Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 6

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Labor Dy- Kodak. as Ym Go BUt he sure you bave plenty of fims before you start. Get tbcm for everyI make camera at BOULEVARD DRUrG STORE lvemth and -Central Phone Wilmettc 4298 W~UIt WATCH 37, m Expert et &ioderaite Cet Exee InwSption and' Raulation liN lS~*t.Avenue Miss Lô'ag came to the Wilmettè school in 1911 f rom the fashionable Tome school at Port Deposit, Md., where she was in charge of the pri- mary department under Dr. Abram W. Harris, wbo later-bècame presiden.t of Nortbw'estern u;p.iversity. She re- ceived ber .Master's degree ini Edùca- tion f rom Columbia university, N. Y. One ýof the most popular teachers in the local educationlal1 system,ý Miss Loag taught; in:al grades up to tbe fiftb. For -tbe past five years she bas, been-a member of the school library sta 'ff. Her recôgnized ability as a teacher, 'combined with a rare' gift for Making friends, endeared ber to a wide circle of teacbers, and scbool patrons, wbo regret ber.decision to re- tire, You Should Try Ths W.ek's SpecialLl EagIish Toffe Wlfh Ros pberry Ice1 'Q. 4 (Regularly'60 C*quad) PIEACOCK*S [CE CREAN 1413 Linden Avenue - Wilmette 4120' IfUs High Tii,,.. Sy ou got those curis iinder cont roi wth Fait just aheadi A summer of fre.dom leaves them .. . well. nof-so p.rf and gay. Corne in and_ lot us restor. "boen curty l ook. On. of Our new permanents. *? ilt give a soft lustre antd tasting besuty to your hair. The1 Midweek service at this church w111lie iresumed Wedneàday,. Septem-- ber 4, at 8 o'clock, at which time al officers and teachers of the Churcli school are requested to be present, alsopar- ents and interested frienda of the educa- tional work of the churcli. It is expected that on foliowing' Wedneésdayrs, the dea- cons, the mninister and theWoman's se- ciety wiil present the challenge of their tasks. On ,September 8, the F ail prograrn of. thé. church will bee iaunched. Church sehool 'in ail departmients will convene at 9:30. Earl C. Carlson Ia chairman and actingý sup)erintendent, wlth 'Frank Guth- ridge as ýsupervisor of Seniors, Mrs. Elarry Burnside of Juniorsiand Inter- meidiates, Mrs. G. N. Lamb of the Pri- mary and Miss Jean Brashears of the Beginners. The ýHigh school group re- joices In the return of Keith Jones as counselor. 'The. president ls Roývland Davis. Adv.ince notice is given of the rc- suniption of Woman's society meetings on Friday, September 1.1, with the slo- qali "Christian Wonen Achieving.» St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wllmette J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9 :15 a. m.-First service. 9:30 a. nt-Sunday school and ibtle .classes. il a. m.-Second service. *.Though the pastoî* returna froni his vacation on. $aturday, the services on Sunday will be .conducted by William Schilling, a student of our Concordia Theological Seminary-in-$t. Louis, Mo. Thle subjeet of his sermon will be- "HoW Jesus Is Our .Good Shepherd."1 The Sunday sehool wlll start prepara- tions for its rally day on Septemnber 15. So the best possible attend ance of chul- di'en and teachers le desired. The church council i ll meet with the pastoir on Tuesday at 8 p. nm. The Sunday aclmool teachers will have a special meeting on Wednesday *at ýl lie Thle hmusic for the Il o'clock worship service next Sunday morning will lie as follows:- Organ Prelude: <ý'In Sumnmer" 'Stebbins *"Founttain Reverle"....... Fletcher 'Marie Bni.' Offertory Solo: -" In My Father's Hlouse Are Many. Mansions"...MacDermid Morris ]H. White Organ Postlude: "'Prelude and Fugue îi F Major" ....... ............ Bach The minister. W-111rturn to the pulpit on, September 8. aIis sermon thenie willl be:" Arn Proud of th e Gospel."ý The choir wIll be ti Ità-place for the opening of. the choir season on -that date alsô. The iChurch . chool will op en its doors :Sunday, September 8 .. There are classe.- for al ages, from the nursery. to, the aduit department. The meinbers of the Quarterly Con- ference are remninded to save: the -date of Septemnber 9 for the meeting. of the Fourth Quarterly Conference. The dis-, trict superintendent, Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, wil ' presidé. In addition to the regular business of the .Quarterly Con- férence. an Important election will take place. Our LaY i)elegate to the Lay Electoral Conference will be elected at that time.. Choir' rehearsals will be resurned o'ne week from tonight, September 5, at 8' o'clock ln the Junior room, under the di- rection of Miss Marie Bncie. It is holeed th at ail memnlers will bepresent and on The annual session of the Rock River, Conference will begin October 1, at Elgin. It is important that ail reports and re- cords lie cleared before that Urne. The Woman's Aid society will hold its firet meeting Thursday, Septeniber .5, at 2 o'clock. Thlis ,wili be a General Aid Business meeting and program. We shail be very hiappy to have as gttest soloiet on Sunday morning Ms Foster E. Fike of Sterling, Ill. Before moving to Sterling, Mrs. Fike was the soprano sololet here. The Woman's Aid* society will nieet Thursday, September 5, at 2 o'.(Aock. Business meeting and prograni. The speaker for the afternoon wlll be Ms Arthur Kruggel, president of the Woni- an's ýassociation of Rock .River con fer- ence. Her subjeet will 'be -Wonien's Work In the Conference." Ernglish Lutheran V. sEn, uC. Morgan of Decatur, 111. Sunday, iSeptember 1, wil l e the elev- organ is the director of religious enth Sunday after Trnity, and the first on for the Preebyterlan church Sunday of the month. There will lie state of Illinois. He le a epecialist TIoly Commuwnion et 8 o'clock, and IEoly lglcus psychology, constantly Communion with sermon at il o'clock.4 ng at conferences and coftven- He han also led a number of Next Sunday being the first Sunday of' people's conferences during the. the month, membere of the Boys' and ýr months. Grs Communion leagues will make Sunday schioli wlll meet at. 10tei communion nt cither the 8 or il o'clock, service. ( 4 4 i Testament r ot, thé.

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