If your house lias no porch, or only one lacingthe Sun in the afternoons, add a smnall porcli or terrace on the side ?f the bouse wbich is coolest dur- ing 'the summçr. Buit-in. wooden benthes, boxes for flowers, or lattice for vines tiay be add ed, adtipc wilI become a welcone- addition, to the sunùiner living space. CLOSET FLOORS. If he floor of the cloôset i raised above the level of the ýroom -floor, it wiII be L muchý easier to swèep. out and keep cleaii. 5e 10 amd 20 YEARt FURST -MORTGAGE LOANS on AI! types of properties at lowest rates Brokors cooperation ivited. INC. 1 N. L 1 Se , Chlc.pl Cntalom un 1ShaemaA", Evaato. UJfnie *4 2 WHJTM<,ER SERVICE PRO DUCES THIS NEW This Colon ial home as non' muter construction at 411 Suasset laa*e, Glencoe. fItnuas developed through Whitaker's New Biiilditig Service for Mr. and Mns. David A. Watts of Wilmette. Thse house n'as designed by Melville C. Chatten, arc hitect. The irst'floor çolisists of a living room (25x15), dining room (41x13), library and breakfast room. The second floor cotainis fou~r famnily bedroomsand l'o bath s, and a servant's bedroom and biath over the; garagie. Thse zmIU construction i.f ramne, and thse /st floor is firefroof with pre-coaui concrete joist with. co»crete floor. JERATIm micmCO, 011 DuIner SeriT A ALL M AKE S wI-.,uEs~ o, Iflgbt The bouse is air conditionecl with a split system for the air conditioning, al radiation concealed, with one pipe bot water for beating and direct system for air conditioning. The bouse is com- pletely, insulated. The overall dimen- sions are 3x3'6' and the site is IOO'xl75'. The Witaker icompany has usual way of presenting bornes f erçnt~ architecture. Any onei an un- of dif- who is interested i home building should cal at their office and see their display. A visit to the. display should prove flot only interesting but also profitab~le.- Examine and Repair Pipes and Radiato rs Many home owners face problenis involving piping -and radiators. Dis- orders rnay often be traced to defective. or clogged valves or insufficient pitch in the niino' which niernits air nnele- * 2- month Plan, with uniform monthly pay- ment@ of $7.17 (maxi- mium) moathly per $1,000 on choie. boans'. 1564 Sherman, Avenue, Evanston UNlversity 0283 ROGers Pk. 0271 The Prudentidz Insurmnce Comamny authonseas Smart &Giloe, Inc., esag ents lor' property ownrs, go submit to it applicati'ons for Mortgagc Loins. Faamlmn774» ISUBSORIBE FOR. WILMEVELIFIE M-1»