n~u horsepower . .. " ana im ne wheelbase . . . custom finish and equip- ment . . . at the astonishing price of $930 and up, Iist at factory. Sec it today!1 Chrysler-Plymout Coompoe te Reair Soevce. AU ak.s of Cars A. IB.VAN DEUSE vu. H. TauEt 721 MaiînStreet Phone Wilmette 2M0 TJHE EARLY BUYER Cets the 6tQate You wUI get a -wider seiection and better values at the Jeparim.nt store if you shop earIy. Totepi@ae for .OawPices Tdy! IGUARANTEI GOAL - COý FUEL OIL XED @osumers-@pa, WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386' * GLENCOE 75 Uivesity 7780 2738 W. Railroad Av. 'Il lU Ê" 11