den club. Borni at Palmyra, Wis., Mrs. Wortben moved to Paxton, Ill., witb hier parents wben she was a child., She was educated in the grammar scbools and bigb school at Paxton and later. attended a music conserva- tory at Bloomington. 'Mrs. Wortben, lived in Paxton- until hber marriage to Mr. Wortben 25 years ago.,, She was a member of the Congregational churcb there. Dr. Georgeý D. Allison, pastor of the First,]Baptist cburcb. of, \il mette,' conducted the funeral services, whicb were beld on Wednesday afternoon at Scott's funeral borne, 1118 Green- leaf avenue. Mrs. Marjorie Sherman of tbe Nortb Shore .\usicians' club was soloist at the services. Burial took place at Mleîorial Park cerne- tery. Mrs. Worthet's only survivor, be- sîdes ber husband, is ber mother, Mrs. Besgie 'Mahan ' -Who bas heen making hier home with the Worthens.' Charles Harper. of, Beverly His, Cal., was a recent guest of tbe Fred Deacons of- 351 Cumberland avenue, KenilWortb. 0o Mrs. George Bensoný and son, George, Jr., 210 Meirose avenue,' left I<enilworth Wednesday for a cruise to Georgian.Bay. reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting" (Galatians 6:8). Among tbe citations which coin- prised the lesson-serinon was the folowing from the Bible- "O Lord, tbou bas searched me, and known me., Tbou, compassest my path> and rny.lying clown, and art acquaintedl witb ail my ways.. Wbitbher shall I go trom tby spirit? or wbitber shall I fiee froin tby precence? IJf I take, the wings of the morning, and dwel ini thie uppermost parts of tbe seas; Even there shall tby band lead me,' and tby rigbt hand s.hallhold me. Yea, the darkness hidetb flot from, thee; b ut the night shineth as the day: the -darkness and the, light are both alike to thee" .(Psalms. 139 :1,: 3, 7, 9, 10, 12). The lesson-sermon- also, included the folowin g p assages fron the Cb.istian Science 'texttbook, "Science and Health with Key to the, Script- ures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is inividual, incorporea.fHe fis al space, and it is impossible to conceive of such omnipresence and individual- ity except as infinite Spirit or Mind. Hence ail is Spirit and spiritual" (p. 331 :18, 22-25). Mrs. David R. DeCamp, 615 Abbots- ford road, Kenilwortb, will be hostess at luncheon Friday to ber quilting club. BORDEN'S OR WHITE HOUSU CUT WAX N0.22 CANS SEMINOLE TISSUS b lte Sardines .3 1%iL"qvA23e Kacsto Desoeloé 2* 6acs5é Kremel D'oed r ...6P1c0,.25e H.ll.ann 's Mayonnaise . 2l5& 25é VL ru lu...«o PLEUS S&.4M4Z25 AL K1INDS EXO E PT CI41KEN Cam"Ibei'ouups . .'OdiF&23c New 1935 PocltPous'ftfl'8% 1L25C MitPeasutvj.Stie .. 2.LÎ25C SpinaclPANCýv 3=125e Rajah Ground Spice . 3,456825e Sultana Macaroni sp,%AMl'Î&i. 3 uIlià 25e Encore Stufed, Olives. 3 »1,-% 25e lona Solad DmWssng eeëeMi ~25e Cauy Soop. *5 CAKES 259 Crystal White Soap . W 25c Other Value. SunnyReld Sliced Bacon 4 Le. 20c' Salt Pork 'I 2 LS 23c Excel Thuringer2 PCE. 35e Shredsled Whe<ut Biscuits 2 PKSs. 23e Satina Tablets .,ee2PK68S.410 Mt Your A&P Food Stores FANCY FRYING AND BROILING CHUCKENS l .b. 24½/c POST S 6-01 PKOS. 3*0 POST84."iFLAKES Grape'Nuts.Auus2Vc%.23c Maxwell'KoIse~" 'j32C Minute Tapioca 1,, i z 3c La France uPz 9C Lemns GRANOMOTHER'8 ra Kru run vt.u-b. . e * ... .. 9 e% Bologna ............ .. .2 Ibs. 25e I 2oz 21c 2Io-oz. 19C 23c A& P Food Stores