Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1935, p. 42

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and iriende are urgeu iu un iii tLLOKainUiI and to lnvite others. who do flot have a chureh home elsewhere. Thée munie for the11ilo'clock worship service wilI 1e as follown: Orman, (10 :45)-"lAdagio Cantabile". (VI Symiphony) ............ Tschaikowsky "«Chorale and Prayer of Notre Daine" ...................... Boellmann Marie Briel Introit-"*Father. In Thy Mysterlous Présence '........Mattheva Anthem by the quartet-"ýAs Torrents ln Summer",........... ........ Elgar Offertory anthem-"The Path of Pray- er.................... Von.s Orgaii Postluda-«Toccatta" . Boelliann The church j!chool *111 reopen its doors next Bunday morning, September 8. It i. hoped that ail of 111e familiar faces wifl 1e present 'and many new names will be added to the roll. Thereare classes for al ages. from the nursery to the adult depanimnent. *The Pourth Quarterly Conf.rewe.wilJ) b. held Monday evening, September 9, at 8 0'celoek in the Junior room. Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, th1e district superin-' tendent, will preside. Ail members are urged to be prese nt, and the leads of. ail departments, and organizations are- asked 10 have written reports ready, 10 present. The election of our LAY Delegate to the Lay Eleetorai Conference will be held MWondaY evening, September 9. The choir willi meet. for its firit re hearsal this evenlng, September 5, at 8 o'clock ln th1e Junior room, under the direction of Miss Marie Briel. Ail mem-. bers are urged to be 'present and on time. The Woman's Missionary society Is jneeting Thursday, September 12, aI 1:30 *ool n the Woman's rom. Devo- tionz.: Mn. A. J. Nystrom. Installatioù of Offiers: Mrs. Daniel Steeker. "'Yes- terday." the firit look, at "Toward a ChrIstian Ameriea,, will be preoented by Mrs. George'.A., fower of Oak ,Park.- Ail women are lnvited.' ' The Woman's Aid societY ti. meeti]ig today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock.e There will be a General Aid business meeting and program. The, three Girl Scout troops and No ,church home on th1e nortn shore? direct charge ofthte activities Oi tnïs We ask yuu to consider St. John's. 'An attractive cliurch, a beautiful service, a office as part of his work as district <lospel message, and a cordial welcome. sales manager for the nortb shore territory. First Congregational Mr. Newhall bas been associated John G. Hindley, minister ýwith Baird and Warner for 6 years,ý Mornng orsip t 1. Te ator2- years of that. time as manlager of the Rev. John'G. Hindley, wîll oedupiy the' Glen!Coe office., He topped. the hie pulpfit for the firot timo'sinice vaca- organization . in. subirban sales .i tion. ,flus' sermon- subject Sunday ls 1934. Mr. Newhall is a native of~ -The: Renewai of .Faith. The foîîowing program not music wîll Glencoe and resides with Mrs. New- be given: hall and their. daughter at. 499 jef - Prélude 'ITho Nave".. ......... Mulet fersôii street, Glencoe.. a grad- Postiude-Allegrci fromn Fourth Concerto ............Handel uate of 'Cornelil. Vocl S1o~uMrnng ymn Hnqeel William 1H. Johnson, jr.. Who bas .O Leah M 0Iord" ..... Giordani beeni in charge of the Kenilworth of- Solois-Carman Learn fice, bas been appointed district sales' Organlst-Emily 'Roberts manager for the Evanstôn office. 9:30 a. m.--Churech sehool. Reassembly The growing activity of real estate, and registration. The, new director of on the north shore.. wbich bas been religious education, Miss Vera E. Sehweitzer, wili be introduced, previously reported by Baird anîd Warner, bas miade necessary, the- the Senior and Junior choirs wil opening of this enlarged1 and more resume rehearsals next week. Thé ;-fll>j W=?IlJ~V Mt.1It Thnmu'rav. . conveîiently located office. tember 12, at 7:15 p. i,' ,; the Junior oboirs Thursday. September 12, at 3:30 1). m. and Saturday, Septembor 14, at 10:30 a. Mi. Crescent circle wîllI hold an aftemnoon meeting Tuesday, September 10~ at the ""miie of Mrs. A. T. CaikIns, 40 ighth The openingr meeting of the Guild willl -keplace Friday, September 13, at th1e home o f Mrs. E. L. Scheldenheim, 704 Lake avenue. Our ladies are asked to reserve the date. Cub pack 63 willi have the first meeting of the fal season Saturday, September 7. nt 9 :30 a. mi. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett. miister *The services of the ehurch will b. re- sumed Sun day, September S. The church service la at il l'clock. Acordial1.Invitation is extended to those not attending church elsewhere té. come. and .worýship with us. This lsaa uniôn church. Its -memnbemship nlcludes peoiefe arlous, denomîna tions. :It pýrolaimIs11eessential 'truths of 1the Chîtinfali.1 esîres 10provIde for the commiunity the service of worship, religious, education and social fellowsbip. The Sunday school will ineet at 9:45 a. m. T1here are classes for cbildren be- twéen th1e ages of 111. khndergarten and 1 Winnetka is accessible 10 the' en- tire north shore, and residents of these nortb shore communities arce invited bo visit this office at any lime an.d acquaint thernselves. with the facilities offered. 5Minor Blazes CIaixn Attention of Firemen The Wilmette Fire depanîment respoiided to five caîls in the week ending Tuesday, September 3. Al of the ires 'extinguished were of ininor cofisequeilce. On Wednesday of last week the ire- men miade a run to 1051 Ramena road to extinguish an electnic motor blaze. There was no damage from the ire, except to the motor. Two prairie fires claimed the attený- tion of the iremen last Thursday.. One occurred aI 228Iroquois road and. another less tban- a block away at 2403 Iroquois road. On Saturday an oil burner blaze ini a nesidence at 1204' Ashland avenue resulted in a ire alarm. No, damage was done by the ire. tor the. year el The American Légion. Auxiliary Unit 46 will bold . its regular meeting at the Wilmette -M asopic temple Mon-r day evenin g, 'September 9, at 8:15. The Juniors will give a play entitled *"Naturalization." This is the last meeting of our year and we urge everybody to be présent.. Platt FaxniIy Returna Prom Vocation in West Village Manager a nd Mrs.,, Boyne H. Platt. and their> two sons Tom and Donald returned Sunday f rom a vacation tnip'on which tbey, covered .400 miles. Their first objective was Kemmerer Wyo. wberè theyý attend- ed a family réunion. Mr. Platt's parents residents of Los Angeles, w,%ere also in attendance. at the ne- union and the two families traveled together te the coast city. M1any 1points of iftteregt ini California were %'.hted among them the fair at Sali D)iego. The neturn jounney was nmade !lirough Arizona. Ný,ew Mexico and ('ol)orado. taking in Boulder, damn and otiier points. Mr. Platt greW to man- 1hod in southeastern New Mexico. and bad the pleasure of driving over î:±any familiar roads. At Gallup. New Mexico, the party viewed the: iîîtertribal Indian céremonies. which attract thousands of Indians froni al parts of tbe soijthwest. EASTER LILIES IN BLOOM lEarly fall is not usually the season for Easter Miles, but Ratnay's fiorist at 1199 Wihnette avenue. has, neyer- theless, several Easter lily plants in full bloom. Mr. Ratnay in.vites flowet loyers to view the sight, and further* states that he wl1 be glad to explain the pheniomenon. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Eisem- bauer of Nortbbroolc announce the: birth of their first cbild, a son, Ron- ald Georgfe, Wednesday, Augu-st 7, The $unlor Walther league will' meet Earl C. Carlson will act- under its new ofilcers on Friday at pervisor, with the coopg 8 p. m. Ail our Young people of hîgli Board of Religous Educ school age are Invlted 10 Join. ber of new teachers hav4 and neyeralIinterestlng ne The voting menibers of the congrega- ly publis3hed. There la a Ucue will resumne their monthly meetings one and th1e parents are iy oen Insy evenihg at S o'clock. The the Aduit clans,. ot' wl 'or leery terest are now reau. lecome toi meet on iTuesday evening, orge B. et th1e church. womnan's Mrs. Katherine Felke of Cicago, f Mrs. H- formerly of Wilmette. en Prlday :30. The 0 hlevlng." Miss Dorothy Kline bas returned vital In- 10 ber home in Minneapolis following tru stees * t i h . h r g a d th r M s , irniier 10, ýa visitwt e rnmteMs Edward Mendsen, 531 Eighth . street. m

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