PAGE ADVTIERAGE ADVERTISER. Mr'. andi Mi'. L. H. Hansmeait», 1220 Ma pic avenune, celebrated their golden wedding on Thursd4&y, August 22. Their sin and his zvife, Mr. aid Mrs. William H. Hansmann of Wilmette 'entertai;ied thein at a dinner Pai4v at tihe &igeuct'er Beach hotel. rhe senior Hansna#ns have resided in Wil- mette for the Iast fourIen "'"rv Mathew Franceis Ph-~t- BORN TO KELLINGS A Mirs. Robert S. Kelling ofà ilie Leary, is the Mr.William D Street. Mr. Kelil and Mrs. Max J.' 1430 entli e son of Mr. of Wilmette. The Màisses Eleanor Reinlwàld, Su-i sie Schoden, Florence Kriesant, and Estelle Thalmann of Wilnmette have returned fromn a motor trip tÔ Sauga- tiilck, Micli.. where they hiad spent a week's vacation. To VISIT IN WILMETTE clegrees at the University of Cali- fornia and will teach at Rýollins col- lege. He will be instructor in math- emnatics and astronomy. Mrs. Hut- chins is the former Phylli s Hayward, daughter of the late Dean Hayford of the E~ngineering school at Northwest- ern university. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rolland, Jr, Arport Tavern ..............10 Alrlght Benuty Slîop...... Jliamarçk Hotel.........0 Blanu Pharmaey.... BIumIS.......... .. ....... . Bonnern, The Tallor .........4 Boulevard Drug Store ... Brauni Brou. 011 Co.....ç,4 Bryant & Stratton College..18 Cian4ler's ......:1 Chicago & North Weste.rn It.. 2: Co-Ed Shop......... ....31 Colby Furn$ture Co..... -8 .1 Collette Soeurs ....... 18AS t'onsuiners Co..cir V C»*Op, The......... .... ... 2 Ileeld. Bauty Saloni Diledrich, Edyth....... 29 Erlckson, Ben Esther Beauty Sholb * .. .41 .4 Arts 1 C urnie 1 40 Lord's...................1, 32 Lyman Pharnacy.....6, 7, 19 Marshall Fild & Co ...19, 22 liereer Lumber Companifs.......... Coer IV .NestJflan. Bros.........1 M.Illburi's................ millen Hardware Co...... .-3 Mission 111118 Golf Clii, . .20 Moto rs Servire, lié . Coi .er IN' MuieCe..............2.6 0>11 of Salt ........ PagIiai'uloD ............. Pauling, E. G.& Co . ... Peacock Aie 3. . Peacock, (C. D ....... 11 Pea.eock ce cream .6 Peiansyvania' 011 Co.* Pool & iper........,16 Publie servIce Co. .3 Qnllaî &Tyson. ~16 Renineekar. I>rng Co.*. . 1 Renseh Warehouse.4 Ridge Avenue PJiarmae,> .Sk Fift.h Avenue 1 Sehelesser'........ Shore Uine Cleatiers . 23 Nn1der-Cazel Drug. Co..... .'..i,, te -oneeiney...ý Wilinette State Bank ..Cover Il Wllnïette Theatre.......... ...4l Wilnter, Geo. B. lue ....24, 25 WortheD'S...................4 ADN'ERTISERý