Evauston Business College NEW TERM. Intensive courses> in Stenography, SecetaialTraining, Typewriting and .911Comimercial -Branches,-Day end Evening C»urses. Catàlog s"nt on, requeat. 1718 Sherman Avnue Uni. 3004 SCIIOOL 0F .Sie'iwed for i-î,r is warf are, * .Thc hawk yives place f0 the dovc. The banner of peace is lii ted. O-vir the eart h it ziavcs; Its jnnriad stars are golden. Ifs slzen is the pozver that sazeS«.' Iii.his capacity of ürgaiist, as well as harmionist andl composer. 'Mr. Wright- S011 recently p1ayed the service of St. iAilgtiiiies Episcopal church ,,ii the temlporary absence of the regular or- ganlist. NIr.. a-id Mrs. James W. ýShedden have moôve( f rom. 1215, Ch estînut ave- i.ue fo ail apartmient ini Chicago. luiONS und- Evenlng Specialists in home furnishings for 68 years, the John' M. Smytb coin- pany,. located at 703 W. Madison street. bas been the largest concern of its kind in.Chicago for the last.50 years. The new Evanston store .vill be the first >branch the company *ias. ever miaintained. Robert'E. Bourke, architect asso-, ciated with, the firm of Mundlie and Jensen. Chicago, has been *retained to remodel and renovate the, building. A new front w11-1 be constructed in addition te other improvenients. The building whicb will bou*se the new branch is the property of Arthur E. Anderson, Chicago accountant and member of the Northwestertn univer- sity board of trustees, of which lie is a formerchimn Mr. Atndersoil ýwas re present'ed in the transaction by %IcKèllôgg and, McKellogg, Ch icago lawyers, white the law firmn tof Chap.- man and Cutter completed niegotia- tions for the, Smyth compýny.1. The only brolcer involved m-as tlwc Quinlan and Tvson Real Estate firni.. 1571 Sherman avenue. Evanston, which, was represented by R, H. Peterson. The building was originallv built. for the Patterson B3rothers p iano and electrical appliance store:' N. S. Boyr Wins Tennis .Laurels in Michigan, D.onald Stillmnin, 16 year old son 0f- NIr. and Mrs. Dewitt S. Stillîman, 1011 Asli street, Wnnetka, formerly ot *Keîiilworth, who with his parents lia> heen spending the summier at Luii,îig-, toun., iiwion numnerous prizes ini i th animal tennis tournamnent hield ini 1-Lndingtom last inonth.. Donald wop *the bovs' singies, m uIrnen' ~iugls. t~ juiorhe-nisoblsu ;thîe nen's doubles., The irizes vr awM'ar(le(l at a banquet held ini Luding- tont.. Auguist 22. Donald and Dewitt.' Jr.. renlaiile(lin Michigan over ao LEAVE FOR EAST 0o Miss Lucille Gucibranson of Ft., Lauderdale, Fia., formerly of Kenil- worth, was a guest last week of Miss Beve.rly Bouchard, 222 Oxford road, Kenilwortb. i A ýMODER'N EDUCATION for -,A MO0D E R'N WORLD Achievemene today demands a coilege educaion. le also demands te right iend of a collge éducation. Readbià books, aeending classes, passing .xaminations, pihing up credits, may or may sot b. Sood edu- cation. The yousg man or womn with hi. "eart o te grounl' chooses a coileje where present-dai problems are, part of te curriculum- where instruction as geared to modern conditons-where students, profit by every.day experience-wrhere work, play sad social sictivities ame "laboratories" or "workshops" related, eo classroom experience., Central College studenes live se home. Many work, ae lease, p art ie. They ail meet life. s firse hand-study reai situaios-learn how to apply .classroom prisciples to hfe problems. In short, ehey get se Central Coilegé a meder,, aducationfar a muq<Iern wo 9j*fB .rKS IWO Â'W3E >DLL SOIAL ACTIVITIES... MUSIC AND DRAMA ORGý SCIIOOL 0F LIBERAL ARTS-Day end Evening, (Cà-edcational) Liberi MesMusic BsnesAdminhisenion SIbove oursesleadiaf co A.B. ilegree> Adul ducaionCorePanay Eaern Smwester ilarts SePteraber 23 m w 1