Bishop's Offer Superior Quality Fur Coats At the, Createst Reductions In 75 Years DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Prevail throughout OUr entire line of superor Furs. If ever there was a time to get a real bargain in this Winter's correctly styled Fur Coat-now is the time -- and Bishop's is the placet Be sure fo buy earlyl AND REMEMBER: We guarantee, quality for qualty, our prices are as low, or Iower, or within five days.we will refund your money. WAS NUTRIA LAPIN .... ...........$ 62.50 SUMMER ERMINE LAPIN ............. ......75.00 SHEARED TIGER CAT .......................75.00 NEAR SEAL CONEY........................95.00 LUSTRE, LAMB ................................. 100.00 L.VER ElUSRAT ............... 400 RACCOON ...................................120.00 BROWN KARAKUL........................ 125.00 CIVET CAT . .. ....... ...................... 135.00 GREY KID ........................135.00 BLACK ASTRAKHAN ........................ 155.00 (Sold as Persian Lamb) BLACK PONY.......................... . 155.00 MOLE................. ................. 155.00 BLACK KARAKUL.................... ..165.00 NATURAL RUSSIAN FITCH.. ................ 165.00 NATURA. GREY SOUIRREL, SIBERIAN......... 210.00 e . . . , . . JL..... . )N SEAL DYED ISKRAT .. 165.00 " 200.00 240.00 275.00 300.00 365.00 BEAVER 1 à LAR A NOW $ 50 60 60 76 80 48 96 100 108 '08 124 124 124 132 132 168 388 192 96 240 260 132 160 192 220. 240 292 240 RANDOLPH AT WABASH. Euerppces os DoS AUGUST 1,i 1935 Hudso Seul (dyed suskrat $132