*notified, thé latter responding with pt2lmotor and inhalator. After 45 minutes' work with the pulmotor the victim was revived suffciently to be reinoved to the Evanston hospital, where it was reported later ini the evening, that he was out ofdanger. When .'founld by Eisyounig Scott wvas sittiv'g. in a: car witb its niotor running. The garage doors were closed. TOSS, Tomiatoes at Cars; 'Encounter, Police Judge J. S. Pottinger. 316 Third street, tiotified the--police department \Ved- nday of Iast week that a groupo boys were throwing tomatoes at auto- mobiles. passing along Sheridan road. Two. of the boys were arrested and taken before. Police Magistrate John J., Peters, who assessed fines of $25 ech. They are: Kenneth> Feiter, 21. of 7055 N. Clark street. Chic.1go, and Ben' Snyder, 19, of 725 Judson ave- titie, Evanstôh. The fines were ~s pended and the boys released under bond until Sattirday, at wbich tine they are to appear in court and pay for a pair of broken glasses, damagu to a woman's dress and"other loss s'us- tained because of their vandalism. The two refused to give the names of their omxpanions wvho escaped. BACK FROM COAST Robert Willis,, 1606 Forest avetîne. returned Monday from a sumner .-pent on the west coast, following bis ,graduation froni New Trier I-igh sehoo.l. He was in Tacomna, Wash, for two months working in. bis fa-- in ther's plant and visiting, and drove home by way of Sani Francisco -ith three young m'en from Chicago. Mliss Sarah Page, 901 Ashland ave- nute>, bas been'spendinig a wveek's va- cation ýat Austin, Min Hrsit, \[arion, left Tuesday of last week by boat for Muskegon, Michi., where s-he was met by Miss Betty Mulford of Wiiette whose guest she -%as to bat Gastle Park, Mich. SWEETJIEART E NSEMBLE consisting .1 the HOLLYWOOD SWEETHEART DOIt. Chosen as the most beadutif ut ANý EXTRA $1 D-RESS lu a glassine envelople and a CHILD'S NECÇKLACE. AND BRACELET a $4,95 value doi t ' 1935 44LL FOR~ $12-98, I Al t/,ls for $2.98! Isn't she beaulîful? She's 17 inches toit, has1 blue or brown eyes that open and shut, and curly blonde bair and lashes. Daintily dressed in a pink, blue or maize organdy;party dress with a muff to match. She 1bas sboes, stockngs and underwear, too. and an extra dress for play. Other NMvîe (laracter DORI in.iiiThis 8.1. A4 group of dolis each one of which wte-id deiight any tittie $2.98 PATSY Shes always à graot favorite *found Christmas fime. 5h.!, fully drosed end. 14. iSeps ali. girl. CAROL ANN BEERY Walace D..ry's 1101. girl is 0o- Miss Jane Engel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RudolPb P. Engel, 210 Dupee place, left yesterday for ber junior year at the University of Ill- inois. She will -assist, witlî rushing parties'before classes begin. WIEDOLDT'S-EVANSTON On Davis Street Wlimefte 1100