requested to telephonie Mrs. Gr before Monday noon, and she cati for the contributions. Mrs. F'rederick Huns che, Beechwood avenue, is spending summer at Winona - lake, Ind. 2023 the Richard were taken to the JEvanston 3hosiat in a police ambulance. Both hnudjlsustainèd severe shoulder in- - jrie. he Jorgenson, boy' was takený - totbe ame ospital by Mr. - Sauer. Hýe >had received: a serious cut on the forehead,-and* other injuries. 1Mr. 1 and Mrs. Arthur. Medlièott and* family o0f Indianapolis, formerly of Evaniston, rrived Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs.%Max Hayford, 10 Fiftb ýstreet. TEfEu, iN IWANSTON Fer NEW FALL LYTTrON . MI *2O IVith 2 -T ressrs glack ad 1 pli Many new sporteti .-featuring lihe si Mn. John-Connley, 616 >Roger avenue, Kenilworth, an)iou.nces the, engagement, -fai her daiighter, Bar- bara, to Clar ence Schitell, son of Mr. anld Mrs. Chtirles Schoiel of 2 315 Thorsitiood avenuie. W-ilmette. Miss Cannilev is a former Ncw Tlrie H141h schoolstudeyst. Thé t' eddiigf wvilI take place Pnext spriny. EKVALLS HÂVE SON- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Ekvall, 1419 Central- avenue, a nnounce the bfrtfr of a sonr, William Lincoln, last Saturday at the, Evanston hospital. Mrs. Ekvall, tbe former Rutb Rice, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Rice of- Evanston, formerlv of Wilmette. Adrian Kava-nagb and ber b r o t b e r Horace Kavanagb, Jr., of 349 Maple avenue left Iast weeIk for New. York to visit relatives..- -i the University ox vWasnington, and had later been connected ini business wit-b the Retail Research association of New YorkCity and the La- Salle Extension. He bad also been a btisl- ness consultant.,.for and an official of the Club Aluminum. company, and a consultant. for the American Asphait Paint company. Besides bis, widow, Mr. Dabm- is survived by three cbild- ren, Joséphine, Eugcnia 'and'John. IMOVINmG TO INDIAN HILL The Charleso L. Orake family, 735, ITenth street, is- moving this. week te. a bouse near -the Indian Hill Estates district at 2232 Elmwood avenue. Shortly b efore. pre paring to mo1 ve .tbey returned home fromn a northern vacation. Nancy spenit several weeks at Holiday House in Michigan, and the'n joinfed bier parents at Hazer- h urst, Wis., wbere the y vacationed for several more weeks. Mr. and -Mrs. J. E. Hays and daugbter, Mabel, arrived Monday by auitomobile from Lincolin, Neb., to spend several weeks visiting tbdïr son and family, Mr. and Mrs.,Clyde Hays, 519 Laurel avenue. Shirley Wendel] of Oak Park was the gUest Iast week of. her auint and uincle. Mr. and Mrs. Ivar t)D. Wendell, 545 Park avenue.- Vernon Country Club Appeols to Golfers Who Want -the .Very Best If -you are looking for just another' golf course, don't bother coming- to Vernon. If, however. you are Ioôking for sometbi-ng entirely different, -where -every player re- ceives personal consideration and . -**1* * e. * e n L; i1WVIu l HIENUYCLYTTON & Sg Sorrienuton and Ckrc"-VANSToN .1 COUNTRY CLUs Balle Avë- W-ilmette M76