mdFrInd Southern California. Mrs' Gallear ias wek, hn HUI JVL UVyUaUSI 0 ~had been away for -the past eleven, complished, and as a result the Illinois Jay Crowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. months. Commerce, commission still bas the, Franicis iCrowell & m3 aeavne *--iatter under 'considierat.ion.. The date returned Saturday from apMn- MSL .PerfrelufWî for a decision has been advranced ta towish. -He. only stayed two weeks as mette, is visitinig the: Misses Nourse, September 15. he sprained his "ckl.wbile at piay. 1137 Greeuwood avenue.. While the proposed substitute ,route mou e sh t. d -. ferp Mhan IL i.z=o G. IL W"ia84f property owners aftectea 031 the new routitlg to study the situation care- fully and implored village and city officiais to consider the striousness of alîowing beavy freigbt trucks to op- erate permanently, under state sup- ervision, over' streets ptimarily de- signed for residential- uses. Ne Agr.mnat R..c.d "There bas, been absolutely no agreement as,,to the acceptance of any routing aloing thenortb shore,". said Howard F. Bishop, attorney for tbe association. "A substitutè: rout- ing bas been drawn up, after two conferences, for consideration instead Of the original proposai to use Sheri- dan road ' but the new 'zone plan' as not been agreed upon as being accep-, table. The decision was mherely to, consider it in place of the first rout- ing. "No opinion bhas yet been written by tbe commission and no one bas been. authorized to state that an order will he~ issued grantiflg the petition. In ail probability, consideration of tbe substitute routing will not be finished before September 15. No one knows at this writing what the decision of the towns and villages and the prop- erty owners association will be as-re-, garcis the new routing. HkI t.O riginal Po.*itiol "Our association firmly bolds to its original position in tbis matter, that the petition for the use of nortb shore. streets as permanent freight lines should, b, denied. Sucb designa- tion of streets is detrimental to prop- erty values and it seriously mars the residetitial character of the area. The north sbore is adequately served now witb trans port facilities among the best in the world. Furthermore, common carriers on residential.streets are rendered still more superfluous by recent improved pick-up >and- delivery, service wbicb bas be en offered by at least two of the railroads that*,now serve this territory." Arous. Propety Owme Attention of nrovertv owners an& VAS c A WE~k canmust UC knowR IocaIIy 10o e of ex-, Scelîtut character, and must supply two letters of recommnendation from reliable people. +& license was recently refused on the ground that the applicantes, record for sobriety was flot satisfactory.