[iss Ray Violet Kriete, 325 Ox d, Kenilworth, returned home 'flying-from Nçw Orleans, wl visited friends. Miss Kriete it south by plane. Patironize Our' Adotiser fi *.~1 These four Wnnetka girls are among the several hundred north side girls zwhIo have. been practicing foru.weeks-at the Aragoni ballroom under the direc-, tion of Mliss Betty.Jones, of the Betty Jones School of Music, for the Chi.- cago Tri bune's dance pagea..nt which uill be presented ait the Ghicagoland Music Pestiz>d next Sattirday evening, bcgini;tg at 7:30 o'clock,,in Soldiers field. Each girl will carry a parasol, the top of which depicts a fuil grown daisy, and these opened and 'closed during the per formance will transform the huge. Soldiers Field. into a daisy field. The four Winnetka girls participating in this great pageant are, (left to right) Alice Belle Austin, 437 Chestnut street; Kath- erine Soderblom, 798 Cherry street: Doris Jane Dethloff, 892 Elm street, and Edith Rose Campbell, 645 Sheridan road. CRUISES MEDITERRANEAN Edward Kahler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Kahler, 435 Haw- thorne lane, Winnetka, bas just re- turneci from a* forty-five-day cruise on the Mediterranean. Mr. Kahler' who is to be a junior, at Princeton next faîl, was 'a memùber'of the ship orchestra on an Amnerican export line boat. Mr. andidrs. Henry G. Zander,.Jr., and 'son, Henry, III, 736 Cummings avenue, returned to Kenilworth Mon-' day from a ten-day fishing trip to Camp McKinley, Wolf Lake.,Wis. T.D.Y.M.C. HokI8 Session at Shawnee Meeting at the Shawnee Country club Tuesday night, August 13, the Tenth District Young- Men's club heard a detailed report on.the highly successful picnic and Republican rally held under club sponsorship at Woodlawn grove on August 4. Ber- niard S. Black, of Wilmette, picnic chairman, informed the members that the affair had heen a success from the. standpoint of both finances and attendance, and, that it had re- sulted in a great, deal, of favorable comment on the club throughout the north shore. Plans for a tlu membership drive were, also, discussed . at the meeting, where it %vas decided that the use of a regular form, on. which applications for mnembership might be made would be advisable. Those inteèrested in, joiningthe club have been invited to get in touch with the secretary, Fred, Schmidt, of 827 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. fEvanston, BusinessCleg Intensive courses in, Stenography, Secretarial Training, Typéritng and ail Commercial Branches. Day and Bvening Courses. Catalog sent on request. New Term September 3 and >9- Registraion Week of August 26 DPay and Evening, Claisses WILLIAM IH. CALLOW, Principal 1718 Sherman Ave., Studio BIdg, UNI. 3004 QUALIFIED,. by skill and experience ta soveyour printinpoblem... *Lloyd Hollister Inc. has assembled an alert, adsiilled personnel to serve the higher-than-. ordinary. requirements of north shore printing buyers. Cntraot wida us 1You wilI lik PEýNNSYLVÀ *2 £m'mam. &va. of El Printers Publishers Ê ngrawers 1232 Central Avenue, Wilmette Shaidfake 1216 WilmdttO 4300 *Wimuoka 2oo Greenleaf 4300