of J±xamlners,, at the w imette post~ office. .Dr. J. E. Detweiler at r.Preebyterian Services1 DrJames E. Detweiler, associate secretary of the Presbyterian Board of.Foreign Misgions, will:be -tbe guest preacher a t tbe First Presbyterian cburch Sunday mornin g, August 118, at the il o'clock services.. Dr. Det- weiler, who-is Weil known to north sbore- churcb-goers, will leave soon on avisit to Japan wbere be was a mnissionary for several' years. PONDER LIIGHT PERMIT--. Floyd Johnson, Who operates a golf practice course at Lake avenue and Hibbard road, appeared before the Village board Tuesday nigbt seeking a permit te to ll flo ~od 1tgh1tiordetr that the course could be operated at night. Mr. JIohnson had Previously applied for a permit, which the board' was inclined to issue providing that Mr. Johnson secure consent of inter- ested property owners. No format permit was issued, however, but work of installation was started. On com- plaint of A. C. Youngberg, whose res- idence is on Hibbard road, the work was stopped awaiting a fin al decision as to whether a permit should be from Washington Island, wnere h inotored to get Mrs. Williams who had been spending a month visiting ber aunt, Dr. O. C. Trhorsen at 4h. Mabel. Katherine Pearse camp. On the way home they stopped to visit Mr.- and Mrs. George Baker of Manitowoc, Wis., formerly of Evanston. Dr. and Mrs. David J. Davis, 721 Elmwood avenue, returned Saturday on a The daily attendance chart for thé first eleven days of August read as folws:. 300'on August 1, 270 on August 2, 173 on August .3, 457, on August 4, 207 on*,August 5, 333 on August 6, 121 On August. 7, 309 on. Auxgust. 8, 239 on' August 9, 342 on Au4gust 10 and 662 on AugUst Il. Althouigb there has, been mucb bot weather 'in recent weeks, the 'water temperature neyer bas been -higher than 75, attendants, at the beach state. The water temperature seldom goes bigher -than 70. At noon on Tuesday it was 67. "Early Churciz" IS, General Tberne at Union Services Dr. George D. Allison, minister of the Wihinette flaptist church, wil preach Sunday !norning, August 18, at the un- ion services to be held in the First Con- gregational church, at il ô'clock. At this serice Dr. Allison will con- tinue a series of sermons on the gicn- eral theme "Character Sketches Froni the Early Church.» These union services, held jointly by the congregations of the Baptist and Congregational churches, bave been conveninoe each Sundav morning since *Art hur Thalman, Bill Peekel, An- drew Reinwald, and Bob Johnson, of Wilmette returned last Saturday from a 420 mnile bicycle hike. Tbey stopped for two days at Madison and'rode as far as Devil's lake, Wis.., camping along the way. Arthur's brother, Ernest, and Bob Brown of Wilmette spent four days with thetm at Devil's lake. the Legion expects to pay the entire cost of the 'Structure, and all it will. expect will be a lease'at a nominal rate for, 'a, period oif flfty years., at wbich time tbe organization will prob. ably be out of existence. SeeM As Public Serie 'In addition to the Legion," Mr. Coxon continued, "«the Woman's aux- iliary and the Junior Legion Would use. the building for meetings, and it would be avâilable for. such gatberings of a public natu 're as might, be' consid- ered'in the interest of local welfare. Tbere b as -at - no time ýbeen any tbought of imposing upon tb e com- munity,, or of getting somethinig for notbing. The, Legion proposes to pay: its Way, and its purpose was to:render a public service, while securing for itself a Permanent home." The need of the Legion for a build- ing such as was contemplated is generally recognized, and its efforts along tbat line will have the ful sympathy of the public, say those. wbo oppose tbe park location. Theý bope is expressed that the Legion will succeed ini securing a location that will be suitable for its purpose, and .tbat the entire village can join ini flnancing the building pÉoject. Wilmette now bas a poundinaster who doubles as dog catcher, and as a result the pound, located at the municipal in- cinerator plant is f ull to overflowing. Thle new officiai is Forest Golden, 1230 Wilmette avenue, and it is said that lie is obeying strictly the admonition, of Cbief of Police McGuire to not litý bis catches to valuable pets, but to also. pick up the stray mongrels that roamn tIi village. Notice is given that dogs Regisior 35e towel "IL... L UST WE S F13 N ILET.S5