afternoonat the residence, conducted by the Rev. George P. Magiliý. Buri- ai was ini Graceland cemetery. Mrs. Martin was bon in Chicago, the daughter. of Robert Kirchner,, a pioneer. planing mîii operator, whose miii and home both' were destroyed in the great Chicago lire of 1871. She was at thait timte 15 years old. Mirs. Martin's husbànd was oneo the eariy Chicago druggists, and Was connected with that. business 'forj many years., He was a memberof the faiculty of the Chicago'College'of Pharmacy, and conducted 'a% retail1 store at State, and Harrison streets.1 He was instrumental1 in planning and1 zur o.. xa Âxc JE iv .mJea, maa ým8auam. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seaman and smfall 'son, Richard, 2106 Beechwood avenue, are moving the end of -the week to Birmingham, Miçh. Mr. Sea- man's business takes him to Detroîi 0o Mr. and, Mrs.' William C. Dombrow, 1610 Wàlnut avenue, and their daugh- ter,:Doloresj,are leaving August 5, by motor for Paddock Lake, Wis., gone on a fortnight's vacation. Mrs. 'Francis Ca!npbell,, 1235 Ash.- land avenue, returned ilast-,Monday from a montb's visit with relatiýves in New York City and Stanford, Conn. QW.ATINE DESSERT AND SPARKLE ' ?6.PKG25Cl OVALTINE ORPI4AN ANNIE BANDANA FREE WITH EACH GAN 0F OVALTIN£ CROSSE & BL.ACKwELL Ov pMcomld.. A..: .utBte suitoi afut Butter. .Cold Stea. Pink Sailmon, SultaoçaRed Salmon Candy Jfly Beans. 6-z.2.9. * CAN- 14-OZ. CAN, . ieFl9c ~ïI32c. 11-FlC. ,le~ 3 5c La. 25c' Serve lced Te.!1 Americc's most popular Sum- mro bëverage in Iled T. b.- caua iras deIiciouh, cooiag aumd econaoaicall LIPTON'S K-G:.*201 ORANGE PEKOE * e LEG Jb 18½C Shouldr Shou Iderý Chops Ibo 19C Saila t4ectoir N«oe TEA PÈRE PG 7c' ER.WITH 1EACI4 PACKAGE PIJRCHABED >k» Tou M La-12c d jCýCpTOU)i Bx 12e & ~15N12c >.ko. Tee Bal. .. 71NP S B. Lb., Zbc Specials from your A &7 P Food Stores, 1 1