Ann Harris, Barb ara Burge, Marilyn and Jeanne Stube,, Gloria Ketcu, Betty Hall, fatricia Re.ed, Rosemary, Barnett, Nancy. Hausemant and Bar- bara Holway. The following Camp Fire Girls of Wilmette returned Monday of last week, from. a 'fortnigbt's* visit atý Camp Nawakwa: Pat Donabue, Bar- bara Burge, Valerie Adams, .miss Hope Carroland ber sister, Julia, and Marilyn and Jeanne Stube. They returned on: the S. S. Roosevet.- Valerie Adams. ON WAY, TO CONFERENCE The. Rev.. Oscar Oion and sons, Ted and John, of :Cleveland,. Ohio, spent three days last week with' Mr. and Mrs. Harrjr W. Mons of ý157 W oodstock- avenue, Dr. Oison was formerly pastor of the Wilimette Parish Methodist church, and he and, lis sons were 'on titeir way to a conference in Iowa and Denver. Airport Tavern DINE AND DANCE Wed., Thurs.. Fri., Sat., Sun. %Vedniesd-ay we serve 1¼ fried chicken, French fried potatoes and cmie slaiw for 1 S Friday: Free Fish Fry Saturday, steak with French f ried i5 potatoes and cole! siew for......15 pdënig Springs hotel wilI comPee tor the IWillingdon cup, presented by Lord Willingdon, viceroy, of India and formergove nor-general of Canada, and for the bistoric Prince of Wales t rophy, présent to the. golf club, at Banff by the Prince of Wgle.s. >The 'Banff golf course, designed by Stanley Thompson, is located a. tile above the sea in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, and bas been ec- ognized as one of the finestý courses on the continent., The total length is6,4 yards -for the. champion ship course and 5,945 yards for the short course. Par is 71 and a stiff par at that. The gre ens are almost perfect and the fairways have an excellent turf wibichàhs been praised by ag- Sronomnists for its emarkable evenness of texture. The sporting nature. of the course is apparent from the very' start, it is said, since the firsit tee involves a drive across the Spray river. 'An- other mental hazard is the famous Cauldron hole requiring a snmart stroke to carry tbe bail across this miountain lake formed by the summer flow of waters f roml the surrouniding glaciers. Manv ies GIe lve, at the track at Lincoln, and Levoni aGovizris Iin îedavenues andi M cCormick boulevard. _________________Field So popular has the racing of the. mîdget cars become that the seat- ing capacity bias been increased. Every Wednesday and, Sunday niglbt Icrowds of iiorth-,shore. people enjoy this sport. There are eigbit major events each night, and every race is replete with the thrills of this bazar- dous sport. The drivers of the. spec- ially bujît race cars aré farnous iii the automtobile racing world. ILeonard a D.IIU' mi 1:3' Bernard is the track director and is Sin charge of ali. events. ' Edlw. Ev.rett Hortomi Iarly Oice. Specil, qt. &t7r niake our own 1ce Cre.m 'LY Boy Stree I sbowing of "No More Ladies" tbis Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sun- day. Robert Montgomery's at bis 'very finest in bis crisp comedy that packs a powerful theme. Laurels must go also to tbe brows of Edna May Oliver, a grande dame Who's just as modern as she's old-fashioned, and Arthur Treacher, a delightful English man-being-English.. The story hinges on, joan Craw- for d's efforts to cure play-boy' Robert ,Montgomery with bis- own medicine. Franchot, Tone is the medicine and he is very easy to take. Charlie Ruggles, as an amiable_ dipsomaniac whose main >care in life seems to be his sheep-dog Rover, wins many -a laugh. Reginald Denny, Vivienne Osborne, Joan Burfield and 'David Horsley compleéte. the talented cast.. Guns. Ratti. and Chatter Machine guns rattle as the G-men close in on the underworld Moniday and Tuesday in "Let 'cm Have It." 'Unele ' Sam's, heroic sleuths win ' the audience sympathy this time, with Richard Arlen, Eric Linden and Ham- vey Stephens on the side of justice. Virginiia Bruce and Aliice Brady lend sentiment and comnedy to,,help slate' this filmn for big box-office. Wednesday and Thiur'sdayý, the Var- sity prescrits "Fi Caliente," a grandl musical comnedy ini a gay Mexican setting. This filin wi1l keetp patrons shaking mith lauighter, for Edward Everett Horton hits bis top)-no tchi comiedy stridé., Pat O'Brien', Glenda Farrell and Dolores Del Rio are righit in the mnidst of the' fini, wvhile Leo Carrillo will be enjoyed as DiA lRos villain. unicle. The. dancing of the famious De Marcos teamn an([ the. siniging of Phil Regan and \\Iiiifred Shaw are, other higblighits. TWO MORE>FEATURES Tr-,vo more. feature. pictures bave been completed at Warner Brothers studio witbin the.,past several days, with five other filmns now ini progress. Dolores Del Rio and Everett Mar- shall finishied work ini "I Live for VAlukesha Spring Water For~ Qulck Dellvery Phone Enterpris. 1212 Fox Head Sales Company, q s»ii nsrorscal im George Arliss, playing the titie rote, gives what many will cati the greatest, performance of bis career in "Card-, mnal Richelieu," the attraction booked for showing at t h e Valencia theater Sun - day and, Mon-* day.. ArIiss, de- livýers biting re- marks in de..- lighting style .while ,dep ict- ing the trick- e r y, schemnes and plans of the great card- inal of France. The îovely oreha Leenore, bis adopted daughter, who cbanged France's- history, live .s again, in the ýperson.of -Maureen O'Sullivan, while Edward Arnold plays L.I»S 50 authentically ht vnthe- acting bistorian, will be pleased. The beautif ut photography is anotber of the many reasons for seeing the film. This Friday and Saturday, the Va- lencia presents "People XiIl Talk," one of the inost charming of the Charlie Ruggles-Mary Boland coin-1 edies. Leila Hyams, their daughter, bas been. married a. year * to, Deanr Jaggers, and the. first squabbIe bas. beèn waged but flot wvon. Leila hur- ries home to. mana who decides to bicker with papa, thus di\-erting the kids fromi their own woes. It's deft, hunian comedy. 1 Mac \Vest gets married three timies ini "Goin' to Towni," the Valencia f ea- ture next Tuesday and \Vednesday. Miss WüTst wrote the original story, the screen adaptation and the dia- log. And the film abountds ini fast W\est 1 nes,.all. of thern clever, many, of thenm uproariously fuinny. The dif- ference this time is that Mac pursues theii, instead, of vice versa. *Her' first husband (FýIred Kohier) gets shot on their wedding night, and Macý is left wtbpien ty of money. She _[buys herseif a titie and second bus- band (Mi\onroe Owsley), bùt ail thle time it's English engineer Paul Cava-, nagh that she. wants. FARRELL, RETURNS After a long absence, fromn the Or, - = t' LSIllt'-111ç: lt' Lt' DODGES CUPID'S DART Anui Sotherni, who is one of the niany reasons for the success of "Hooray for Love," song-and-danice film, says'she will escape Cupid's dart. until 1936.