. 2600 1I2LTN12-ltc FOn oAL-E-vAcANT WINNETKA-$3,750 HIGH PROP&RLTY, WELL LOCATED overlooking attractive modernbornes. Near transp. and school., For sale to settle estate. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 114LTN12-ltc VACANT BARGAINS. 2% ACRE HOMESITE' ON SUNSET Ridge Rd. opposite. golf club. . Ex- ceptlnaly 1w at $2,300. A tew choice 50fI. lots across. front Skokie Park (off Wiliow Rd.). Water and light ln. $600 each. Winnetka 1111. 114LTN12-2tc SACRIFICE 10 ACRES NEXT TO IX- moor Country Club, near Skokie Blvd. W111, divide. Write A68, Box 40, Wilrnette, Iii. 1l4tTN12-3tp BUMMER COTTAGES ESTE PAR, COLO. COMPLETELY fùrn. summer cottage; elec. light, 2 bsitbs, stone firèplaee, Ige. liv. mi., 'grand piano;- accomniodates 6 or 8. Avail. JuIy 25. Cal Uni. 1985. 11A-LTN12-ltp FOR AUGUST-COMPLETELY FUR- nished 4 rni. cottage and screened porch; delightftilly cool spot; 50 mil es Noi-th of M%,ilwaukee. $60 ino., $18 week.ý Uni. ?,670. '.116A-LTN12-ltP) CAMPS BiEYE AND BEYE CAMP MARCELLUS, Michigan. Boys-girls 3 10 15. Con- tinuous ail year with school on camp grounds ln achool term. Write for int. Mary Beye, Registrar. 118A-LTN9-4tp REKL -TAELOANS.- MONEY FOR LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES ,Up to 60% of value. Monthly repay- ment. Pay out ln 5 to 15 years. Oct detalis frorn First Federal Sa.ving & Loin Association of' Wilmette, 1127 Cen- tral avenue. Mr. Clifton, Secretary Wilniette 863. 127A-LTN47-ttc LOANS WAN1TED WE HAVE SPECIAL FUNDS AVAILJ- able for immediate commitmeflt on loins. Ses us for quiek action. $2000 to $20.O STONE GARDE~N p13éN'U.1, nMAI cond., cost $65, seli $20; Wal. drop leaif 1Ishle $20; beaut * and complete set bed- room f urn., also odd pieces, very rea.; Huie and rose 9xl2 Wilton rug $30; boy's luffior bicycle $5:; $76 Packard tru nk eise~ like iiew, $35. Winn etka 2067. BEDRM. AND PORCH -FURN.- ORIEN- t ai and dornestic rugs. Mulberry carpet, radio, phonograph, bookcase, antique chest, chairs, tables, davenport, elec. fau, toaster, ga rdleutools, icebox, draperiez;. Johnson, .519 Willow, Wifn.' 1093. 129LTN12-ltl)ý É FT. ROUND BRAIDED woodrug. Made in Maine., Cost $200; Sel) $40.. Have 3 smaller rugs to match. May be seen ai Lindwall's, 808- Oak St., Winnetka. 129LTN12-ltp $200 MAJE STIC CONSOLE RADIO $25. Round dining table, 6 chairs, $12. Odd chairs, $1. Moving. Caîl Winnetka 566. 129LTN12-ltp L ARGE .THOR, WASHER AND IRONER, A-i CON4DITION. WILL sacrifice for cash. PWf. Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN12-1to FOR SALE - MAHOGANY FOUR poster -bed; spring, and 'mattreas $15. Mahogany bed, inattress, spring, dresser and chest $30. Winnetka 1720. 129L12-ltp LARGE. ANTIQUE SPINNET DlgsK, nabogany' at less thF1a ot$0 Stewart-ýWarner radio-$le., Phone Win-, netka 1267. .129LT-N12-ltc RENPAINTED BEI-) ROOM SUITE. double Wed, good cou sqprIngjs, mattress, dreq.mer, night iýtand. .Ver-yresnbe Ph. flleneoe_74.* I29LTN12Ip A FEW PIECES 0P A MINTON CIHINA dinner set In bird and tree pattern to l)e sold very reasonable for quick dis- posal. Winn. 145. 129,TN12-ltp FOR SALE-FULL SlIED WALNUT bcd and sprirngs. lst class condition. $15. Phone Wilmette 1442. 129LTN12-1tc- CARVED WALNUT BOOKCASE, $5. 12- Spiece dinhlg nu. set, $25. Everette> Grand Piano, reasonable,. Buckley Re-ý sale, Wilrette 1174. 129LTN12-ltp. WTD. TO BUY-HSEHOLD. 000DB CASH FOR YOUIR USED: FURNI- turo, nmodern or' antique. an& other housebold articles... Will aloo accept your furgitore on con- signrnent basise, CROST FURNITURIE STOREC Establlehed 1898 1004-6 EmIrson St.. Evanston 'Uni. 0189 1 20TN4q-tfe Wanted ~ Grand Piano B.H. BA 56Center st. seucen price_____________ ale. .1 a l sîzes. WANTED TO BUY-P i~~tVT ~ 1 WANT THE BEST H L.~.L . . $1,000 cash will buy fr Winnetlca 965 b Glencoe.' No agents. àu is.eniwortit I ci Write A-71, osf 113LTN12-ltc roadloom, carpet. 'in,3 imns cart, drapes. Ph. uiencoe *n9. bly fInanceýd.1-12lt 40, Wllmette, .111-t 128LTN12-ltc FOR SALE-BABV' BUGG3Y. CHEA-P. __________ Cost $45. Kroll Cab. Excellent con- M 000DB dition. Phone Glencoe .1651. BED. BOXÎC 121LTN12-ltpi srn, 3-drawer }'ICKLING. CROCKS 5OC EA, «ROWING ýrX. 20.9x12 rachine $2, strong Iron pot $2, 21 'Vol. rin. 1733. Encyclopedia, Britannica $10. Phone 12912-tpMornings Wil. 2152. 131LTN12-Itp