R. Bacon, Mrs. R. J. Beatty, W. c. Buethe, Owen L. Cooti, L. Thomas Kelley, joseph H-. Kirk, Dr. Alvini W. LaForge, Mrs. George D. Mc- Laugblin, Mrs. J. W. Moore, George F. Pond, James E. Rowland, Hi Simons, Mrs$. fWlliam Waller. Jr., Addison W.. Warner and Williatn J. WVhite. Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson and family, 1955, Kenilworth avenue, re- turned Friday from Kansas City, Mfo.,> where theéy went to attend the w-ed- ding of. Mrs. Donaldson's sister. Mr. Donialdson was. there for Just a week- end, but bis famly wvas there for a week. Gilbert Keith,. son .of 'Mr. and Mfrs. ýCifton Keith, 222- Ninth street, is speniding sixweeks at a sumfmer cam p in Centennial, Wyo. His brother, \Vendell Keith, isconducting a party, of tourists tbrough Glacier park and Alaska. This is bis second summer r doing this work.... -o- Mirs. M\Varren Fifer, 1010 L-inden avenue, ý was hostess at adessert bridge. Monday.in. honor of Mrs. Paul Allingof Washington, D. C., who is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Hârlan Green- field,.iii Evanston. Betty Bonnet, daughter of MNr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonnet of 157 Robsart place, Kenilworth. is leaving today for Saugatuck, Mich., where she wil attend the second period at Camp Oak Openings. WTD. TO BUY-MISCELLANOUS- $ $OLD CLOTHES $$$ SUITSS HOE-OVECOATS FUR COATS - PROMPT SERVICE Martini'1sC1othing Storer1 742 Cumiter, Evanston Un. ý224 132LTN33tf Junk D)ealr-Ph.ilSchuman: Hiehest mnarket prlee for paper, maga- zines, rage, old tron, scrap metal, bathtubs and mnen's ol6d elothing. Phone Wilniette 349. 132L12-Itp Tllnk e ler-CGoldman li's harvest lime i the coun- try. Marvesi lime for, thriff y shorperse too, for summer 18 welrlongandmarchants are ofFerig unusualvalu«e t id- summer prices. You'll find a lot of such bargahins this week in the messages of James A. "Jiinm:ie" Donovan, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jantes A. Don o- pan, 1040 Piîîe street,,Winnietka, teho lias becn au.ardc.doan cnt rance schol- arship 10 Daritmou4t.h college. Douai- Vain was gradta ted f ront Newé Trier. High scliool last. mjont h. Hec was edlitor-in - chief of the 1935 "echoes," Ye'w Trier ygcrlook. and, was also art editor of thc New~ Trier Neuws, hiqh .îchool weekl 'v.-.In his junior year Doniovan ai vs ,eted to T.T. hon or society. -le not only aclîiezed .cholastic. distinction;, but îas a membem'er of thec track tcain, Ireasuirer of the Tri-Shift Boys' clupb <,,<l froînilint in dratnatic.v a:d in stindcit council activities. RETURNS FROM OMAHA Nlrs. George Ambuhi, who makes lier homne with her daughter's family, the Staver Mouldings of 934 Oalcwood, avenue, recently returned f rom a three months' visit with another daughiter, Mrs. Harold Jobinsen, of Oniaha. Mr. and MIrs. Mfoulding nio- t.ored out to get ber and their daugh-; ter, Betty Jane. wýho, had been visit- îig tie Johnse.fis. Charles W. Bickell, 202 Golf terrace, returned last N iday from a weeks visit with relatives ini St.'Louis. NOTICE 0F AUCTION SALE 0F GOO1DS Our Adertie.r.. ADVERTISER Ae m6tor sales...... Cover Ili Bartel'ý...................... BI Ily Boy Nut Kitelien ...3 Blann Pha.rny Bonnein, The Tallor Book Nook ....3..... Boulevard flrug Store *.......4, Bom'man Dalry Co ......l Braun DrozA. 011(Vo.. 20, CovPr I1 V Burns Toggery......... ('anadion Purifie Ry ..... (ayr-Leun Beauty Salon .... 27 (Iandee' ....>....... ......... 3t Cimiago & .Northwesterit Ry.. ..22 Coe, Alâner & Co.............. 10 Collette Soeurs .........21 Co-Op, Thie ....:_8_ý2 Crystai, Lake. Count.ry Clul,, .. . Davis Furnitu re Craftsmen ..37 DeNcida Beauty Salon........'s Diedricli, Eilytbh............10o Enyart, VanCamp, ~Flei 3;, Everett'%.................. 22 Feltinan & Curie............ Il First Churclà of Christ. Scentist.... ........ .....4 Fox Heatd 5Sales Co.......3 . PAGE ADVBRTISER PAGE .NercanktIle. Trust & savinge Bank ........... Mestjlan Bros. . ... . ....17 Milieu Hardw are Co. . S.i. Mission His Golf CIUI- .....22 isorS. S..... ..... .-.. ...22 marine Co.......... S, 32 New Trier servire Station .44 N.ý%ortibrook Dog Shkow .........127 0u1of Sait.... .............. li 011l Weil, Thbe 4 Pagilazulio, P. . .1 Pauling, E. G. Co......3 Peacoch, C. ). ..........29 Pciicock Ire Cream ...... Peunsylvamia 011 Co ........... 16 Piaxa otel................ 2 Pool & Piper ................ .1 Public service Co ..........S,9 M Qýuinitint -àTyson............. 87' Renneekar Drag Co......,44 Rensch, Warehouse...........43 Ridge Avenue Pharmacy .. Salis Fifth Avenue............ 29 Sphloesser's ....................Sà Scott, W m. Hi.l......... Cover IV 10 Legare-Loving ............2" Lard's.................1M, 20, 27 Lyman Pharmacy.........S,7 44 Lt. Bank. . .Cover Il beatre ........... 39 .E.............5 WiLMm&itu32 w, 7317 IBNSCH RPRO rARNIHOUSE