tl e Winnetjca Tennis club. Thit doubles were won by John l)eacon and Scotty Campbell, bath of Knlot as tbey defeated Wade and, jack Banner in- twa sets. Play -tbrougbaut: the week was very good but on Sturday tEe final- ists exbibitcd tennis of the very higb- est order. The large gallery on hand for:the matches applauided again and ag ain as the shots zoomned across the net. The most pramnising player of the meeting, this year, was young Dick Wade. It is truc bhe was defeated' in the finals, but. ail of bis shots* are, ptoduced, soundly and with pace.- In« a few years Wade may prove ta bc the bcst player the-north shore bas seei.n for many years. Unstinted praise miust also bc accarded Robert Derham.. His smaooth strokes are a s yet sof t' but when ble gains mare experience. bie, taa, will be an out-, standing *playen. The singles' final was hard-fought, the final score being 3-6, 6-3, 6-2. Wadc hield command of the match til) to 3-3 in the second set but then Derham scemed ta bit bis stnide. The doubles match was veryv mucl, of a surprise as Wade andl Banner rere the favorites. Nevcrtheless, Deacon and. Campbell played fine tennis and carned every point of tbeir 7-5, 6-1 triumph. The. meeting as beld with the ut- moast success- under the management write somethinig of more or less lit- erary menit? Perhaps it migbt have been a poém or a story or an essay on sometiniely subject. It may have been a desire to write better anid more ecpressive letters. Those whobaveba suchlaudable. aspirations have tbe opportunity now of testing their talents "under the' guMidance of a, competent instructar. Many of us have no way of knowing our writing abilities 1until we -have had some instructiOn alang the fund- amental principles and have been en- coura ged ta start :right ini and try.' 'the way, our interest in- creases and we May be surpnisedwbat we really can do. DevelOP Self-Egxpression As the timne goes on, some will show more peogress than otfhers, but even thougb onc niay not, excel as a stary witer,ý he at least has developed bis ability for self-expressionî and bas impraved bis Englisb and vocabulary. The Aduit Éducation classes spon- sored by Federal funds under the Emiergency Educational program and direc ted by the Evanston Advisary Counicil on Aduit Education, are pro- výidiing this opportunity ta anyane 16 years of age o1r over. 'There is no charge af any kind. Cô*nipetent Instruction Miss Constance Bordwell, a young woman of wide experience and exteýý.n- in several years. A large numben of sales and rentais having been nego- tiated. Among the sales closed wene the 8-room stucca residence at 16 Indian Hill. noad, Winnetka, by H. F-.Howe to Carl Lloyd, an attorney associa ted with the finmi of Kirklahd, Fleming, Green and Martin. Miss Lois Stew- art of Hokanison & Jenks'represented the purcbaser and the, seller's agent was Buckingham Chandller of the First Realty conipany, Chicago. The 7 7 -room residence at 2735 Noyes street,1 Evanstan, was sold by Julius A. Grass ta Prof. Thomas R. Paf ey of the Romance departmentý of Northwest- ern univensity. Herbert C. Jenks was the agent. Transfer 'of three pieces of vacant praperty'was completed this week. Two lots on Ewing avenue, west front, soutb of Payne street, Evans- tan, eacb witb a frontage of 35 feet, were sold by Mrs. Grace Parker Poole ta Wm. C. Tackett' of Tack- ett & Callmer. In the. near future, this organization expect ta build two houses there. Miss Lais Stewart was the agent in this sale. Another Hôkansan& Jenks sale *as a lot 80x150 on Judson avenue, west front. south of Davis street, Evanston, sold by Irvin H. Fathchild ta Willis D. Nance of Wilmette. Mr. Nýance expects ta build in the near future.ý CIeaned an.d bloctc.d f0 your ex- act meosuremnent. 'Trained attendant and modem fut tin ro MS ore et Your SHORE LINEf, CLEANIRSl olenco. 1300 les5 waadantooI Av. Wilmntt% IL. FIU. 'ER Up WIH QUAKER STATEY T ennis club W kýiind lbld on iii.tnvyears. th me argest ou its le nOrth shjore for BIRTHDAY. CELEBRATIQN Donald Schlangen, 167 Abingdaýn avenue, Kenilworth, entertained the folloing group of childrenà at supper last Thursday ini . celebration of bis, fourth birthday: Rager Joyce, Bobby Drem, of Winnctka, John Bryan1 and leanlie Maliie -of Wilmette,- Patsy a time in the Northwestern University Scbool of Speech. She bas bad teach- ing and. other expenience in the Uni- Versity of Oregon - as an examiner at the University of Chicago: as a re- porte r on a Eugene -(Ore.) newspaper, and elsewhere. She bas also published various articles, poems and short. stories. Work on Play ve Wii elas ich at ily, the Daniel Steckers,' 423 Eighth street. Dr. Kinnan was for many, years a division bead in: the patent office, and up ta bis retinement a year aga be was the first, assistat United, States comnmissionen of -pat- ents. Dr. and Mrs.,Kinnan bhad just return.ed f romn an extenisi ve, trip, througb the west and spent.a f ew, days with the Steckers bef are going ta Washington. * «Only oce have 1 rnOhcd: withan cil other than Quaker State. Previously, I neyer foumd it necessary to add any H rughes. 0a Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robinson, 504 Fifth street, returned last Monday by maoton from a.fortnigbt's vacation, tîp. spent at Ruttger Lédge, ]Bay Lake, Deerw-'ood-, M inn.. >Mrs. J. Mark Hale, their son John, sister's. faxnily, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Ar v 9uwo and daughter, Lois, of 1051 Ramona W. Hodgkins, 431 Abbotsfond road, C e sdSrvice Statins road, returned lagt Monday by mator Kenilwortb. grgsadS from the east wbere tbey had :spent -o -on fthe North Shoe. aned oflf three weeks visiting in Meadville, Pa. Arthur Stanten, Jr., Bill Grinnelli and Westfield. Mns. Hale's fatheri and. Bob Tansill of Wilmette left last Braun S!@S. Service Soioas. 1. S. Gaskill of Meadville,. retunned Fïiday by mator for the Tansili sum- with themn. mer homeé at Atheistane, Wis.