Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 45

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-K ~T AI -vE::WHis-E 4 bedroomis, 2 baths; garage; beau. wooded l and scho>ls ; or t'ent. WANTED-HOUSES, EVAN TON6ïï Wilm- ette. Good prospects now for house.s selling*for $6,009 to $10,00ý.è,o()d> buyer >%viints -7 rrn. mod. house, Kenil- worth,*$500 cash, and ininthly payment. F. Wanner, 19 S. La salle. state 5111. ýWANTED) TO BU Y -Oit ENT- E) rooin house, 2 baths. Owner oîîlv. Wil- niette to Southeast Winnietka. Write A-122 BoX 40, Wilmnette, 111. I I3LTNL-ltp FOR SALE-VACANTr BI&<;STBAIIGAIN INV ('AN ON THiE NORTH SHOiýtE yoiur choiée.of two beaitiftilly w oded1 lots, one in. Winnetka, the cother ilu (lltfcoe. 0<10(1 feigliho4o(1san d witbin. siililoeks of tra nspor'tation. We*dfoult if you 'wiIl have another chaumve i) bîy good. Vaydanat ait stiih a tavritive. Seevt and xil( ubniit an offer. THÉ.E ()W N iE: i REALLY -WANTS TO S 0l.. ther. éhoice lots Iin picticailly evvery ýi,tlin along the North $Sliore. QU1NLAN & TYýSoN, INÀ'. 1Uni. 26100. i11tLTNI-Itc 70-ET. LOT1-2,250 '1îx187-PFCOT LOT IN EI IEit ..>I intén--aItaxes, and aes nient$ ) aid inlufill. An excepýtional oppor-i tunityý' foi- fine builIding site or inivest- inéint. Price less than one -third v<st. SMITH & GO'SS 72., Elm Street, Wimnetka Ph1. :;Sî>o _____________ _____ 11-11TN17-ltc BEAUTIFLLHOM]ESITE ADJOINING 15TH FAIRWAY SI<OKIE Country Club. '14lx243 feet, private driveNviay to Bluff' St. $10,00.0. E. M. Kiinbali, OwneF, 770 Bluff St., Glen, 170. 114LTN17-Ilp ~ACT QUICKf SOUTHEAýST WINNETrKA - FULLER Lane homiesite, east front., Perfevt famlly location, less than $6 5 per ft. Winnetka 1800. 114LTN17-lt4v FOR SALE-CEMETERY LOTS 4-GRAVE LOT IN MEMNORIAL PARK] Cemetery. , Good _location. Will sacri- fice for cash. Write A-115, Box 46, Wil- Mette, 111. 1201LTN17-1tp) REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY FOR LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! SUM MER FURNITURE Consisting of, Peel- Cane chairsý, g)ider. Phone Delaware. 3874. 129L17-ltpj FOR SALE-WALNUT DINING TABLE and. 5. chairs.,, Combination Gas stove.. Both in lerëife(!t condition. Reas. 722 Ridge Rd., Wilnîette, MI. 129LT N17-ltp WAS HERS, IRONElIs AND REFRIG- eratoj's, fromi $5ý to $50. Alniakes. Cali Jàek Mecartney. Wilnilette 4334. lg9LTrNl7-ltp LATE MASTER BALDWIN GRAND Piano. Brilliant,. marvelous tone. Splen- did condition. Phone Wimette 3023. 129LTrN17-ltp FOR SALE: 3 PC. PARLOR SET, MO- hair. Also 3 lic. upholstered wtcker set. Phone Wilmette 985 after 6 P. M. 120LTkl.ltp FOR SALE-COMBINATIÏON KITCHEN range, up)right piano, beds anad mis- cellaneous pieces. Phone Wilniette 1724. 129LTN17-ltp ACORN GAS RANGE WITH OVEN reguhîtor, cogt4 $65.- Like new, $20. 302 Iark- Ave., phone Wilnette 498. 129LTN1%17-ip WTD. TO UUY-HSEHOLD. 000DB CASH FOR YOUR USED É'RNI-' ture, modern or antique, and other liousehold articles. Will also accept your furniture on con- signment basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE Established 1898 10046 EmrsonSt., EvanstonUni. 0189, 130LTN43-tfc WE BUY AND SELL FUTRNITURE, RUGS, MEN'S AND .women's clothing~, shoes, etc. Ph. Uni. 0103. 120L¶TN6-4tp WVANTEI) - ODD CHAIRS, DININO. rooin furniture; drapes, rugs, dresser, coimiodes, fire screens, andirons, grand- father cdock, candle sticks, tea wagon s. iuvkley Resale. Wilniette 1174. 130LTN17-tp FOR SALE-MISCELILANEOUS Bike Bargains. We're selling our slightly used rentai býicycles 'as low as, $19., UNUSUAL BARGAINS WHILE THEIr LAST Gèt themi now for the boys aiid girls to ride to school. iaot fatnoni or understand, as at the. present tulie strikin.gly revealed in I)ooks writteîx hv authors wbo have either. been natives or have lived in the- couintry and worked, intimately with the Chiinese. ÉExcellent 1material. wr-itten 'in lioth. scholarly and popular form about this glamioroils. and initeresting- piace cati I>e found at the.Wilpnette Public i- bra.rv. 1f the particular.ý titie you de- WTD.'TO MUY-MISCELLANEOUU Junk, Dealer-Goidman HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR AIL kinds of junk and old clothes. Phone Willmette, 5426, Winnietka à720. 132LTN15-4tp Junk Dealer-Phil Schumnan, Highest market price for paper, maga - 2ines:, rage', old iron, scrap metal, bathtubs and me n's old clothln.g. Phone Wilniette 349. 132LtN16-4tp Wanted-TrlcyeW and wagon for 3-yeftr- old cýh!id. Winnetka 367 or 2592. 132LTN17-ltp Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers- Security Efficiency Responsibility with its Moving, Packig and Storage Ser'vices Estimates Purnished Without Obligation Telephone $21 Main Street, Wilmetto Ph..., Wn.MwrrE 32 UNNVU1srTy 7317 Ayscough-"'Chinese Mirror'." "Charmlng essays that interpret the psychology of Chinese life and cus- toms."I Çlark--"The Great Wall Crumbles." "The book deais wlth the effects, es- pecially in and arelated to China, of the breaking down of the barriers which have separated- the two great streains of Eastern and Western ci- lizàtioil' .Cooper- Mv Lady of the Chillesç Courtyard." '* is based on letters, whaich were wrltten by the wife, of a very hlgh, Chinese offiiai." A vivld ficture of the ChInese women; their life.,and character 18 revealed. Per Ling-"Imnpérial Incense." "Description of court life ln, Chinia duirlng the rule of Empress Tzu-hsi, by, hier first lady- in-ýwaItlng. The lady's %vardrobe, the mealis whch requlred hunidreds of cooks are vividly de-; scribed." Fr-a n ck-"ý,Wandering in Northernl China." "R.ambles covering. Manchùrla, MNon- goila and the northern hait of the old Chinese Empire." This book is both readable anid'iii-- forma tive. Hedin-"Conquest of Tibet." "The author tells the story of his thifty-years-oId trà'véls, on the mys- terious roof of the world-an exeiting and colorful taie." H-edin-4Jehol." "Jehol, about 130 miles n!ortheas-t of Peking, is famous as the summer resi- dence of the Manchu emperors. Dr. Hedin dscribes the spiendors of thi-e eniperors court and two of -the most famous temples." Jolinson-"Pirate Junk." "Five months captlvlty with Man- churian bandits." Linidbergh-"North to the Orient." "In this Informai personai narrative, Mrs. Lindberghi descrlhes the fli glt whlch kliê took wlth lier husbandto the Orient.» Tan Shi-hua---"Chinese Testament."' "An enlightenlng study of the life of a Chinese youth from boyhood to young manhood. The story reveals an intimiate picture of Chinese family hf e." Xal-"House of Exile." "Miss Wain was the daugliter of à Quaker famijy who traded with the Cinee.>.,She later went to China and sta yed with -the Lin Family for two years, then she marrled, an Englishý- man who was in the governiment 'serv- ice." The author gives us a vlvid picture of Chinese life, customs and eharacter. The following list of fiction tities comprises several prize novels. ANIROtN.lE5, A-1 UULNJ.JLIJN. VV 1-'-' sacrific!e for cash. Ph. Greenleaf 4646. I 29LTN17-ltP UPRIGHT PIANO Calevenings, Winnieýtka 1404; i29LTN17-ltc XCE MONEY. iltkpacSe rigers, 4 hang- Reduced $52,Ot. $26,500«h aepaeS ,ood condition. ,Elm St., Win- (Only one-ahiard cash necessary) DOG "PLAY4~ 132LTN16-4te E. M. KIMBALL, Own.r jeanette MacDo 1PAIID FOR hn Ano 7 rFaýI»70 éCpai, eree [te 9613.Phn eno10orrmkIi oo "ptn"rtiee 132LTN15-4tp ______________________ her ten.nis lessons. dog, l for

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