oS*w.e Country club at Wilmette acquired the services of a coach by the nain. of George. Eckert when it opnd its 'splendid new club and pool> About seven yearî ago. Iflie came to the north %bhore wth. a national, rep- utatiôm, a. coach. and teacher who bad turnd out, morte-champion swimmers than an y other coeh in these ýpartS. Aye. even the whole -world knew the protèges of Coach, Eckcrt. Some eighteen years-ago, a stork came.to George's hàuse and left a smiling daughter in ho" 9armsl- fi'O course lie had hopcd for a boy of hi% mwm W o ck in'ianother world's titie, but, boy 'rôgirl, le had pledged hlm- self to fashion hi. offs>pring into a champion -swhâmer aud cdiver, Per- hape h% had 'hi. Lain in hie. nd when he. named. her Claudia, af ter that conquering Roman. Anyway, it w* a goed naine and %ùggeete~d hie gStarte As T.ddhr Since this weighty decision of tiani- ing hi# daughter, nucbl water ha g ~as-sed over. the isplanh rails; many Ureat divers and swimmers have corne and gcrne. George and Claudia gtar-ý ted on this. campaign to develop an- other champion when #fie wai just able to walk. Day iii and day out, theiqe two carrlod on tôgether. The - . J-6à"m l b~l làin ..hb . .wiS minea uiey DCbeca 10 oWiI n til titlee. Imagine the going for one out for a champonship in both swim- ming and diving I Stroke .by stroke, dive by dive, this teain of (ather and daughter pulled through competltion towards their goalst of national caposis On the way they acquired a number of tit1e s ad medals, but it was ail iu a day's work. Never once did they D iues the wom, ke or ed in 4 the com- Ischool, won one 0 frBos enter, and son, Dn, fornierly of 1Monday froin a icilter at Manis- is in Camp Todd iool for Boys.