The, Nelson building at 1129-1135 Central avenue, rePort cd to have been sold on Frida,,v of last wcek. -Il is one of the mnore modern» store ýand ap ariment. buildings of Wilnette, havi» g bec» erected about twelve years ago by'David Nelson, ziho lias reimained ils. ozr,,ier unt il nowm il containls five stores, a restaurant and 16 a'partîncnts.: Il is ruviored that the piirchascr is, the Estate of Marshall Ficld. Report Shows Low absence of large industries,,.variations in purchasing power of the people, Rates Paid Ilere and even climatic conditions may give for E e-cticïlL yýrisc to rate differences. not otherwise for vaec&zcuyexplainable. Over stuch variablesthe Residential users of electricity in t.utdity compabies may have littie.'or Nvilmette. pay the Public Service,110 Control." C ompany of, NortheIl.ier i ,1ois a ratet Independently Operated' that is consilerably lower than that The report further désignates cargedl)otrIliiscnpie whether the electrical energy t servirIg tom-ns of sinuý«lar size. accordl- city is supplied by an independent ing. to a report just released bv the compativ, controlled by a holding eleçtric rate survev division Of the cornpanyv or by a municipal plan. Federal. Power commission. Tlhe 1111- Otilv six companies in the Illinois. re- nois report, one of a series cOveri11 port wvere showîî as being independ- evrvsat iite îon hosentl\ operated and Public Service ciistomiers' bills for varions quantitiescompa.visoeofha ubr of :electricitv -for evry ncorporated Clainis o-uicplonership advo- communitv, in the: state. To iiikk catesthiat citv ownership and oper-, comparisons easy.-tab)les.,are Indlti<led !ation of el'ectricity supply means showing the ranking. of customners' lower rates are defti.itely spiked by bills froff low to high, for-groups of, the report whichshowvs that the only cities of different population classifi- miipaplnctyi he1000o cations. In: the population groùp of125.000 populaàtion class does flot have, 10.000'tO 25,000, in which Wilmiette 's lower1 rates than Public Service com- included, the goverrnment report lists paniv. 34 Illinois cites. For a consuimption b~hF of 25 kilowatt hours per mon th, Puîb- -An earier report issued teFed- 0 Lloyd Hollister Inc. is located in the he art of the north shore, acknowledged a unique sales area. For many years we have served the commercial print-, ing needs of people who live: and do business here. Thcy are discriminating people 'with demands above the.average. We are in constant touch with nearly every one' of thern through our* publications, WJLMETTE LIFE, -WINNETKA TALK ,and ýGLENCOE NEWS aànd'bu close association with the E.vNNSTON R.EVIEW and other north shore papers. Feeling the pulse of :the north shore, we are always alert to every change, in'the demands. of the people. Isn't it logical that serving' this. above-ýthe-average area places us j ust a little ahead of other organiZations to solve your printing problem? UIt won't cost you any more to en joy this "head, start". *and1 with our help, the chainces are, your work wilIl cost less!- Lloyd Hollister Ic. Printers P6i/es Engraver: 1232 Central Avenue, Wilmnette Sh4e/drake 1221 -Wil/mette 43 00 Wînnetka 2000 Greenle4f 43 00 ( "Availability of fuel ïe6§'urces and trip in the east viitlilg VWashington,~ accesibility of water powèr go far, in Atlantic City, New York, and other sorne instances, to explain differences points. in rate levels. Geographic and -o- economiic conditions, have a marked Doris and Dick. Lechler, 210 Fifth inlfluence, as do the varying tax street, are visiting their grandparents, policies of the several states and Mr. and Mrs., E. Lechier of Wil- communities. enit of:population. mette at their summer Musk- seasonal requirements, presence or rat Lake, Midi..,,for tenýdays.. ELeatest 6o4f0i1gile Here's one- f the pleasant thlngs that 014 Mian Depreasion* put~fu, nyoraP. ull country eckb privileges on, one of the Most bea.utlflourses ln America on tii. shores of pictur- esque Crystal Lake-ony 40 miles from Chcago-at a tini' fraction of wha.t the yearly dues were to those who pasu tremendous sums for membershix>. E2YETAL LARE 9* ILUOIS