STEVENS FAMOUS DI,-SH -TQ0WEL-S' i 6fo84 Famous for their quick, linitless drying! tvery thread in. them is pure mien. Slight irregulars of the 25c gr ade. H emmed, ready for use. 16x31-, with colored borders. Second Ploor. DOUBLE TER RY REGULAR, 10Oc sTE VIus. DUSH CLOTIIS 6for36C Closely woven mesh with borders to harmonlize with the dish towels. BATH 0QW EL s 19c ea. 6 for $1.10, 22x44-inch towelsin a fluffy, absorbent quality of double terry, made by one of the foremost milis in tbe country, Pastel borders. Regular 10c quality 1-2x12 WA SH- i SEE Tl s IN FOURA POPULAR SIZES, 63x99 72x99 72x1OS el X99 REGULARLY 81.19 SIX1OS SIZE. WAS $1.24.NOW $1.09 Wieboýldt's o wn famous quality sheets-More Wear, use d by tens of thousands of Chicago housewives - and the demand. continues to growt Don't miss this splendid opportunity. to stock up for the'year!, MORE WEAR CLOTH! 1.for 59c 47fold tape-tied, with colored borders 42x36, 27c, PILLOW CASES. 45x36 29C Lînets- Second Floor MAIL AND PHONC ORDERs PROMPTLY FILLED WOVEN 0F TH a *ET. LONO-STAPLE YARNU H4AND.TrORN iO BIlZE REINFOflCED, WOVEN QUALITY FOUR Y ý EA^RS0' WEAR 'IUARANTEP MORE WEAR MATTRESS COVERS BOX spring, Beauty Rest, fuil or twinbed sizes. Made of fine quai- ity unbleached- muslin, bound .With tape ail around. ON SALE Thmdsày, Friday, Saturdil NO. .40 ON SALE Saturday, Mornday, Tu.sday '4 N... -,~ R. Ci. A*,LICENSED WARWI1CK-AUTO. RADI *< 1888 Complete THE SWING gS TO WleBoLl>Vf ,~ .~., FOR WONDERBOLTS WJLMET8LIVE GT1,13 A Special1 Sale of RENCO BELT FOUN DATION CARMENTS.. 'Il' THIRD UGUST 1,, 1935 059'