TIesides ber husband and her father, Mrs. Conlin is survived by two chil- dren, Dick and Betty, three brothersi George, Bernard and Anthony, ail of Wilmette, and three. sisters, Marga- ret and Elizabeth Busscher of Wl .mette:.and- Mrs. Mary Horgan of Rogers Park. Mrs. Charles. Beringer, 225 Catalpa place, who bas been at ber cottage at Stoney .Lake, Mich., since the miiddle, of June, is rem aining there aniotherinionth. -Miss Dorothy Rae, 431 Greenleaf avenue,, left last week for Tomahawk, Wis., to spend a month w'ith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chamûplin and famifly of Chicago. ai their summer cottage. eLg -$:.%x4 .o -u fo Ri Lavena nt, president of thr North Shore Art leagute, recepitly execuft- cd this sketch doiÎ'iii the garden at the home 01 Mrs. Perry Cratcford. 6401 Hil roa. Wii#etkaý lt zui omplet4d et oa, #of Jkh.-tirda.%-sketch chuss. meetings conducted by thte Art leagute. Mr. Lavenant is a native of ]Paris, but bas been ,a resident of tbe north sbore so long that bis entire training bas been Amnerican. He attended the Art Institute of Cbicago and studied u nder Charles Hawthorne at Province- town. He is a master of color and has turned bis powers to technical use as suncrintendent of color, in a leading ~& NATS WHITE FELTS ANI) (ME PES freSh SM d ean, $4à valut $1.95 ,( 'N ~ $1000 CJEAtA50c wq)odefulba.rgalnms............ . so the Ravinia Sketch club, Whose activ- ities have been taken over by the North Shore Art league. During the winter, the Lavenants- there are four of tbemn-live in Evans- ton, but the sumimer finds theni somie- where farther north. .along the shore. This sumnmer, they are. staying ini Lake Forest.. Sunday, August 4, to he gone several weeks touring the east and visiting relatives and friends en route. Dr. Schildberg's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Hubler of Mendota. are staying with the Scbildberg .cbildren. Mrs. Tom Dixc and daughter, Lucie, 236 Oxford road, left Kenilworth- Monday to drive east. They will stop at Sèville, Obio, where they lived for two years recéntly, and then go on thé _cIàss will meet at the foot of Beach street, Glencoe, to use the lake and the shore as models. The tisual invitation. to everyone interested to join them is extended. Several took. advantage of the invitation îast week to meet in the Hettier gardens. High-, ,land Park,, and the usual number. of worth-while sketches. appeared for the concours late in the afternoon. Amoing those artis.ts who have left the north, shore for the, summer are Hazel Crowe Ewell, of'Ravinia'. who with her daughter has joined Ilier son. In the East, Max.Gundlach of Win- netka and Eduia Mae Johaiîseii. also of Winnetka. The Art league ýwill résume its reg-, ular. winter program in Septembher.. There will be the regular classes. in the studio, at Commuity House, Winnetka, as well as a varied pro- gram of exhibitions and. enterta in- ment. The1 present membership, of the league includes artists and -art- loyers f rom Chicago to Lake Forest, from all of the north shore cities and villages. Gertrude Kriesant Is Wed to Evanstonian Miss Gertrude Kriesant, daugbiter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kriesant of 2432 Thornwood avenue, became the bride of Anthony Leo Thilwany, son of Mrs. Peter Thilmany of 'Evanst'oî. Wedniesday, July 31, at 10 o'clock in the mor.ning, at St. Joseph's church. The Rev. John Neuman perfornied the ceremony. The bride's gown was of white satin fashioned on princess Iines ivith a long train. Her veil of tulle e.x- tended beyond the train. She carried' a bouquet of. white roses and stock.. Miss Margaret Thilmany,.her maid of honor, worel pink. satin. Miss Marge, Kriesant,' on e of the brideï- maids, sister of the bride, wore ice- blue satin. Miss Gladys Stefenis, the other, was in Nule green satin. Al. wore hairbraid hats, gloves, and slip- pers, to match their gowns, and PI4TRONJZE ,OUR, ADVERTISERS i.- ,4TRAWS ANIJ CREPE~4 ~alnem to *8.50 L4UT ES O B NK. ,WLMTL 553