Mrs. Aig17, te24 Agdiural Pai l to oiW.g mot US OS TO 23, 110. Ai. IRDA ve' UMMAY AUS. 22 A"4 AUTO RMESP SATIUSAY. AIL 24 CI.aned and blocked to your ex- act measumements. Tràined attendant and modern frttin9, roomns are ai your dipoWu. 3400 Glemce .1300ý 1215 WaLt.m Av.. COURSE AS YOU WOULD CHOSEYOUR CUBuS left the Aviation Country clube Pal- Waukee airport, last Friday for Kobier, Wis., and Waterloo, Iowa, i the, Lokheed Vega wbich he and lits business partner, E. O. Beardsley,. own. Mr. Piper had returned a, f e w days earlier fromù the Pratt-Whitney factory ai lHartford, Conn., where he had the motor: of, bis;: plane over- hauled. C. Condit Flies Faust's Fairchild to Cincinnati Chester Faust's Fairchild cabin plane was flown to Cincinnati f rom tbe -Aviation Country1 club, Pal-Wau-, kee,' on July 27, by Cliff- Condit,. man- ager of Pal-Waukee. Condit took'an Ainerican Air lines plane back to th.e north' shore, and Faust, who was at Cincinnati,,flew bis own ship to Louis- ville and thein back to Chicago. Faust eesthe plane in the Pal-Waukee hangar.. Former Curtiss Mechanie Gets Transport License Dick. Shatiklin, a former mechanic at Curtiss airport, passed the trans-, port pilot's test at this airport last week. Shankin, after leaving Curtiss about two years ago, spent some time in Florida. He is now connected with- Braniff airways, at' the Chicago municipal airport. His brother, Harold, also is working for Braniff airways at the Chicago municipal field. Foster Hannaford, Jr., Hlas Plane at Pal.Waukee Foster Hannaford, Jr., 635 Rose- wood avenue, Winnetka, flew bis Curtiss Robin from Marion, Ohio, to the Aviation Country club, Pal- Waukee airport, last weekc. Hanna- ford had left the plane in:Ohio when: lie returned froni Kenyon college, Gambier_. Ohio, at the close of the school year. Hie taught a nuniber of was ferried back to Pal-Waukee iast Thursday by a pilot from the Tulsa, OkIa., airport where Phelps had some repair work done on bis ship. One wing of the plane was damaged'in a forced landing in the. Ozark moun- tains. recently Mr. 'Phelps' -plane-bad been out of the Pal-Waukee hangar about a monith. .Its owner, is. in the advertising business. Màkes Forced Landing, Flies Again Next Day As Lloyd Laflin of Lake1 Forest, Elgin. Watch company official,1 was returningý to Pal-Waukee airport froni a trip to--Rocford, Ill., on juýly 26 a broken exhaust valve forced him to make a quick landing near Crystal Lake., Ladlin, brought the ship. down without damaging, it in, a. farmer's field., A new cylinder, valve and pis- ton were ordered' sent to Pal-Waukee- by 'air express, and a day after bis forced landing Mr. Laflin was flying bis plane again. Acronautica Commission Plane Again at Curtiss E. B. Cole, secretary of the Illi- nois Aeronautics commission, arrived at Curtiss airport last Friday morn- ing in bis commission's Stinson. Mr. Cole is on vacation now and arranged to have Dwigbh I(orrow, flying in- structôir at Curtis s, go with him back to Springfield anid then fly the plane back to Curtiss to have some repair work done on it. Aviation Qlumnist Now Holds Amateur License George Fales of Lake Forest, who __ has been' taking flying instruction f rom Dwight Morrow at Curtiss air- port, passed the test for his amateur licensé Wednesday of last week when the bureau of air commerce inspectors were at Gurtiss field. Fales writes an aviation colrun in a Lake. Forest *ASK ABOUT OUR P LAN OF YEARLY PLAYING RIGRIS. ENTIRELY ORIG. 1 N A L AND DECID)EDLtY DIFFRIIENT. ARMY PLANE AT CURTISS A Ford transport plane from the FR011 BOLLING FIELD United States army base at Scott A Boeing P-12 'froni Bolling field, field, Belleville, Ill., made a stop at Washington, D. C., made a stop at Curtiss airport last Friday. The plane Curtiss airport last week. The ship was piloted by Lieutenant Mitchell. was piloted by Lieutenant Stowe.