Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1935, p. 40

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IS YOUR HOUSE FOR RENT? Do you want qUlck reaulta? List youï proPerty wlth us, fQr iune- diate action*. Weé hav e. man y inquirles for six and sevyen roorn homes. McGUTIRE & ORR, mnc. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis5 St. Gre. 1080. 99LTN41 -Ic WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE TENACNTS who wish to rent homes in'Èvajis;ton and north., RAYMOND REALTYC. 1569. Howard Street BrJitrgate 1668 WANTED BY FAMILY 0F THRZE. H-ouse lnu good condition, With 8 rooms and two baths. Prefer near NeW Trier Hlgh* Sehool, Responsible. Cal mornfinga or eveninga.'Winnetka 532. 99LTN1l4-ltC AT LEBAST 4 BEDRMS.. 2 BATHS. i KeniIWorth. Furnshd frôni Sept. 15 to.May lait, or unfruru. on longer lease. Write'Stanley Knight, 306 E. Rose Ter- race Lke Forest.. 99LTN144lti) WANTEI) TO RENT IN WILME'I'TE or Evanston, 4 bedrui. house, by re- sponsible party. Garage. Near transp. Alust be reasonable. Ph. Glenvlew 239. 99LTN14-Itp W!ANTED TO RENT. SEPT. 1-SIX room house, porch, desirable location. by responsible party. $55 per inonth. Write A-91. Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 99LTNI4-tp 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE OR GARAGE apai'tnl n WiI., Keni. or Winfl., prefera.bly with garage. Near trane. Rent $30-$35. Wlnrietka 422. 99Ll4-ltp WNTlED-8 BROOM J BUNGALOW OR heated apartmelt * Sept. 1 or Oct. 1. Near achool. State lodftioti and rentfil; Write A-86, Box 40, Whlmette, 111. VVTED - HOUSES FOR REN1 $40 to $150. W'e have many 'clients. Let us offer youra. Wilmettê Realty Co.. 513 4th St., Wilmette 192. 99LTN14-ltp S-EPT. IST - SMALL HEYiiiSE OR shan.e lange home ln Glencoe or Hub- bard Woods. Familly of 4 adulta. Phone Glencoe. 16 06. 99L14,ltp RESPONSIBLE PAR TY WISHES -$mail house and garage. Sept. 1. 3 ln famlily. $30 to $40. Phone Br1argate 9630. 99LTN14-ltp WANTED IN WILMETTE ÇOR RENIL- worth-Furfl. or unfuru. 3 bedroomi Beautiful- TAPESTUT BRICK on a lot 100x200 NEAR THE LAKE. 8 at-i tractive rnis., 3%~ baths, MUST BE SEEN 'to appreelate, worth double the price ...................... $22,500 ENGLISH BRICK, 7 spacious rms.,, 3 batha,, 2 car garage, oit ht., near the SKOKIE SCHOOL 1» fine neighborhood of new homes......... ...... $13.500 IN BEAUTIFUL EAST KENILWORTH. A. Colonial home of great beauty. 8 rnis., 3 batha, electric sink, frig., can- vassed ls st prlnkling systeni. $33.000 NEW WHITE BRICK COLONIAL, near the lake, 5 bdrma., 3 tue baths, brkfst., rn., recreation rm. wlth firep'.,, screen pch, 011 air condltioned heat, att. 2 car garage, - n HEART 0F SOUTREAST WýINNIETKA-$35.000. will consider-a smalhorne In> trade. In a section of new ho me-50-foot lot- Ail Improvements lni. Handy to trans- portation. We can finance building, 111LTN14-ltc DEERFIELD A -Marveous Buy $3,304) CASH AND MONTI-LIY PAY- m ients of $69.'75~ on Gov~t lan is ail it will take to buy charmlng stucco, tile roof bungalow that coat $32,000. Living roorn wlth fireplace. heated glazed sun porch, dining rin., 'brkfst. nm., kitchen, built-in cabinets, 2 large bedrms., 2 tile baths. Hlgh, llght basement; cil heat, 2 car det. gar. Lot 100x200, land- spa ped. McGUIRE & ORR, mlc O0ver 40 Years of Dependable Service 3128 ParkAv. Glencoe (ilencoe 13 il ILTN14-lte ENGLISH-IBRICK ATTRACTIVE TEN ROOM IIomE wlth three baths on wooded -corner near school and trastrp. Perfect coni-l tion. Llbrary, po'wder; rooru, Ship's Cabin" bedrooni for boy, attacbed gar- age, ohl heat. Can be bought. on easy "RENT INVESTMENT PLAN" or mlght be rented. Phone for Inspection or sec on Sunday 8 to 6 P. M. Location, 299 VERNON AVENUE. OLENCOE. OUINI4AN :& TYSýON-, Ic. 1571 Shermnan Ave. Uni. 2600 illTN14-ltc SMALL ESTATE. IIEAUTIFUL 12 ROOMIS,, GEORGIAN brick resldence. 7 *aster bed- rooms, 4 baths, solarium, ample servanflfts' quat . nv Now la the opportune time to purchase vacant both for investment and build- ing. operations. R. B - WHITAKER CO. 1 4( CEFNTER ST. WINNETrKA 2250. OPEN WEEK DAYS 9 TO 9 11LTN14-ltc 4 Bedrooms, 3 b aths, $12,500. CHARMING F R E, N C Hl COLONIAL bouse on -wooded 1/3 acre.' Sunroom overlooklng garden. On 2nd- fi., large master bedrm. with private, tie bath, 2, other bedrms., slp. pch. and 'bath. Maid's rmn. and bath on 3rçl fi. 2-car gar.* Excel. neigbborhd. and conv ý to sch. and transp. This outstanding' value for quick sale.. WINNETKA WHITE COLONIAL 4 Bedrms., 2 Baths,-$1O,OO On deep wooded lot, conven. totiransp. UnUsual to find a house with so many advàntages at such a 10w price. BAUMANN-COOK 55:1 lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 *INVESTIGATE YOU 2MAY SEE THIS HOUSE SUNDAY between 3 and 6 P. M. Nlcely situated among fine homes, this attractive brilck boôuse bas seven rooms, two batha and a sun room. The yard is spaclous and- beautifully landscaped with many shrubs and large trees. If yoù are lnterested in flndlng a nice home reasonabl>t priced Jit will pay you to see this. Sale price $22,500. Rentai $125 per month. Cali us for appt. at any time. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 11 Sherman Ave. Uni. 16;0 _________ 11LTN14-Itc RARE OPPORTUNITY EASBT KEINLWORTH~, .PERSONALLY planned and built 8 roorn insulated Colonial home In Immaciulate condition. 5 bdrn,., 3% baths, sun rooni, open pgreh, ohl ht., 2 car att. Wooded and landgcaped grounds, sprinkler system. Owner leaving city, must se. Inter-. view, inspection and details by calllng Wlnnetka 1800. - llLTN14-ltc KENILWORTH * WVHITE COLONIAL IN PERFECT eondition, choice East aide location. 5 bedroonis, 3 baths, open porch, large lot, sprinkler systemn throughout the grounds. Price $29,000. SMART &. G(O1iER Tnc HIILL &STONE 543 Lincoln Ave., Wlnn. Tel. Winn. 1544 111LTNI,4-lte FIRST TIME OFEERED! S MODERN2- STONE COLONIAL 5 bedroomis, 3 batha, sun room, o11 heat, lavator y .2 -car, Zarage, fine wooded lot in choicest .section. A perfect'bouse in perfect condition at a prlice you, can't resist. Act! PE VI-',NNNOS 7 'lO 1) HEINSEN REZALTY CO. EXCLUSIVEAGENTS S60 CENTER ST. WINNETKA 254 111ILTN 4-I te White Clapboard Colo.r al ARTISTICALLY LOCATED ON BEAU- -tifully landscapyed grounds, 100x296 f t. .Large living r.ooni, llbrary, dlnling rooin, 7 bedrooma, 3 batha, bouse and grounds in perfect condition. Owner leaving town will seil outrighit or rent furniehed for a QUINLAN & TYSON, Ine. 1571 Shermnan Ave. U'ni.. 2600 ________ ____ _____il 1LTN 14-1 te UNUSUAL BRICK HOME 6 RMS., bNGLISH DESIGN, WJTH 2 floor levels, and'air conditloned heat, tile wall bath and extra lavatory. Built for owner, 4 years ago, lot 50x160, 2, car garage. $11,500. Key at our office. so eau be seen auy time. Eddington & Allen, mec. Eud "IL" 410 Linden Ave. Wilmette 407 ________________ 11TN 14-1 tc HALE FORMER VALUE BEÀUTIFUL TWO-STORY BRICK, SIX hooms, Sun rooni, breakfast rooni, gas heat, 2 car gar. Lot 45x178 with rnany large trees. Cost present owner $25.500, now for sale $3,000 cash, $10,000 mort- gage 17) years. Shore-Towns ReaIty Corporation l109 Sherman Ave., Evanston Gre. 2700 1111,TN14-lte. ONE OF THE BEST' MODERN BRICK ,AND STUCCO rooms, 314 baths, sun rooni, play room. A woud erfu lîlttIe, home. Priced fight for quick action. Mr. Remington. BAIRD & WARNER, mnc. 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE- Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 4 bath bouse, r( N~ORTH SIIORE HOL 1-xceptioflal values' j C),7 nr. bouses in Wlnnetka, and Willmette. Arrange to1 Wanner. Kenllworth 5111,or 8 iand 9 $8,500 FOR QUI enilworth home cholce loc spect. F. tacbed gar. 2 acre( ýtaie 5111. qehîs., ehurc-hes. ti ,TN1 4-ltP 1Winnetka, Phel rns., '2-car orches. 4 bl 958 Pine1 11ILTN14-1 C E. '.A very llvabl bouse, at M> . lawn with sli Wanner, 128. reLrwlte. wnr . mruo qart Rd, Knl51.WIlI fdivide, LEALTY WINNETKA 254 * 14LTN14-ltc 10 -ACRES NEX'r TO EX-ý itry Club, near Sicokie Blvd, VVÉte.A-68, Box 40, Wllmette, ll14LTN12-3tp

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