Edwards, Tenderixed Müllows F or that beach supper or marsh- miallow roast Toasting Fork FREE. with a lbo pkg. 19c> Pelicicously swe et and tender. Eat all yu want et ibis Iow price. Doz. £7C Conteloupe Hon.y-sweef, meIIow meeat. So good f or breakfast, luncheon or dinner. Fiais of 1l to 12. 79 c Iceberg Lettuce For e crisp, inviting, sated course. Extra large heacis. 9C TEMPT THE FAMILY APP9TIT! WITH, THESE HOT-WEATHER MOUDS Ther ar so anygôod hingsfrom which to Malte selections. "Iteady te serve'4 luncheon or dinner enfumeès; salad, awd 'desseyt ,suggestions;1 picnic spe- ciels and cold drinks-ail priçedèc low and d6livered withut aditlnalchargjeý GIINGER ALE Dooz.3 i2 for 25c SPARKUNG WATER DOL. 2.29 ~O Ilalibut Steak Doudcous broiled,. fred25 or baked. Lb. 25 Give your Appetit. a New Trect with Chef -Boy-ar.dee Itali,àStyle Foëods.- Two Cjenoioutsésrvings.'Add fruit salad to th. menu.anàd you have a complet. Jdinner, 3 ready in ne time, 2for 2 c Spaghetti Dinner Iftalien Sauce, 3.t c 28.OL 19e Genuime CaUves' Liver A Splendid lIwhe ent r.Fne for 69 outdoor picnic, too. If can be fried'in the open. Lb.43 Stewinq Heu$s Um, chicken st.w with dumpP#ngs and pI.nfy of fresh corn. There's an idea for aà 7 REAL dinner. 4 fo 5 tbs. average. Lb.27 Sumnmer CoId Cuits A tempting array from wkich fo 4 *make selections. Lb. Valeuncia Juice Oranges Tbe I'ýl-balenced diet requires plenty of ci- rus orange juice.. These oranges, are sweet and fuit ofO juICe.ý 3 ýdoz. 8 5 C Leg of Lamnb Rub with olive o hi and a clove of garlic. Lb. roast with2 Salami Sousage the summer seusage thél bas a. extra garlic flevor. Lb. > hie33c No corryiag t. 00 We Deliver t. Tou WILMEMT 402 Uinden Av*.. wanatte la WINNETKA 3959 sro.way ]Bu*1sgI*om m LAKE VIE« 718 Elnm St. PARK Orders Dhou ght to Y>* ~. AU Along the Noathà AUGUIST 8, 1935 CANADA